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Your search for "*" yielded 531651 hits

Epi : An open humanoid platform for developmental robotics

Epi is a humanoid robot developed by Lund University Cognitive Science Robotics Group. It was designed to be used in experiments in developmental robotics and has proportions to give a childlike impression while still being decidedly robotic. The robot head has two degrees of freedom in the neck and each eye can independently move laterally. There is a camera in each eye to make stereovision possi

Quantitative, qualitative and spatial analysis of lymphocyte infiltration in periampullary and pancreatic adenocarcinoma

Immunotherapeutic modalities are currently revolutionizing cancer treatment. In pancreatic cancer, however, early clinical trials have been disappointing. The optimization of immunotherapeutic strategies requires better understanding of the inflammatory tumor microenvironment. Therefore, the aim of our study was to perform a detailed in situ description of lymphocyte infiltration patterns in resec

Body surface temperature responses to food restriction in wild and captive great tits

During winter at temperate and high latitudes, the low ambient temperatures, limited food supplies and short foraging periods mean small passerines show behavioural, morphological and physiological adaptations to reduce the risk of facing energy shortages. Peripheral tissues vasoconstrict in low ambient temperatures to reduce heat loss and cold injury. Peripheral vasoconstriction has been observed

The impact of carrying load on physical performance during ascending evacuation movement

This study investigates how ascending movement is affected by carrying load during a stair‐climbing motion. The methods adopted are based on exercise physiology and fire safety engineering. Experiments with 21 volunteers with mean (SD) age of 27 (4) have been carried out on a stair machine with or without carrying a mass of 8 kg, typical weight of a hand luggage or the average weight of an 8‐month

Patient-reported outcome measures for hip-related pain : A review of the available evidence and a consensus statement from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018

Hip-related pain is a well-recognised complaint among active young and middle-aged active adults. People experiencing hip-related disorders commonly report pain and reduced functional capacity, including difficulties in executing activities of daily living. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are essential to accurately examine and compare the effects of different treatments on disability in

Positive impacts of important bird and biodiversity areas on wintering waterbirds under changing temperatures throughout Europe and North Africa

Migratory waterbirds require an effectively conserved cohesive network of wetland areas throughout their range and life-cycle. Under rapid climate change, protected area (PA) networks need to be able to accommodate climate-driven range shifts in wildlife if they are to continue to be effective in the future. Thus, we investigated geographical variation in the relationship between local temperature

Reconstructing intragranular strain fields in polycrystalline materials from scanning 3DXRD data

Two methods for reconstructing intragranular strain fields are developed for scanning three-dimensional X-ray diffraction (3DXRD). The methods are compared with a third approach where voxels are reconstructed independently of their neighbours [Hayashi, Setoyama & Seno (2017). Mater. Sci. Forum, 905, 157-164]. The 3D strain field of a tin grain, located within a sample of approximately 70 grain

Two subphenotypes of septic acute kidney injury are associated with different 90-day mortality and renal recovery

Background: The pathophysiology of septic acute kidney injury is inadequately understood. Recently, subphenotypes for sepsis and AKI have been derived. The objective of this study was to assess whether a combination of comorbidities, baseline clinical data, and biomarkers could classify meaningful subphenotypes in septic AKI with different outcomes. Methods: We performed a post hoc analysis of the

An improved method to visualize two regions of interest synchronously in microfluidics

Multiphase flow in mini/micro channels has been widely studied for its potential in many industrial applications. The normal experimental method cannot capture two separate regions of interest (ROI) with a long distance synchronously for the limited field of views. In order to solve this problem, an improved experimental method is proposed and validated with experimental results. Prism groups are

Patient Safety Education 20 Years After the Institute of Medicine Report : Results From a Cross-sectional National Survey

OBJECTIVES: Educating healthcare professionals in patient safety is essential to achieving sustainable improvements in care. This study aimed to identify the key constituents of patient safety education alongside its facilitators and barriers from a frontline perspective.METHODS: An electronic survey was sent to 592 healthcare professionals and educators in patient safety education in the United K

From self-tuning regulators to reinforcement learning and back again

Machine and reinforcement learning (RL) are increasingly being applied to plan and control the behavior of autonomous systems interacting with the physical world. Examples include self-driving vehicles, distributed sensor networks, and agile robots. However, when machine learning is to be applied in these new settings, the algorithms had better come with the same type of reliability, robustness, a

Multi-marginal optimal transport using partial information with applications in robust localization and sensor fusion

During recent decades, there has been a substantial development in optimal mass transport theory and methods. In this work, we consider multi-marginal problems wherein only partial information of each marginal is available, a common setup in many inverse problems in, e.g., remote sensing and imaging. By considering an entropy regularized approximation of the original transport problem, we propose

As We Speak : Concurrent Narration and Participation in the Serial Narratives "@I_Bombadil" and Skam

Digital media have provided new avenues of distribution for serial fiction and created new narrative possibilities for the form, including the widespread use of what Margolin labels "concurrent narration" and Page terms "real-time narration." This form of serial publication, where a story is distributed in installments coterminously with the events being reported, is enabled by the Internet's poss

Configurational crop heterogeneity increases within-field plant diversity

Increasing landscape heterogeneity by restoring semi-natural elements to reverse farmland biodiversity declines is not always economically feasible or acceptable to farmers due to competition for land. We hypothesized that increasing the heterogeneity of the crop mosaic itself, hereafter referred to as crop heterogeneity, can have beneficial effects on within-field plant diversity. Using a unique

Financial effects in historic consumption and investment functions

The global financial crisis has highlighted the importance of financial factors on economic performance. Most of the existing research analyses the contemporary experience, and especially the 1980 s onwards. This paper investigates the effects of stock prices, real estate prices and debt on consumption and investment expenditures by estimating consumption and investment equations for about 110 yea

The evolution of spring fen ecotypes in Rhinanthus : genetic evidence for parallel origins in Scandinavia after the last ice age

Locally adapted ecotypes can constitute an important part of the biodiversity, especially in young floras with few endemic species. However, the origins, distinctness and conservation value of many ecotypes remain uncertain because genetic data are lacking or no common-garden study has been carried out. In the present study, we evaluated the distinctness and genetic structure of a phenotypically d

Whole-Exome Sequencing in 22 Young Ischemic Stroke Patients With Familial Clustering of Stroke

Backgrounds and Purpose- Although new methods for genetic analyses are rapidly evolving, there are currently knowledge gaps in how to detect Mendelian forms of stroke. Methods- We performed whole-exome sequencing in 22 probands, under 56 years at their first ischemic stroke episode, from multi-incident stroke families. With the use of a comprehensive stroke-gene panel, we searched for variants in