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Undervisning i konsultationsmetodik behövs i läkarutbildningen. Utvärdering med studentenkät och fokusgruppsintervjuer

Inom läkarutbildningen vid Lunds universitet förekommer undervisning i samtalsmetodik under såväl den prekliniska som den kliniska delen. Under kursen i samhällsmedicin på termin 10 träffas grupper om sex till sju studenter och en gruppledare fyra gånger för att diskutera studenternas videoinspelade konsultationer. Vi har utvärderat detta moment genom en klassrumsenkät till samtliga studenter och At Lund University Medical School communication skills are taught during both the preclinical and clinical part of the medical programme. As part of the training during the 5th year the students are required to videotape at least one patient consultation at a local primary health care centre. The students then meet in groups of 6-7 participants and a group leader to watch the recorded consultation

Limnic responses to increased effective humidity during the 8200 cal. Yr BP cooling event in southern Sweden

Highly resolved sediment stratigraphic and stable isotope records from a lake in south-central Sweden give evidence of relatively humid summers during the wide-spread cold event at c. 8200 cal. BP. A transient lake-level rise led to increased catchment erosion followed by enhanced phytoplankton production and disturbance of the Chara-dominated algal community. An associated increase in the deposit

Biliary microflora in acute cholecystitis and the clinical implications

A prospective bacteriologic investigation was made in 43 consecutive patients (mean age 63 years) operated on for acute cholecystitis. Gallbladder bile and wall were cultured, using four methods and with special attention to optimal anaerobic technique. Cultures were positive in 72% of the patients, yielding a wide variety of species (21 species among 48 isolates). Anaerobes constituted 23% of the

Disturbances of speech prosody following right hemisphere infarcts

The ability to perceive and express emotional, as well as number of linguistic prosodic qualities of speech was tested in 20 Swedish-speaking patients with right-sided cortical, as well as purely subcortical brain infarcts, and in 18 normal controls. The infarcts were assessed by clinical neurological examination, and by CT, EEG, and measurements of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). In the pati

Sensitivity in Shear Strength of Longitudinally Reinforced Concrete Beams to Fracture Energy of Concrete

The size effect in shear strength of longitudinally reinforced beams is studied by means of a nonlinear fracture mechanics model. According to the actual theoretical study, structure size should be normalized to an intrinsic length parameter of the concrete. This length parameter is proportional to the fracture energy G//F of the concrete. It is found that the shear strength of a concrete beam may

Effects of Safety Measures for Pedestrians and Cyclists at Crossing Facilities on Arterial Roads

The principal aims of this thesis are to define suitable measures for safer pedestrian and cycle crossings on arterial roads, to implement these measures on a large scale and to acquire an insight into their effects on road users' safety, experiences, mobility and the environment, by creating a 30 km/h milieu at the above crossings. Two characteristically different types of measures, physical meas

High proteinuria selectivity index based upon IgM is a strong predictor of poor renal survival in glomerular diseases

BACKGROUND: The transport of large proteins across the glomerular capillary wall (GCW) may increase several fold in glomerular diseases. The occurrence of IgM in urine is a consequence of the presence of large defects or shunts in the GCW, whereas albuminuria is probably a result of an altered charge- and size-selectivity of the GCW. In order to examine whether patho-morphological differences infl

Vitamin A helps gut T cells find their way in the dark.

Once activated, some T cells home to distinct sites in the body, such as the intestine and inflamed skin. Research in mice shows that dendritic cells in the gut produce a derivative of vitamin A, retinoic acid, that gives T cells directions.

Silicon microstructures for high-speed and high-sensitivity protein identifications

Silicon microtechnology has been used to develop a microstructure toolbox in order to enable high accuracy protein identification. During the last 2 years we developed and applied monocrystalline silicon structures and established new automated protein analysis platforms, The development of a high throughput protein platform is presented where fully automated protein identifications are performed.

Lambda-polarization in e+e--annihilation at the Z0-pole

Strange quarks produced in e+e--annihilation at the Z0-pole are very strongly polarized. To study to which extent this polarization is transferred to the observable hadrons would give interesting information on the hadronization mechanism. Γ-particles produced with relatively large x-values are expected to frequently contain an originally produced s-quark. We estimate that Γ-particles with x>0.3 s

2-Bromoethyl glycosides for synthesis of glycoconjugates on solid support

2-Bromoethyl glycosides can easily and in high yields be transformed into sulfones by treatment with a suitable thiol followed by oxidation with mCPBA. The observation that the so formed sulfones were cleaved by treatment with NaOMe/MeOH was used to design a new safety catch linker for synthesis of glycoconjugates on solid support. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

"Institutions", What Is In a Word? A Critique of the New Institutional Economics

This thesis is a critique of the New Institutional Economics (NIE) in economic history. The focus is on explanations to the origin and development of capitalist institutions within NIE. After a methodological discussion in chapter 1 the author investigates into how well NIE succeeds in explaining capitalist institutions. In chapters 2 and 3, a conceptual critique of the theoretical bases of evolu