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Your search for "*" yielded 533668 hits

Procurement Performance Measurement System

The procurement process can be defined as all the activities required in getting a product or a service from the supplier to a final destination. It encompasses the purchasing function, storing, transportation and manages the relations between suppliers and internal customers. It is a cyclical process involving the following activities: analysis, planning, implementation, and measurement. The perf

Optimized IP-based vs. explicit paths for one-to-one backup in MPLS fast reroute

Primary and backup paths in MPLS fast reroute (FRR) may be established as shortest paths according to the administrative link costs of the IP control plane, or as explicitly calculated arbitrary paths. In both cases, the path layout can be optimized so that the maximum link utilization for a set of considered failure scenarios is minimized. In this paper, we propose a linear program for the optimi

Solvärme i Augustenborg

Malmö Stad Stadsfastigheter is planning to set up solar collectors in the town district of Augustenborg in Malmo. The purpose of this report, Solar system in Augustenborg – a preliminary study, is to supply a foundation for the employer Malmö Stad Stadsfastigheter, as a guide to how the solar collector project should be implemented. The report describes how solar systems work and how heat can be e

Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Combining Biological Processes and Advanced Oxidation

Popular Abstract in English Colors have always been part of human life and culture. Today natural pigments have been substituted by synthetic dyes that usually end up threatening nature itself by polluting the environment. To what extent can we use chemistry and biology to minimize the environmental impact of the textile industry? During the dyeing process a certain amount of dye, 2 to 50 percent,Treatment of textile wastewater is challenging because the water contains toxic compounds that have low biodegradability. Dyes, detergents, surfactants, biocides and more are used to improve the textile process and to make the clothes resistant to physical, chemical and biological agents. New technologies have been developed in the last decades and in particular Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)

Mainstreaming the alternative: Changing Media Strategies of Protest Movements

Combining a theoretical discussion of the inherent paradoxes in the celebration of new media technology as a source of democratisation and empowerment of civic cultures with an empirical focus aimed at the changing communicative manifests of mediated political protest, this paper analyses two cases of media strategies in protest movements: 1) A series of civil disobedience actions and mobilisation

Remissvar: till betänkande Ds 2007:19, Civilrättsliga sanktioner på immaterialrättens område – genomförande av direktiv 2004/48/EG

Direktiv 2004/48/EG innebär ett genomförande av TRIPS avtalets regler om civilrättsliga sanktioner. Det förefaller inte uteslutet att de upphovsrättsliga organisationerna (existerande eller nyinrättade) kan komma att utnyttja en sålunda skärpt lagstiftning till att aktivt driva frågor mot enskilda unga ”fildelare” och ”nedladdare” runt om i landet. Som promemorian anger är det enkelt att faststäl

Tools for Improved Performance in the Supply Chain - Experiences from a Software Development Project

This thesis deals with tools for operational improvement of supply chain performance. The work was aimed at providing knowledge for supply chain developers and practitioners, and identifying and developing tools for improved performance in a supply chain. The investigation was part of a project financed by the European Commission called "Industrial Supply Chain Optimizer" (ISCO). The thesis consis

Energi- och Miljörenovering av miljonprogramshus - Backa Röd i Göteborg

I Sverige finns ett stort bostadsbestånd som står inför ombyggnad. Miljonprogrammets bostäder är över 40 år gamla och behöver rustas upp. Det är angeläget att denna upprustning utformas på ett sådant sätt att husen byggs om till energieffektiva byggnader med låga framtida drifts- och uppvärmningskostnader och med låg miljöpåverkan under hela livscykeln. Det är i sammanhanget viktigt att energieffe

Culturally queer, silenced in school? Children with LGBTQ parents, and the everyday politics of/in community and school

Children with lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and/or queer (LGBTQ) parents have received heightened attention during the processes of policy making regarding adoption and donor insemination legislation in Sweden during the 1990s and early 2000s. Yet, very little academic knowledge exists about children and young people in LGBTQ families and their experiences in schools. We engage the idea of "cultu