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Transient wave propagation in reciprocal bi-isotropic media at oblique incidence

In this paper a new wave splitting is suggested that simplifies the analysis of wave propagation in reciprocal bi-isotropic media. Two different methods to solve the scattering problem are analyzed: the invariant imbedding and the Green function approach. The medium is modeled by constitutive relations in the time domain (time convolutions) and the slab is assumed to be inhomogeneous with respect

Towards an embedded real-time Java virtual machine

Most computers today are embedded, i.e. they are built into some products or system that is not perceived as a computer. It is highly desirable to use modern safe object-oriented software techniques for a rapid development of reliable systems. However, languages and run-time platforms for embedded systems have not kept up with the front line of language development. Reasons include complex and, in

Increased concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls, hexachlorobenzene, and chlordanes in mothers of men with testicular cancer

An increasing incidence of testicular cancer has been reported from several countries in the Western world during the last decades. According to current hypothesis, testicular cancer is initiated during the fetal period, and exposure to endocrine disruptors, i.e., xenoestrogens, has been of concern. In this investigation we studied the concentrations of the sum of 38 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB

Synaptic Integration of Hippocampal Neurons Generated in the Adult Brain: Influence of a Pathological Environment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tidigare trodde man att den vuxna hjärnan inte hade någon förmåga att nybilda nervceller. Detta skulle innebära att nervceller aldrig blev ersatta om de skadades eller dog. Nu vet man däremot att den vuxna hjärnan fortfarande producerar nya nervceller från särskilda moderceller, s.k. stamceller, belägna i åtminstone två områden i hjärnan: subgranulära zonen i hippocamThe adult brain constantly produces new neurons from endogenous neural progenitor cells located in at least two regions, the subgranular zone (SGZ) in dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, and the subventricular zone (SVZ). Major efforts are underway to discover the functional significance of new neurons in the adult brain. Several studies have indicated a relationship exists between newborn hippoca

Identification and Characterization of the Moraxella catarrhalis IgD-binding Protein MID

Popular Abstract in Swedish Moraxella catarrhalis är en human luftvägsbakterie som ofta koloniserar de övre luftvägarna och som orsakar mellanöroninfektion hos barn. Bakterien associeras även med bihåleinfektion, laryngit och nedre luftvägsinfektioner främst hos vuxna med underliggande sjukdomar som kronisk obstruktiv lugninflammation. Forskningen fokuserar främst på moraxellas ytexponerade antigeMoraxella catarrhalis is now an established human pathogen that frequently colonizes the upper respiratory tract causing most importantly otitis media in children. It has also been associated with sinusitis, laryngitis and lower respiratory tract infections in adults with predisposing conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Current research mainly focuses on surface antige

Inhibitory effects of reserpine and carbonyl cyanide m-chloro-phenylhydrazone on fluoroquinolone resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii

Mechanisms of bacterial resistance to fluoroquinolones may be grouped into three principal categories: gene mutations of DNA topoisomerase II (GyrA or GyrB), DNA topoisomerase IV (ParC or ParE), decrease of outer membrane permeation and upregulation of multi-drug efflux pump (active efflux system).(1) Efflux pumps are transport proteins removing toxic substrates ( including virtually all classes o

New bioactive sesquiterpenes from Ripartites metrodii and R. tricholoma.

The metabolites of two different Ripartites species, R. tricholoma (A. & S. ex Fr.) Karst. and R. metrodii Huijsm. were investigated. Three new sesquiterpenes were isolated from three different strains. In addition, the strains produced 13-oxo-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid, psathyrellon A, 5-desoxyilludosin, an illudane (previously isolated from a Bovista sp.) 96042 and demethylovalicin, fiv

Palaeomagnetic configuration of continents during the Proterozoic

Palaeomagnetic data are used to study the configurations of continents during the Proterozoic. Applying stringent reliability criteria, the positions of the continents at 12 times in the 2.45- to 1.00-Ga period have been constructed. The continents lie predominantly in low to intermediate latitudes. The sedimentological indicators of palaeoclimate are generally consistent with the palaeomagnetic l

Spectroscopy of neutron deficient Te-108

The neutron deficient nucleus Te-108 was studied in the Fe-54(Ni-58,2p2n) reaction. A detector system consisting of 4 Euroball cluster detectors, a charged-particle detector ball and a 16 element neutron multiplicity filter was used to detect the emitted particles and gamma rays. A new, significantly extended level scheme was constructed on the basis of gamma gamma-coincidence relations. Spin valu

On the adaptive significance of stress-induced immunosuppression

We approach the field of stress immunology from an ecological point of view and ask: why should a heavy physical workload, for example as a result of a high reproductive effort, compromise immune function? We argue that immunosuppression by neuroendocrine mechanisms, such as stress hormones, during heavy physical workload is adaptive, and consider two different ultimate explanations of such immuno

Solving large scale binary quadratic problems: Spectral methods vs. Semidefinite programming

In this paper we introduce two new methods for solving binary quadratic problems. While spectral relaxation methods have been the workhorse subroutine for a wide variety of computer vision problems - segmentation, clustering, image restoration to name a few - it has recently been challenged by semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations. In fact, it can be shown that SDP relaxations produce better

Binding of the volatile general anesthetics halothane and isoflurane to a mammalian beta-barrel protein.

A molecular understanding of volatile anesthetic mechanisms of action will require structural descriptions of anesthetic–protein complexes. Porcine odorant binding protein is a 157 residue member of the lipocalin family that features a large β-barrel internal cavity (515 ± 30 Å3) lined predominantly by aromatic and aliphatic residues. Halothane binding to the β-barrel cavity was determined using f

A 5-hydroxymethyl furfural reducing enzyme encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ADH6 gene conveys HMF tolerance

The fermentation of lignocellulose hydrolysates by Saccharomyces cerevisiae for fuel ethanol production is inhibited by 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF), a furan derivative which is formed during the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials. The inhibition can be avoided if the yeast strain used in the fermentation has the ability to reduce HMF to 5-hydroxymethylfurfuryl alcohol. To enable the identi

Static and Dynamic Modelling of the Drying Section of a Paper Machine

Popular Abstract in Swedish Papperstillverkning inkluderar flera processteg såsom flisning av träråvaran, massakokning och avvattning med vakuumlådor, pressning och torkning. Flera modeller av de mest viktiga processerna i torkpartiet presenteras i denna avhandling. Modellerna beskriver både statiska och dynamiska förlopp. Nya reglerstrategier som kan användas för både reglering vid stationär drifThe paper making process involves chopping of wood, cooking and forming, followed by dewatering in a vacuum section, press section and drying section. Several models for the most important parts of the paper machine drying section are presented in this thesis to describe phenomena at steady state and during state transitions. New control strategies applicable/useful for both steady-state control a

Small x phenomenology: summary and status

The aim of this paper is to summarize the general status of our understanding of small-x physics. It is based on presentations and discussions at an informal meeting OIL this topic held in Lund, Sweden, in March 2001. This document also marks the founding of an informal collaboration between experimentalists and theoreticians with a special interest in small-x physics. This paper is dedicated to t

Outcomes following a programme for lifestyle changes with people with hypertension

AIM: The purpose of the study was to explore the effects of using a structured nursing intervention programme in hypertension care. BACKGROUND: Counselling on lifestyle changes to address hypertension helps patients reduce risk factors such as smoking, high alcohol consumption, overweight, dyslipidemia, negative stress and physical inactivity. DESIGN: The study was performed as a pre-test-post-tes

Expression and regulation of CCL25 and its role in T cell localization to and function within the small intestine

Earlier studies have demonstrated an important role for the chemokine CCL25, and its receptor CCR9, in the generation of the small intestinal lymphocyte compartment. The work in this thesis was aimed at determining how CCL25 is regulated within the small intestinal mucosa, and what potential role it plays in T cell localization to and function within this site. We have identified epithelial cells

Prevalence of thyroid hormone abnormalities in elderly patients with symptoms of organic brain disease.

Analysis of the serum concentrations of free thyroid hormones (fT3, fT4) and thyrotropin (TSH) in 173 psychogeriatric patients (94 females and 79 males, mean age 79 +/- 8 years) disclosed that the hormone levels were related to sex, psychiatric diagnosis, medication and the presence of nonthyroid illness (NTI). Subnormal concentrations of thyroid hormones and/or TSH were found in 25% of the patien