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Kristen tro och praxis i dagens Sverige
The UN Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights
Elimination of Charging in the Proton-Induced X-Ray Emission Analysis of Insulating Samples
Anomalous background due to charging in the proton-induced X-ray analysis of insulators is eliminated by inserting a heated carbon filament or by raising the pressure in the sample chamber.
The Three Pillars: Business, State and Society: MNCs in Emerging Markets
En bonadsmålare och hans värld. Johannes Nilsson i Breared
Popular Abstract in Swedish Studien behandlar den sydsvenske bonadsmålaren Johannes Nilssons måleri. Denne produktive målare levde och verkade i Breareds socken i södra Halland 17571827. En analys av hans bonader visar att han i många stycken frångick sina föregångares traditionella, imiterande framställning och begränsade motivkrets. Den övergripande frågan i avhandlingen är: varför målade JohanThe aim of this dissertation is to find relationships between folk art, an artist's personal life and influential factors originating in the context. Christmas wall hangings by the peasant painter Johannes Nilsson (17571827) are the focus of the study. The fact that he had a special approach to the painting tradition raises two questions: Why did he paint the way he did? How can his hangings be i
The function of adverbial connectors in second initial position in English and Swedish
Hur tolkar man hypermediafiktion? Funderingar kring ett metodologiskt problem
Bus Design, Boarding and Debarking
Varför dopning?
Politik för energieffektivisering
The Ecological Potential of the ectomycorrhizal Mycelium
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Sequence and dispersion of repolarization of the right atrium: Implications of repolarization disturbance in atrial fibrillation
To explore the global sequence and dispersion of repolarization of the right atrium, monophasic action potentials (MAPs) were sequentially recorded from the right atrium using an electroanatomical mapping (CARTO) system in 10 healthy pigs and in 10 patients with (n=6) and without (n=4) paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) during sinus rhythm, or using two MAP recording catheters in 30 patients wit
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Analysis of Flame Radiative Heat Transfer Using Large Eddy Simulation
Abstract in UndeterminedA series of comprehensive large eddy simulations of non-premixed turbulent hydrocarbon flames of different sizes in a typical fire scenario have been carried out to compute the flame radiative heat transfer. In the simulation, considerations include the modelling of sub-grid turbulence, turbulent combustion, soot formation, thermal radiation and interactive heat transfer in
Vardagens kyrka: Gustaf Wingrens kyrkosyn och folkkyrkans framtid. Summary: A Church for Every Day: The Ecclesiology of Gustaf Wingren and the Future of the National Church (the "Folk Church")
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen undersöker teologen Gustaf Wingrens (1910-2000) kyrkosyn och relaterar den till den nutida diskussionen om Svenska kyrkan som folkkyrka. Tre viktiga frågor ställs till Wingren och andra teologer och debattörer, som ingår i undersökningen, nämligen: Vad är kyrkan? (om kyrkans väsen). Vem är kyrka? (om gränser, medlemskap och auktoritet). Var är kyrkan? (om kThis thesis explores the ecclesiology of the Swedish theologian Gustaf Wingren and discusses the future of the "folk church". Three questions What, Who and Where is the Church? sustain the structure of this investigation. Wingren reflected on issues related to the openness and the identity of the church. His main concern was the interpretation the gospel as the liberating message to the guilt-ridd
Bilder från nollpunkten. Visualiseringar av atomålderns urbana apokalyps
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