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Observing growth under confinement : Sn nanopillars in porous alumina templates

Using a micro-focused high-energy X-ray beam, we have performed in situ time-resolved depth profiling during the electrochemical deposition of Sn into an ordered porous anodic alumina template. Combined with micro-diffraction we are able to follow the variation of the structure at the atomic scale as a function of depth and time. We show that Sn initially deposits at the bottom of the pores, and f

Fotohistoria i Norden : Resonerande bibliografi över källor och fotohistorisk forskning rörande perioden 1839-1865

Resonerande bibliografi över nordisk fotohistoria fram till 1865. Avser tryck från Sverige, Norge, Danmark och Finland med ett appendix om Island. Vad vi vet om den äldsta perioden av den fotografiska bildens histora, eller allmännare uttryckt fotografins historia, hör intimt samman med samtida texter och tillgänglig litteratur om tiden och mediet. Primärkällor och samtida personers tillbakablicka

Pushing diffusion MRI towards new dimensions

Diffusion-MRI techniques allow the non-invasive investigation of microstructural changes in living tissues. However, a detailed interpretation of the data is complicated by the fact that multiple microscopic environments with varying diffusion properties all contribute to the measured signal. To address this problem, we adapt strategies from solid-state NMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance of p

Återkoppling som del i lärandeprocessen

Återkoppling är centralt för lärandeprocessen. Flera aktuella rapporter har emellertid visat att studenterna vid LTH anser sig få alldeles för lite återkoppling på sina prestationer. Artikeln diskuterar olika former och metoder för återkoppling, studenternas förväntningar på mängden återkoppling samt teori kring lärande och återkoppling.

Combustion of NH3/CH4/Air and NH3/H2/Air Mixtures in a Porous Burner : Experiments and Kinetic Modeling

Ammonia (NH3) is currently in the spotlight because of its potential in serving as an energy resource devoid of carbon. Combustion of NH3, however, presents several drawbacks, such as high ignition temperature, low flame speed, and high NOx emissions. Furthermore, although dual-fuel approaches may provide a solution for some of these problems, scarcity of information on the resulting emissions inh

Quantum Algorithms for the Approximate k-List Problem and their Application to Lattice Sieving

The Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) is one of the mathematical foundations of lattice based cryptography. Lattice sieve algorithms are amongst the foremost methods of solving SVP. The asymptotically fastest known classical and quantum sieves solve SVP in a $d$-dimensional lattice in $2^{\const d + \smallo(d)}$ time steps with $2^{\const' d + \smallo(d)}$ memory for constants $c, c'$. In this work, w

Choreography of the centrosome

More than a century ago, the centrosome was discovered and described as “the true division organ of the cell”. Electron microscopy revealed that a centrosome is an amorphous structure or pericentriolar protein matrix that surrounds a pair of well-organized centrioles. Today, the importance of the centrosome as a microtubule-organizing center and coordinator of the mitotic spindle is questioned, be

Det finansiella systemet och den ekonomiska tillväxten: Svenska erfarenheter 1834-1991

Syftet med denna studie är att belysa sambandet mellan den ekono- miska tillväxten och det finansiella systemet. Här behandlas följande centrala fråga: Påverkas tillväxttakten av den finansiella sektorn eller är det tillväxten som driver utvecklingen av det finansiella systemet? Studien, som vilar på en granskning av internationella forsknings- resultat från främst 1990-talet, omfattar en statisti

Indoor Particle Concentrations, Size Distributions, and Exposures in Middle Eastern Microenvironments

There is limited research on indoor air quality in the Middle East. In this study, concentrations and size distributions of indoor particles were measured in eight Jordanian dwellings during the winter and summer. Supplemental measurements of selected gaseous pollutants were also conducted. Indoor cooking, heating via the combustion of natural gas and kerosene, and tobacco/shisha smoking were asso

The role of energy infrastructure in shaping early adoption of electric and gasoline cars

Electric vehicles have a potential to lower greenhouse gas emissions but still face challenges. This study asks what can be learned from the US automobile history. In 1900, there were three equal contenders in the US automotive industry: gasoline, electric and steam cars. Only a decade later, the gasoline car had achieved a crushing dominance. This dominance is often attributed to techno-economic

IgM anti-malondialdehyde low density lipoprotein antibody levels indicate coronary heart disease and necrotic core characteristics in the Nordic Diltiazem (NORDIL) study and the Integrated Imaging and Biomarker Study 3 (IBIS-3)

Background: Certain immunoglobulins (Ig) are proposed to have protective functions in atherosclerosis.Objectives: We tested whether serum levels of IgG and IgM autoantibodies against malondialdehyde low density lipoprotein (MDA-LDL) are associated with clinical coronary heart disease (CHD) and unfavorable plaque characteristics.Methods: NORDIL was a prospective study investigating adverse cardiova

Delays and Timetabling for Passenger Trains

Resandet med tåg har ökat stadigt i Sverige de senaste 30 åren. Takten har varit cirka två-tre procent per år, och vi nu har mer än dubbelt så många resenärer. Med ökat fokus på klimatfrågan stiger resandet nu ännu snabbare. Ett problem som drabbar både resenärer och företag i Sverige är tågförseningar. Ett sätt att beskriva dessa är den andel av alla tåg som kommer fram mer än fem minuter för senTravel by train has increased steadily in Sweden the last 30 years. The pace has been about two to three percent per year, and we now have twice as many passengers. With growing awareness of the changing climate, the pace is increasing further. A problem that affects both passengers and businesses in Sweden is train delays. One way to describe these is as the share of trains that arrive less than

Use of simulated patients to assess hypertension case management at public healthcare facilities in South Africa

OBJECTIVE: Our study aims to evaluate hypertensive case management in South Africa's public health sector using simulated patients.METHOD: Our study describes interactions between hypertensive simulated patients and primary healthcare workers at 39 public sector healthcare facilities in two metropolitan centres in the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. Our analysis focus on 97 int

Physiological Adaptations to Extreme Maternal and Allomaternal Care in Spiders

Some semelparous species show terminal investment by suicidal offspring provisioning. This requires internal cellular disintegration for the production of regurgitated food and in preparation for the sacrifice of the female body to the offspring, however, we have limited insights into the extent and costs of such physiological modifications. Extreme provisioning is hypothesized to be limited to re

Degradation of Norfloxacin in saline water by synergistic effect of anode and cathode in a novel photo-electrochemical system

The removal and degradation of refractory antibiotics in saline water by electrochemical and photo-electrochemical catalysis has emerged as a worldwide research hotspot. Aiming to improve degradation performance, most of the concerned studies focus on new sophisticated materials and modification methods on the single working electrode (anode or cathode). But the synergistic effects between anode a

171 forskare: ”Vi vuxna bör också klimatprotestera”

DN DEBATT 26/9. Vuxna bör följa uppmaningen från ungdomarna i Fridays for future-rörelsen och protestera eftersom det politiska ledarskapet är otillräckligt. Omfattande och långvariga påtryckningar från hela samhället behövs för att få de politiskt ansvariga att utöva det ledarskap som klimatkrisen kräver, skriver 171 forskare i samhällsvetenskap och humaniora.