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Nanorheological Studies of Caseins

To be able to improve the quality of dairy products and dairy processes, knowledge of casein molecules, casein micelles and casein aggregates is important. The rheological properties of casein products, casein gels and adsorbed layers of casein, have been widely investigated. However, the micellar properties of casein could, until recently, only be studied by ensemble methods such as dynamic light

Selective Channelization on an SDR Platform for LTE-A Carrier Aggregation.

The total transmission bandwidth and component carrier aggregation proposed by LTE-Advanced, sets a new challenge to the design of terminals. This article presents a way to assure terminals cope with the large bandwidth in an efficient manner. Various filtering methods are explored showing that an SDR architecture, such as ADRES (Architecture for Dynamically Reconfigurable Embedded Systems), is su

The Psychology of Worldviews : Toward a Non-Reductive Science of Personality

Popular Abstract in Swedish Personer drivs inte enbart av djuriska instinkter, utan de är även språkliga och existentiellt medvetna varelser, vars upplevelser och handlingar är fyllda av subjektiv mening. Att förstå en människa som en person är att förstå honom eller henne som ett rationellt system som har viljor, rädslor, förhoppningar, trosföreställningar, och andra sätt att ge sin värld mening,Persons are not just mechanical systems of instinctual animalistic proclivities, but also language-producing, existentially aware creatures, whose experiences and actions are drenched in subjective meaning. To understand a human being as a person is to understand him or her as a rational system that wants, fears, hopes, believes, and in other ways imbues the world with meaning, rather than just a

Assessment in mathemathics teacher education

Authentic tasks can promote higher-order learning. In the student task discussed in this paper the student teachers developed, tried, graded, discussed and revised mathematics test questions, in connection to an amusement park visit. The task was designed in an effort to bring the teacher educators in the mathematics and educational departments and those in the schools closer to each other through

Physiology of Industrially Relevant Bacteria: Freeze-drying tolerance of Lactobacillus reuteri and Pseudomonas chlororaphis and product formation of Lactococcus lactis metabolizing maltose

When the metabolic activity of bacteria is exploited by the food and biotechnology industries, freeze-drying is commonly used to produce concentrated bacterial cultures with enhanced storage stability. The freeze-drying tolerance of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus reuteri and the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas chlororaphis has been characterized in this work. Lb. reuteri was found to have higher

A general approach for determining dynamic forces in spur gears

A model is presented taking into account off line-of-action, non linear wheel stiffness by using the finite element method, and elasticity coupling between the gear teeth. The contact points are determined by searching the common normal using the undeformed, but otherwise true theoretical, tooth shapes where the teeth have a tip rounding to prevent contact singularity in off-line-of-action points.

Simulated Power System Restoration

Outage time after extensive blackouts depends very much on the power system restoration process. Power system restoration is a very challenging task to the operator since the situation is so far from normal conditions. This paper proposes a simulation-based tool that determines a feasible sequence of operator actions that restores power system operation. The effect of each candidate switching oper

Effects of moisture and mechanical loading on wooden materials

In a previous paper (Mårtensson 1988 a), results of tests performed on hardboard in tension under cyclic humidity were presented and comparison with a suggested constitutive model was made. This paper presents the result of further work that has been carried out concerning modelling of the behaviour of tempered hardboard subjected to moisture loading combined with mechanical loading. Tests were ma

Development of cardiovascular disease risk in middle-aged men. The Cardiovascular Risk Factor Study in Southern Sweden, CRISS.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärtkärlsjukdomar brukar definieras som ateriosklerotiska och tromboemboliska förändringar i hjärta, hjärna och i den arteriella blodcirkulationen. Dessa sjukdomar är mycket vanliga, och i Sverige insjuknar ca 40 000 personer i hjärtinfarkt och c 35 000 i hjärnblödning per år. Trots att det skett en sänkning av både incidens och dödlighet för dessa sjukdomar i västvärlThe Cardiovascular Risk Factor Study in Southern Sweden, CRISS, was initiated to explore if men at increased risk at developing CVD risk factors can be identified already before age 40. Starting in 1990 two birth cohorts of men residing in Helsingborg, Sweden, were surveyed at age 37 (n=991, participation rate 68%), at age 40 (n=770) and age 43 (n=702), respectively. A study questionnaire, a physi

"Trippelhelix" och byggsektorn

Byggforskning ska komma till nytta på något sätt. Inte nödvändigtvis på mycket kort sikt men olika aktörer i samhället borde i alla fall kunna förvänta sig en nytta inom överskådlig framtid. Trippel helix, en lyckosam symbios mellan forskning, samhälle och näringsliv, finns det? Vi har lagt samman våra erfarenheter och resonerat kring denna fråga utifrån tre olika discipliner: strukturmekanik, ark