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Living with males : benefits and costs to females of resident males in Colobus vellerosus
Only in primates is permanent male-female association the most widespread social structure of all. The continuous presence of resident males in the social group can have significant impacts on female fitness, both in forms of costs and benefits. In this study I investigate particular short-term benefits and costs of resident males to females in a population of ursine colobus (Colobus vellerosus).
Urban space for children on the move
Urban landscapes, structures and design features are associated with travel mode choice and have implications for sustainable living environments. The particular role of the built environment for children’s independent active mobility has received increasing attention in research and practice. However, the complexity of the transactions between person and environment needs to be understood with sp
Elder law and its subject : The contextualised ageing individual
Elder law is often approached in terms of a 'body' of law. In this article, I argue for a contextualised and externalised perspective on the ageing individual as the subject of elder law. Elder law relates to the implications of law as an institutionalisation of society seen through the lens of older persons. The aged subject is a contested and differentiated social construct to be studied in rela
Subject Float, Low Subject Trapping, and Case in Icelandic
This article describes and discusses two peculiar sets of (in)defi nitenessfacts applying to subjects in Icelandic, here referred to as Subject Floatand Low Subject Trapping. Indefi nite subjects (commonly quantifi ed) inpresentational sentences and related clause types may either occupy thecomplement position within the predicate phrase or “fl oat” into variouspositions in the middle fi eld. This
Frequent false-negative FIP1L1-PDGFRA FISH analyses of bone marrow samples from clonal eosinophilia at diagnosis
Impact of Multiple Myocardial Scars Detected by CMR in Patients Following STEMI
Objectives: This study investigated the incidence and long-term prognostic importance of multiple myocardial scars in cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) in a large contemporary cohort of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Background: Patients presenting with STEMI may have multiple infarctions/scars caused by multiple culprit lesions, previous myocardial infarction (MI
1800-talsmöte i Uppsala
Rapport från konsthistorikermöte angående nordisk 1800-talsforskning.
The Cost of Non-Europe in the Area of Legal Migration, at the request of the European Added Value Unit of the Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value within the Directorate General for Parliamentary Research Services, European Parliament
A somewhat ambivalent relation to religion
Geographies of fear – visitors’ perceptions of safety in urban destinations
Countering fear and promoting experiences of security and safety among visitors are key issues in creating socially sustainable urban destinations. Security branding is a growing place branding paradigm through which to enhance experiences and perceptions of safety in cities, nations and regions (Coaffee and Van Ham, 2008; Coaffee and Rogers, 2008; Avraham and Ketter, 2008). This paper discusses h
On the interaction between wort protein and iso-humulone : A study of surface rheology, interfacial structures and particle formation with the relevance to beer foam
Beer is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Foam is a unique characteristic of beer, contributing to mouthfeelings and visual perceptions. Therefore, it would be worthwhile to study the solution and interfacial properties ofbeer and assess them with regards to foam.The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the main foam-promoting components of beer in terms of solution,interfacial prope
Smokeless tobacco, snus, at admission for percutaneous coronary intervention and future risk for cardiac events
Objective To assess the risk of future death and cardiac events following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients using smokeless tobacco, snus, compared with patients not using snus at admission for a first PCI. Methods The Swedish Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry is a prospective registry on coronary diagnostic procedures and interventions. A total of 74 958 patients ad
The δ13C chemostratigraphy of Ordovician global stage stratotypes : geochemical data from the Floian and Sandbian GSSPs in Sweden
The δ13C chemostratigraphy of five of the seven Ordovician global stages has been published previously but no such data have been available from the Floian GSSP and most of the Sandbian GSSP in Sweden. This lack of information has now been remedied by isotope data obtained from series of closely spaced shale samples collected from the Floian stratotype at Diabasbrottet in Västergötland and the San
The mining sectors in Chile and Norway from approximately 1870 to 1940: : the development of a knowledge gap
Field investigation of winter thermo‐ and hydrodynamics in a small Karelian lake
During late winter (18 March–7 April 1994), temperature and current measurements were made in Lake Vendyurskoe, Russia, including three surveys at six cross sections of the lake. Also, the temperature profile evolution was registered with two thermistor chains at two stations (bottom depths of 7.6 and 11.5 m) until the time of ice breakup. Temperature gradients were measured just below the ice cov
Maize phenology alters the distribution of enzyme activities in soil : Field estimates
Microbial processes mediated by soil enzymes are crucial in soil organic matter decomposition, resulting in release of nutrients that become available for plant and microbial uptake. Therefore, it is crucial to know the sensitivity of enzyme activities (EA) along soil depths at distinct plant vegetation stages, and how the availability of mineral nitrogen (N) alters EA. We studied effects of N fer
Reservoir computing for extraction of low amplitude atrial activity in atrial fibrillation
A novel method for QRST cancellation during atrial fibrillation (AF) is introduced for use in recordings with two or more leads. The method is based on an echo state neural network (ESN) which estimates the time-varying, nonlinear transfer function between two leads, one lead with atrial activity and another lead without, for the purpose of canceling ventricular activity. The performance is evalua