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Microcalorimetric investigations of building materials

"This report presents the results of ten projects in which we have used microcalorimetric techniques to study processes in building materials. Except for in cement research, microcalorimetry has not been much used on building materials. The microcalorimetric technique is extremely versatile, mainly because it is a very basic property (heat) that is measured. We hope that this report may encourage

Large eddy simulation of unsteady lean stratified premixed combustion

Premixed turbulent flame-based technologies are rapidly growing in importance, with applications to modern clean combustion devices for both power generation and aeropropulsion. However, the gain in decreasing harmful emissions might be canceled by rising combustion instabilities. Unwanted unsteady flame phenomena that might even destroy the whole device have been widely reported and are subject t

Rättens ordning i den tid som återstår

Artikeln undersöker det för rätten fundamentala begreppet "tiden". Utgångspunkt är president George W. Bushs krig mot krig mot terrorismen - the War on Terrorism - med exempel från invasionen och den påföljande ockupationen av Irak. Artikeln argumenterar för en eskatologisk förståelse av rätten under the War on Terrorism, något som förskjuter tidens perspektiv, och som påvisar ett undantagstillstå

Photodynamic Therapy utilizing Interstitial Light Delivery Combined with Spectroscopic Methods

Popular Abstract in Swedish Redan för 5000 år sedan i det antika Egypten användes ljus för att behandla vissa hudåkommor. Denna bortglömda kunskap återupptäcktes i början av förra seklet men fick inget riktigt genomslag. De senare årtiondenas framsteg inom kemi och fysik har återigen gjort ljusbehandling av sjukdomar högintressant. Speciellt upptäckten av lasern på 1960-talet har gjort att tillämpSince cancer continues to plague humanity there is large need for development of modalities for both diagnosis and therapy. Most of the currently available methods suffer from serious disadvantages. The treatments, e.g. ionising radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, may themselves induce malignancies or the patient may be physically impaired for a longer period of time. The work presented aims at dev

Mediedidaktikens villkor

Review over new research within media pedagogy and a discussion concerning the future of the field

Cartilage proteins and their arthritogenic properties in arthritis

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling behandlas brosk proteiners roll såsom antigen och tillgänglighet av immunsystemet i artrit. Sex artiklar omfattas, där fyra presenterar nya djur modeller för reumatoid artrit (RA), en visar hur en genetisk störning av ett broskprotein kan förvärra artrit och den sista hur posttransnationell modifiering av kollagen typ II (CII) påverkar T-cells toleranIn this thesis the role of cartilage proteins and their potential as antigen and availability to the immune system in arthritis were investigated. Six papers are included; where four present new animal models for Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), one shows how genetic disorders in cartilage may affect arthritis and the last how posttranslational modification of collagen type II (CII) affects tolerance. P

Differential modulation of caffeine- and IP3-induced calcium release in cultured arterial tissue

To investigate the Ca2+-dependent plasticity of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function in vascular smooth muscle, transient responses to agents releasing intracellular Ca2+ by either ryanodine (caffeine) or D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [IP3; produced in response to norepinephrine (NE), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), arginine vasopressin (AVP)] receptors in rat tail arterial rings were evaluated a


The text is an introduction to a collection of articles from the research project The Holocaust and European Historical Culture.

Effective field theories in nuclear particle and atomic physics

These are the proceedings of the workshop on ``Effective Field Theories in Nuclear, Particle and Atomic Physics'' held at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Bad Honnef, Germany from December 13 to 17, 2005. The workshop concentrated on Effective Field Theory in many contexts. A first part was concerned with Chiral Perturbation Theory in its various settings an

A novel approach to balanced truncation of nonlinear systems

This paper addresses the problem of state reduction of nonlinear continuous-time systems. A novel method that relates to balanced truncation is presented and applied to examples. The method is computationally efficient and is applicable to relatively large systems.