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Your search for "*" yielded 532707 hits

The 2-10 keV unabsorbed luminosity function of AGN from the LSS, CDFS, and COSMOS surveys

The XMM-Large scale structure (XMM-LSS), XMM-Cosmological evolution survey (XMM-COSMOS), and XMM-Chandra deep field south (XMM-CDFS) surveys are complementary in terms of sky coverage and depth. Together, they form a clean sample with the least possible variance in instrument effective areas and point spread function. Therefore this is one of the best samples available to determine the 2-10 keV lu

Altered regulatory T cell phenotype in latent autoimmune diabetes of the adults (LADA)

Latent autoimmune diabetes of the adults (LADA) accounts for up to 12% of all patients with diabetes. Initially the disease resembles type 2 diabetes (T2D); however, the typical presence of β cell autoantibodies indicates an autoimmune basis of LADA. While dysfunctional regulatory T cells (Tregs) have been implicated in autoimmune diabetes, these cells have been scarcely studied in LADA. The aim o

Population genetics of the Malmö polymorphism of coagulation factor IX

The distribution of 1.198 Malmö alleles was examined in 822 men from 16 indigenous populations and 188 women from 7 of the ethnic groups. Subjects were from several European countries, the Mediterranean, East Asia, and the USA (Anglo- and African-Americans). The frequencies of the rarer (Malmö B) allele were approximately equal across Europe, the highest frequencies (0.36) being in the French and

The effects of physicochemical wastewater treatment operations on forward osmosis

Raw municipal wastewater from a full-scale wastewater treatment plant was physicochemically pretreated in a large pilot-scale system comprising coagulation, flocculation, microsieve and microfiltration operated in various configurations. The produced microsieve filtrates and microfiltration permeates were then concentrated using forward osmosis (FO). Aquaporin InsideTM FO membranes were used for b

Association between sucrose intake and acute coronary event risk and effect modification by lifestyle factors : Malmö Diet and Cancer Cohort Study

Previous studies have suggested that a high intake of sugar-sweetened beverages is positively associated with the risk of a coronary event. However, a few studies have examined the association between sucrose (the most common extrinsic sugar in Sweden) and incident coronary events. The objective of the present study was to examine the associations between sucrose intake and coronary event risk and

Complexes of PEO-PPO-PEO triblock copolymer P123 and bile salt sodium glycodeoxycholate in aqueous solution : A small angle X-ray and neutron scattering investigation

Small angle X-ray (SAXS) and neutron scattering techniques were combined to study mixed complexes formed between micelles of the nonionic amphiphilic PEO-PPO-PEO copolymer (P123) and the anionic bile salt (NaGDC) in aqueous solution. The purpose was to investigate the structural parameters of the charged complexes, such as size and internal structure, as well as their interparticle interactions in

Swedish GDP 1300-1560 : A Tentative Estimate

This study presents a reconstruction of historical national accounts for Sweden 1300-1560. The source material for this period is very scanty and, therefore, many estimates and approximations were necessary. For agriculture the so called demand approach was used, implying utilization of price series and assumptions on price, income and cross elasticities. Furthermore, population figures had to be

The XXL Survey : VI. the 1000 brightest X-ray point sources

Context. X-ray extragalactic surveys are ideal laboratories for the study of the evolution and clustering of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Usually, a combination of deep and wide surveys is necessary to create a complete picture of the population. Deep X-ray surveys provide the faint population at high redshift, while wide surveys provide the rare bright sources. Nevertheless, very wide area surve

Spatial variation in climate mediates gene flow across an island archipelago

High levels of gene flow among partially isolated populations can overwhelm selection and limit local adaptation. This process, known as “gene swamping,” can homogenize genetic diversity among populations and reduce the capacity of a species to withstand rapid environmental change. We studied brown anole lizards (Anolis sagrei) distributed across seven islands in The Bahamas. We used microsatellit

Molcas: a program package for computational chemistry.

The program system MOLCAS is a package for calculations of electronic and structural properties of molecular systems in gas, liquid, or solid phase. It contains a number of modern quantum chemical methods for studies of the electronic structure in ground and excited electronic states. A macromolecular environment can be modeled by a combination of quantum chemistry and molecular mechanics. It is f

Stimulated emission depletion microscopy for super-resolution optical DNA mapping

Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is one of the most fundamental molecules of life as it encodes the basic structure of every living entity, including us. Not only is DNA responsible for precisely describing every single aspect that makes us, it also directly affects the world around us. Indeed, unlocking the genetic code embedded in DNA already enabled us to create new diagnostics that allow us to det

Analytical, experimental and computational investigation of the influence of stoichiometric mixture fraction on structure and extinction of laminar, nonpremixed methane flames and ethane flames

Fundamental studies on combustion in laminar, nonpremixed flames are often carried out using conserved scalar quantities. These conserved scalar quantities, represented here by mixture fraction, E, are used as independent variables in activation-energy asymptotic analysis and in rate-ratio asymptotic analysis. These analyses are carried out in the asymptotic limit of large Damköhler number, with c

Origin of mutation in sporadic cases of haemophilia-B

Of the 45 haemophilia-B patients registered at the haemophilia centre in Malmo, Sweden, 24 are the sole members of their families to be affected, and in 13 of these 24 cases, ascendant relatives are available for study. Detection of the gene defect showed the mutation to be de novo in the proband in 3 of these 13 cases, and inherited from a carrier mother in the remaining 10 cases. All 10 carrier

Origin of mutation in sporadic cases of haemophilia A

The aim of this study was to define the origin of mutation in sporadic cases of severe haemophilia A. The series was composed of 31 families with sporadic severe haemophilia A in the geographical catchment area of the Malmo haemophilia centre. The mutation was characterized in 29/31 families: inversion type 1 (n = 11), inversion type 2 (n = 3), other inversion (n= 1), small or partial deletion (n

Multimodal interaction in the insect brain

BackgroundThe magnitude of multimodal enhancement in the brain is believed to depend on the stimulus intensity and timing. Such an effect has been found in many species, but has not been previously investigated in insects.ResultsWe investigated the responses to multimodal stimuli consisting of an odour and a colour in the antennal lobe and mushroom body of the moth Manduca sexta. The mushroom body