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Vad är en naturupplevelse?

Naturen för mig. Nutida röster och kulturella perspektiv är en bok som behandlar människors vardagliga förhållningssätt till naturen i vår egen tid. Boken handlar om naturen utifrån kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv och sätter människan i centrum. De erfarenheter, tankar och berättelser som boken bygger på, vittnar om att detta ämne för många är stort och svårgripbart. Till stor del bygger boken på

The Social Construction of Diversity: Recasting the Master Narrative of Industrial Nations

Though the composition of the populace of industrial nations has changed dramatically since the 1950s, public discourse and scholarship, however, often remain welded to traditional concepts of national cultures, ignoring the multicultural realities of most of today's western societies. Through detailed studies, this volume shows how the diversity affects the personal lives of individuals, how it s

Religion och ideologi

Kapitlet behandlar religionen i det västerländska samhället från medeltiden och fram till idag och belyser såväl religiösa som kulturella och ideologiska aspekter. Fokus ligger på kristendomen men jämförelser görs också med andra religioner, främst då islam.

A Grammar of Makalero : A Papuan Language of East Timor

This work is the first comprehensive description of Makalero, a language spoken by approximately 6,500 speakers in the Iliomar subdistrict, in the south-east of the Republic of East Timor. While previous sources considered it to be a dialect of the larger language Makasae, the present study, which is based on primary data gathered by the author during fieldwork in East Timor, notes sufficient gram

Fåmansaktiebolag : en skatterättslig studie av alternativen särreglering och allmän reglering för beskattning av fåmansaktiebolag och dess ägare m.fl.

Popular Abstract in Swedish En undersökning av alternativen särreglering allmän reglering för beskattning av fåmansaktiebolag och dess delägare m.fl. En jämförelse sker med dansk rätt som i princip saknar särregler för fåmansaktiebolag eller motsvarande. Mot bakgrund av undersökningen analyseras behovet av särregler.The purpose of this dissertation is to examine whether special taxation rules for close companies and their owners are necessary, or that taxation in accordance with the general principles of income taxation will suffice. The principles of statutory interpretation of the Supreme Administrative Court and development trends in this area are described. These trends are then examined in relation to th

Link capacity dimensioning and path optimization for networks supporting elastic services

We consider the problem of link capacity dimensioning and routing optimization in networks that support elastic flows and maintain proportional fairness among these flows. We assume that each demand between the origin-destination (O-D) pairs is associated with a minimum and a maximum bandwidth requirement and that a certain allocated bandwidth to a user demand (which must be between these minimum

On the Effects of Institutional Arrangements for Innovation in Clusters - A comparative case study of sugar clusters in São Paulo, the North East of Brazil and Cuba.

This thesis explores the effects of institutional arrangements for innovation in clusters. Clusters have become one of the most popular concepts in innovation policy studies in recent years. They have been ascribed as places with structures that reduce transaction costs, and enable innovation processes due to the prevalence of different types of externalities. The focus of this dissertation is on

Isotope-Selective Spectroscopy: Fast Timing R&D and fp-Shell Mirror Isomers

This thesis highlights the research and development of a new plastic-scintillator detector for time-of-flight measurements in relativistic heavy-ion beam experiments. The detector makes possible the identification of different ion species on flight distances as short as a few meters. The novelty lies in the design approach of using many moderately fast, independent measurements of every physical e

Advances in Stellar Astrophysics from Laboratory Spectroscopy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Om man betraktar ljuset fran en varm gas ser man att det har en viss färg som är beroende gasens kemiska sammansättning. Består gasen av endast ett ämne kan man genom att detaljstudera ljuset erhålla information som är specifik för just detta grundämnet. For varje grundämne finns ett mönster av spektrallinjer som bygger upp ämnets spektrum. Om spektrumen for många ämnenInvestigation of astrophysical plasmas, such as stellar atmospheres, require both knowledge of atomic structure and data. We present laboratory instruments, techniques and tools for acquisition of the data required to derive important atomic parameters such as, wavelengths, oscillator strengths and line profiles. In this thesis new atomic data for advancement of stellar atmosphere analysis are pre