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Gastrointestinal stromalcellstumör

GIST tillhör de mer lågfrekventa gastrointestinala tumörerna men de flesta sjukhus har något eller några fall årligen. Terapin sker ofta av, eller i samråd med, regionala sarkomteam. Underläkare Ardavan Khoshnood, Lund, ger en översikt av sjukdomen och dess terapi.GIST belongs to the more low-frequency gastrointestinal tumors, but most hospitals have a few cases each year. The diagnosis and treatment is often conducted by or in consultation with the regional sarcoma team. Junior physician Ardavan Khoshnood, Lund, provides an overview of the disease and its therapy.

Free Clusters Studied by Synchrotron-Based X-ray Spectroscopy: From Rare Gases to Metals

The main topic of this Thesis is the x-ray spectroscopic studies of free nano-clusters with size more than 10^3 atoms. The photoelectron spectroscopy experiments on rare gas and metal clusters were performed at beamline I411 at MAX-lab National Swedish synchrotron radiation facility. Free rare-gas clusters are simplest objects in cluster research. However their electronic structure springs a lot

A combined method for evaluating criteria when selecting ERP systems

There are many benefits offered by integrated enterprise computer systems. There are a growing number of options available to obtain such management information system support. A major problem when selecting Enterprise Information Systems, in special ERP systems, is how to deal with the great diversity of options as well as the number of criteria used to evaluate each alternative. There is an impl

The order and simplicity of gentrification: a political challenge

As the concept of gentrification celebrates an even forty years, some of the most basic questions about the process itself remain contentious. What is gentrification? What are its root causes? There is surely no lack of answers, though these are largely stamped by disciplined convention. The purpose of this chapter is to revisit these basic questions and formulate answers that facilitate “having g

Cellular and Molecular Aspects of the Germinal Centre Reaction

The humoral immune response to a T cell dependent protein antigen will over time generate antibodies with an increased affinity to the antigen. This is due to a process known as affinity maturation and proceeds in a, for this purpose, well designed micro-milieu within secondary lymphoid organs known as germinal centres. The increase in affinity of an antibody in, e.g. mouse and man is due mainly t

Low power 0.18μm CMOS dual-band front-end

A dual-band CMOS front-end was designed and fabricated in a 0.18 μm CMOS process. The front-end employs a common-gate low noise amplifier (LNA) with capacitive cross coupling (CCC) technique and a passive mixer. The band selection is performed by switching a capacitor in and out of the LNA load, changing the resonance frequency between 2.2GHz and 4.0GHz. The measured noise figure is below 3.5dB fo

Cultural probes

How can qualitative and emotional aspects from users be mapped at the same time as they get something meaningful in return? This case study has developed the use of cultural probes [1] with a selection of ten families with small children in the Öresund region. The idea was to evoke thoughts about recreation and living for the probe users while providing information and inspiration to the scientist

Ceteris Paribus in Conservative Epistemic Change

This work contrasts conservative or minimally mutilating revisions of empirical theories as they are identified in the presently dominant AGM model of formal belief revision and the structuralist program for the reconstruction of empirical theories. The aim is to make understandable why both approaches only partly succeed in substantially informing and formally restraining the issue. With respect