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Från guldmyntfot till inflationsmål – svensk stabiliseringspolitik under det 20:e seklet

Under 1900-talet har målen, medlen, institutionerna samt strategin för penning- och finanspolitiken befunnit sig i ständig omvandling, främst orsakad av djupa ekonomiska kriser. Detta mönster antyder att även 2000-talet kommer att se fundamentala omprövningar i stabiliseringspolitiken när framtidens kriser träffar svensk ekonomi. 1900-talets stabiliseringspolitik har dominerats av guldmyntfoten me

Policies for a Circular Economy

Key Messages:•The realisation of a Circular Economy will require first and foremost new business models•‘Circular’ business models will usually require policy support in order to scale up due to the barriers they encounter•Policy interventions include both traditional and non-traditional approaches•More research is needed to examine what policy interventions ‘circular’ businesses need in order to

Identifying representative case studies for ecosystem services mapping and assessment across Europe

A key task in the ESMERALDA project dealt with identifying appropriate case studies to test the ‘flexible methodology’ in its different stages of development. Case studies consist of working examples in which mapping and assessment of ecosystem services were applied to address specific decision-making problems. Testing is understood as an iterative process of co-learning that involves project part

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The article discusses the difficulties that faces children in Hadhramout -Yemen during the civil war. While the politicians and the other elites concentrate to fight terrorism and armed groups they ignore the needs of children, woman, and other marginalized groups.

Analysis of the genetically tractable crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis reveals the organisation of a sensory system for low-resolution vision

Background: Arthropod eyes have diversified during evolution to serve multiple needs, such as finding mates, hunting prey and navigating in complex surroundings under varying light conditions. This diversity is reflected in the optical apparatus, photoreceptors and neural circuits that underpin vision. Yet our ability to genetically manipulate the visual system to investigate its function is large

Karin Kock 1891-1976

Det finns många ”första” knutna till Karin Kock. Hon var den första kvinnan som gjorde karriär som akademisk nationalekonom, blev docent i nationalekonomi, fick professors namn i nationalekonomi, utnämndes till statsråd och till chef för en större statlig myndighet. Hon var en hårt arbetande och framgångsrik pionjär i den manliga värld som national- ekonomi och ekonomisk politik utgjorde. Hon röjd

Assessing nature-based recreation to support urban green infrastructure planning in Trento (Italy)

Nature-based recreation is among the most relevant ecosystem services supplied by urban green infrastructure, affecting citizens' physical and mental wellbeing. Providing adequate green spaces for nature-based recreation is among the main goals of urban planning, but commonly-used indicators offer a partial view on the issue. Innovative methods and approaches, such as the ESTIMAP-recreation model,

Mapping and assessing ecosystem services to support urban planning : A case study on brownfield regeneration in Trento, Italy

This study explores the use of ecosystem service (ES) knowledge to support urban planning in the assessment of future scenarios. The case study concerns the prioritszation of brownfield regeneration interventions in the city of Trento (Italy). Alternative planning scenarios considering the conversion of existing brownfields into new urban parks are assessed and compared. The assessment focuses on

Experimental investigation on heat transfer characteristics of various nanofluids in an indoor electric heater

Heat transfer characteristics of an electric heater were experimentally investigated by using various fluids in this paper, including Cu-EGW (a mixture of ethylene glycol and DI-water), Al2O3-EGW, Fe3O4-EGW nanofluids. A 4:6 mixture of ethylene glycol and deionized water was used as the base liquid. All these nanofluids were prepared by ultrasonic treatment, and nanoparticle mass concentration of

Over-rich combustion of CH4, C2H6, and C3H8 +air premixed flames investigated by the heat flux method and kinetic modeling

An uncommon non-monotonic behavior of the temperature dependence of adiabatic laminar burning velocity has been found in over-rich methane+air flames at equivalence ratio, ϕ = 1.4. To find out the universality and reasons of this turning point, methane, ethane and propane + air flames are studied both experimentally by the heat flux method and numerically using GRI-mech, USC-mech, UCSD-mech, FFCM

Delta-6-desaturase and delta-5-desaturase in human Hep G2 cells are both fatty acid interconversion rate limiting and are upregulated under essential fatty acid deficient conditions

Essential fatty acids are interconverted by desaturases and elongases to eicosanoid precursors. In essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD) an increased hepatic interconversion of linoleic acid (18:2) to arachidonic acid (20:4n-6) has been demonstrated in vivo. We now cultured Hep G2 cells under EFAD conditions. 20:3n-6 appeared in EFAD cells, but also in controls. After adding 14C-18:2 to the mediu

The world is not a field : An interview with Michèle Lamont

In this interview, Michèle Lamont discusses her intellectual trajectory in relation to other sociologists and research fields. The starting point is her relationship to Bourdieu’s field theory in 1980s Paris. She describes how her empirically grounded work developed as a critique of Bourdieu’s oeuvre yet draws heavily on it. A common thread in her work is a focus on social and symbolic boundaries In this interview, Michèle Lamont discusses her intellectual trajectory in relation to other sociologists and research fields. The starting point is her relationship to Bourdieu’s field theory in 1980s Paris. She describes how her empirically grounded work developed as a critique of Bourdieu’s oeuvre yet draws heavily on it. A common thread in her work is a focus on social and symbolic boundaries