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Global bifurcations in a Laser with injected signal: Beyond Adler's approximation
Air temperature triggers the recovery of evergreen boreal forest photosynthesis in spring
The timing of the commencement of photosynthesis (P-*) in spring is an important determinant of growing-season length and thus of the productivity of boreal forests. Although controlled experiments have shed light on environmental mechanisms triggering release from photoinhibition after winter, quantitative research for trees growing naturally in the field is scarce. In this study, we investigated
Emergency obstetric care: Impact on emerging issues
Access to Emergency obstetric care (EmOC) remains a challenge for women. This paper presents a summary of issues and suggestions from one of the working groups at the FIGO precongress workshop on access of sexual and reproductive health care in November, 2006, in Kuala Lumpur.
Socio-economic factors and health care system characteristics related to cancer survival in the elderly. A population-based analysis in 16 European countries (ELDCARE project)
The ELDCARE study aims to investigate, at the ecological level, the relationships between socio-economic variables and cancer survival in patients aged 65 years and over. Survival data for patients diagnosed during the period 1985-1989 and followed up to 1994 were provided by 43 European Cancer Registries in 16 countries participating in the EUROCARE 2 project. Relative survival was computed by Ha
Cross-absorptions for optimal sero-diagnosis of H. pylori and enterohepatic Helicobacter infections
Abnormal melatonin synthesis in autism spectrum disorders
Melatonin is produced in the dark by the pineal gland and is a key regulator of circadian and seasonal rhythms. A low melatonin level was reported in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but the underlying cause of this deficit was unknown. The ASMT gene, encoding the last enzyme of melatonin synthesis, is located on the pseudo-autosomal region 1 of the sex chromosomes, deleted in sev
Older people's views on how to finance increasing health-care costs
The aims of this paper are to investigate both older people's views about ways In which to finance health-care costs and their willingness to pay for treatment themselves, along with variations in these views by age and gender. The data are from the Good Ageing in Sk (a) over circle ne (GAS) prospective longitudinal cohort study in Sweden, which involved medical examinations and a survey of living
Novel mechanisms of the regulation of Protein kinase B in adipocytes; implications for Protein kinase A, Epac, Phosphodiesterases 3 and 4.
Crosstalk between insulin and cAMP signalling pathways has a great impact on adipocyte metabolism. Whilst Protein kinase B (PKB) is a pivotal mediator of insulin action, in some cells regulation of PKB by cAMP has also been demonstrated. Here we provide evidence that, in a phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase dependent manner, beta 3-adrenergic stimulation (using CL316243) in adipocytes induces PKB phos
Orbital entanglement in mesoscopic conductors
We present an investigation of orbital entanglement in mesoscopic conductors. Several schemes for generation of orbital entanglement are discussed, such as normal-superconducting, electron-hole and dynamic orbital entanglers. The generated, orbitally entangled state is investigated with the focus on the state emitted in an electronic analog of the optical Hanbury Brown Twiss experiment. The one an
The secret of the transmission of the unwritten Jesus tradition
Gospel research has drawn upon studies of folklore from time to time. An initial impetus from J. G. Herder was followed up by the work of the form critics. More recently, W. H. Kelber introduced to the debate a model based on modern folklore studies and linguistic theory known as 'oral culture' or 'orality'. He stressed the differences between oral ways of thinking, speaking, and transmitting trad
The geometric design of micromachined silicon sieve electrodes influences functional nerve regeneration
A neural interface could be used to control a limb prosthesis. Such an interface can be created by facilitating axonal regeneration through a sieve electrode and then register nerve signals intended to control the prosthesis. A key question is how to design the electrodes to ensure the best possible regeneration. Our previous studies have indicated that regeneration can be achieved using electrode
g-factor and exchange energy in a few-electron lateral InGaAs quantum dot
We report on the measurements of the g-factor and the exchange Interaction of electrons in a few-electron lateral quantum dot formed in an InGaAs/InP semiconductor heterostructure. The spin filling sequence of the electron states in the dot is determined by magnetotransport measurements and parallel spin filling configurations are Identified The measured g-factor (for a magnetic field applied para
Sociodemographic and clinical factors related to devaluation/discrimination and rejection experiences among users of mental health services.
Background A major goal in mental health research and policy is to identify ways to reduce stigma among persons with mental illness. Aims The aims of the present study were to (1) investigate the prevalence of rejection and devaluation/discrimination in a cross-sectional sample of 200 individuals with experiences of mental illness and (2) investigate the relationship between sociodemographic and c
Associations of genotypes at the apolipoprotein AI-CIII-AIV, apolipoprotein B and lipoprotein lipase gene loci with coronary atherosclerosis and high density lipoprotein subclasses
Association studies were carried out in a sample of 86 patients from Sweden who had survived a myocardial infarction (MI) at a young age and 93 age-matched healthy individuals, to compare the impact of polymorphisms at the apolipoprotein (apo) AI-CIII-AIV gene cluster on among-individual differences in plasma lipid and lipoprotein traits, the five high density lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses (2b to 3
Periarticular tissue levels of cytokine- and endothelin-1-like immunoreactivity during the course of antigen-induced arthritis in the rat
OBJECTIVE AND DESIGN: To correlate the changes in periarticular tissue levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and endothelin-1 (ET-1) to local pathophysiology in rats with antigen-induced arthritis (AIA). MATERIALS: The periarticular soft tissue was excised from sixty-six rats at different stages of AIA. METHODS: The samples were homogenized and the levels of immune like (LI) reactivities were deter
Lipolytic enzymes and plasma lipoprotein metabolism
Decreased glutathione transferase levels in rd1/rd1 mouse retina: Replenishment protects photoreceptors in retinal explants.
Currently much attention is focused on glutathione S transferase (GST)-induced suppression of apoptosis. The objective of our studies was therefore to see if GST isoenzymes rescue photoreceptors in retinal explants from rd1/rd1 mice, in which photoreceptors degenerate rapidly. Eyes from C3H rd1/rd1 and +/+ mice were collected at various time points between postnatal day (PN) 2 and PN28. Localizati
A chiral biselectrophile for efficient asymmetric synthesis in water
The development of an efficient asymmetric dihydroxylation of 1,6-dibromodiene afforded a chiral biselectrophilic diol that displayed highly useful reactivity in water, as demonstrated by a three-step, two-pot asymmetric synthesis of a highly functionalized tetrahydrofuran.
Polarization transfer in the He-4((e)over-right-arrow,e '(p)over-right-arrow)H-3 reaction up to Q(2)=2.6 (GeV/c)(2)
We have measured the proton recoil polarization in the He-4((e) over right arrow ,e(')(p) over right arrow)H-4 reaction at Q(2)=0.5, 1.0, 1.6, and 2.6 (GeV/c)(2). The measured ratio of polarization transfer coefficients differs from a fully relativistic calculation, favoring the inclusion of a medium modification of the proton form factors predicted by a quark-meson coupling model. In addition, th