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Swedish orka viewed through its English correspondences – ability, insufficient strength/energy or insufficient volition?

This paper explores the Swedish auxiliary orka and its English correspondences as reflected in English-Swedish parallel corpora. Orka is interesting from a contrastive perspective since it lacks a straightforward equivalent in English. We show that most of the English correspondences, both in the direction Swedish original to English translation and in the direction English original to Swedish tra

The bodies of others in Swedish feminism

The body – or, more specifically, women’s bodies – has long been one of feminism’s central topics. This discussion has ranged from explorations of the cultural meaning of biology to the challenging of classification systems regulating bodies not only culturally coded as female or male but also understood through race regimes. This article seeks to explore the location of bodies within Swedish femi

The ‘European Turks’ : identities of high-skilled Turkish migrants in Europe

Using exceptionally rich qualitative data coming from the FP7 EUCROSS project on the ‘Europeanization of the Everyday Life’, this paper focuses on high-skilled and highly transnational Turkish migrants who reside in the UK, Romania and Italy. The article analyses participants’ discursive constructions of Europe and Europeanness and shows how specific images and symbols of Europe and Turkey influen

Femtosecond two-photon-excited backward lasing of atomic hydrogen in a flame

We report on an observation of bi-directional 656 nm lasing action of atomic hydrogen in a premixed CH4∕air flame induced by resonant femtosecond 205 nm two-photon excitation. In particular, the backward-propagating lasing pulse is characterized in the spatial and temporal domains for the sake of a single-ended diagnostic. Its picosecond-scale duration and smooth temporal profile enable spatially

Can losses caused by wind storms be predicted from meteorological observations

This paper contains a study of the extent to which aggregate losses due to severe wind storms can be explained by wind measurements. The analysis is based on 12 years of data for a region, Ska § ne, in southern Sweden. A previous investigation indicated that wind measurements from six recording stations in Ska § ne was insufficient to obtain accurate prediction. The present study instead uses geos

Aeolian dunes of central Sweden

I Sveriges centrala inland finns det allt från enstaka sanddyner till stora dynfält som täcker mer än 10 km2. Dessa dynfält passerar dock oftast obemärkt i landskapet på grund av det oftast markanta vegetationstäcke som fixerar dessa dyner. De är dock värdefulla för att kunna återskapa forna tiders klimat och vindmönster, men tyvärr har förhållandevis lite forskning angående dessa dyner bedrivits In the Swedish inland there are aeolian deposits present, ranging from scattered single dunes to dune fields of more than 10 km2. These dune fields often pass unnoticed since they presently are covered by vegetation. However, they contain a rich palaeoenvironmental archive. Only a few research papers have been published regarding these aeolian deposits during the last 90 years. The primary scope o

Labor Migration from Third Countries to Swedish Low-wage jobs

Since December 2008, Sweden has more liberal rules for labor immigration from ‘third countries’ – countries outside the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) – than any other country in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The introduction of employer-driven labor immigration, motivated by the need to address labor shortages, resulted in large inflows o

Convergence of Dynamical Movement Primitives with Temporal Coupling

In this paper, it is shown that temporally coupled dynamical movement primitives (DMPs), used to model and execute robot movements, are globally exponentially stable. It follows that DMPs converge to their goal configurations, which is necessary to accomplish most tasks. The convergence is proven mathematically, and then verified in simulations as well as experimentally on an industrial robot.

Ungdomars politiska diskussion i sociala medier: hellre offline?

I valrörelsen 2018 väntas sociala medier spela en stor roll, särskilt för ungdomar, eftersom sociala medier utgör deras främsta plattform för nyhetskonsumtion och kommunikation. Denna kvalitativa intervju- och fokusgruppstudie undersöker 110 svenska ungdomars inställning till politiskt deltagande i sociala medier. Med hjälp av ett explorativt anslag som inkluderar politiskt mycket aktiva såväl som

En förvaltningslag för EU? – ReNEUAL Model Rules on EU Administrative Procedure i svenskt och nordiskt perspektiv

Artikeln redogör för det förslag till modellregler för EU:s förvaltningsrätt som har utarbetats inom det europeiska forskningsnätverket ReNEUAL (Research Network on EU Administrative Law) och vad förslaget principiellt kan innebära för förvaltningsrätten i Sverige och övriga nordiska länder. Särskilt undersöks vilken betydelse nordisk förvaltningsrätt har haft för modellreglerna, förutsättningarna


Despite their imperative role in water resources management, distributed hydrological models like SWAT require calibration that can be challenging due to uncertainties of parameters involved. Prior to modelling of hydrological processes, these parameters and their uncertainty range need to be identified. The objective of this study was to conduct uncertainty analysis of hydrological processes and

A validation and extended description of the Lund taxonomy for urothelial carcinoma using the TCGA cohort

Global gene expression analysis has been a major tool for urothelial carcinoma subtype discovery. This approach has revealed extensive complexity both in intrinsic features of the tumor cells and in the microenvironment. However, global gene expression cannot distinguish between gene expression signals originating from the tumor cells proper and from normal cells in the biopsy. Here, we use a larg

H.264 Video Frame Size Estimation

This report describes a method to estimate the video bandwidth for IP cameras using the H.264 standard. The precise determination of bandwidth allows us to model the network access as a scheduling problem and/or estimate the amount of data that would traverse it during different periods. The paper is written to be as didactic as possible and presents a set of experiments, conducted in an industria

Targeting Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury: The Journey From Basic Science to Novel Therapies

Objectives: Transfusion-related acute lung injury is characterized by the onset of respiratory distress and acute lung injury following blood transfusion, but its pathogenesis remains poorly understood. Generally, a two-hit model is presumed to underlie transfusion-related acute lung injury with the first hit being risk factors present in the transfused patient (such as inflammation), whereas the