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Major gentler differences in the lipolytic capacity of abdominal subcutaneous fat cells in obesity observed before and after long-term weight reduction
The influence of obesity on the lipolytic capacity of isolated se fat cells was studied prospectively in 13 women and 10 men, all obese, but otherwise healthy, before and 2 and 3 yr after weight reduction by bariatric surgery. Nonobese subjects (25 women and 17 men) without a family history of obesity served as the control group. Lipolytic capacity was determined after stimulation at different ste
Alvunger, Nytt vin i gamla läglar
Dorothy Porter: Första draget, Natten före Knossos, Dikterna bakom Franks rygg
Lifetime measurements for ground term transitions in TaII, WII, and ReII
Lifetime measurements have been made for the radiation emitted in the ground term transitions of the nominal form 5s(2)5p(6)5d(x)6s-5s(2)5p(6)5d(x)6p in Ta II (x = 3), W II (x = 4), and Re II (x = 5). Supporting theoretical calculations have also been performed to characterize configuration interaction and to estimate the degree of decay branching of the upper levels. The lifetime measurements hav
Småhus med installationsgrund: utvärdering av experimenthus i Halmstad
I denna rapport redovisas resultaten från mätningar utförda i ett experimenthus i Halmstad som är grundlagt med den så kallade installationsgrunden enligt EG-2000 konceptet. Insamlade mätdata används för beräkningar av energianvändningen och energibalansen. Energianvändningen i experimenthuset jämförs med energianvändningen i ett liknande hus grundlagt med platta på mark.
Recension av: Leffler, Marion: Böcker, bildning, makt.
5-ALA for photodynamic photorejuvenation - Optimization of treatment regime based on normal-skin fluorescence measurements
Background and Objectives: Photodynamic therapy using 20% 5 aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) has recently been introduced as a new tool in optical skin rejuvenation. The primary objective of this study was to optimize incubation time, the topical delivery mechanism (vehicle) and the concentration of 5-ALA by detecting the dynamic changes of normal skin after 5-ALA application. The secondary objective w
Fraternity in Christ: Building the Church as Family
Genome-wide survey of mRNA half-lives in Bacillus subtilis identifies extremely stable mRNAs
We have used DNA microarrays to survey rates of mRNA decay on a genomic scale in early stationary-phase cultures of Bacillus subtilis. The decay rates for mRNAs corresponding to about 1500 genes could be estimated. About 80% of these mRNAs had a half-life of less than 7 min. More than 30 mRNAs, including both mono- and polycistronic transcripts, were found to be extremely stable, i.e. to have a ha
Xenotransplantation as a scientific problem in the context of a university hospital
Monitoring Aerosol Elemental Composition in Particle Size Fractions for Predicting Human Respiratory Uptake
Proton induced X-ray emission analysis is useful in measuring changes in particle size distribution of trace elements on exposure of aerosol to the human lung environment and deposition in the air-ways. PIXE analysis is also useful in detecting variations in particle size distributions of elements as they occur in the atmosphere. For the case of lead aerosol along a highway, it is shown that the e
Basiliolides, a class of tetracyclic C19 dilactones from Thapsia garganica, release Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum and regulate the activity of the transcription factors nuclear factor of activated T cells, nuclear factor-kappa B, and activator protein 1 in T lymphocytes
Calcium concentration within the endoplasmic reticulum ER) plays an essential role in cell physiology. We have investigated the effects of basiliolides, a novel class of C19 dilactones isolated from Thapsia garganica, on Ca2+ mobilization in T cells. Basiliolide A1 induced a rapid mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ in the leukemia T-cell line Jurkat. First, a rapid calcium peak was observed and in
Chlorophyll biosynthesis in higher plants. Regulatory aspects of 5-aminolevulinate formation
Chlorophyll, heme, phytochrome and siroheme biosynthesis in higher plants is regulated by the supply of their precursor 5-aminolevulinate (ALA), which is derived from glutamate. Glutamate conversion to ALA occurs only in the plastid and requires chloroplast coded tRNA(Glu) and nuclear coded glutamyl-tRNA synthetase, glutamyl-tRNA reductase and glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase. The chromos
Integral equation for spin dependent unintegrated parton distributions incorporating double In-2(1/x) effects at low x
In this paper we derive an integral equation for the evolution of unintegrated (longitudinally) polarized quark and gluon parton distributions. The conventional Catani-Ciafaloni-Fiorani-Marchesini (CCFM) framework is modified at small x in order to incorporate the QCD expectations concerning the double ln(2)(1/x) resummation at low x for the integrated distributions. Complete Altarelli-Parisi spli
Stability of Feedback Systems with Relays or Saturations
Risk faktors for fracture in middle-aged men and women
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan årtionden ökar antalet frakturer över hela världen, och i alla ålderskategorier. Frakturer leder ofta till längre tids funktionsinskränkning, sämre livskvalitet och ibland till döden. Projektet ?Malmö Förebyggande Medicin?, an populationsbaserad, prospektiv studie av 22 444 män, medelålder 44 år, och 10 902 kvinnor, medelålder 50 år, är väl lämpad för studier av vThe number of fractures is increasing worldwide, and fractures frequently cause long-term disability, impaired quality of life and sometimes death. The Malmö Preventive Project, a population-based, prospective study, consisting of 22 444 men, mean age 44 and 10 902 women, mean age 50 years, provides data for evaluation of common public health conditions, such as fracture and diabetes. The follow-u
An updated review of the epidemiology of soft tissue sarcoma
Cobalt 2,2 '-biimidazole complexes co-crystallised with di-acids - synthesis, structure and quantum chemical calculations
The synthesis and crystal structure of [Co(Hbiim)(2)(H(2)biim)](2)(p-OOCC6H4COOH)(2).H2O (2) is presented. The cobalt(III) complexes are bridged by terephthalates and water molecules, giving a rare, five-fold interpenetrated, net built from 3-connected nodes. The vertex symbol (topology) of this net is determined to 4 122 122, 4 126, 12(4) 12(6) 12(6), or 4 12(2), 4 12(2), 12(3), using the Wellsia
Undervisning i konsultationsmetodik behövs i läkarutbildningen. Utvärdering med studentenkät och fokusgruppsintervjuer
Inom läkarutbildningen vid Lunds universitet förekommer undervisning i samtalsmetodik under såväl den prekliniska som den kliniska delen. Under kursen i samhällsmedicin på termin 10 träffas grupper om sex till sju studenter och en gruppledare fyra gånger för att diskutera studenternas videoinspelade konsultationer. Vi har utvärderat detta moment genom en klassrumsenkät till samtliga studenter och At Lund University Medical School communication skills are taught during both the preclinical and clinical part of the medical programme. As part of the training during the 5th year the students are required to videotape at least one patient consultation at a local primary health care centre. The students then meet in groups of 6-7 participants and a group leader to watch the recorded consultation