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Trust in surveys and games - A methodological contribution on the influence of money and location

This paper explores methods to study trust. In a variety of settings, answers to survey questions and choices in a trust game are obtained from student sample pools. Some subjects are approached by mail and execute their task at home whereas others participate in classroom experiments. No differences between the results obtained by these methods are observed. Furthermore, one additional group play

A virtual linear accelerator for verification of treatment planning systems

A virtual linear accelerator is implemented into a commercial pencil-beam-based treatment planning system (TPS) with the purpose of investigating the possibility of verifying the system using a Monte Carlo method. The characterization set for the TPS includes depth doses, profiles and output factors, which is generated by Monte Carlo simulations. The advantage of this method over conventional meas

Fresh frozen plasma reduces thrombin formation in newborn infants

BACKGROUND: Newborn infants undergoing intensive care are at risk of bleeding and thrombotic complications. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) is used in hope of preventing these complications, despite poorly defined effects on the coagulation system and lack of proven clinical efficacy. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: We prospectively evaluated coagulopathy and the effect of standardized amount of FFP transfusion

PKCepsilon binds peripherin and induces its aggregation which is accompanied by apoptosis of neuroblastoma cells.

A hallmark of the afflicted nervous tissue in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is the presence of protein aggregates which to a large extent contain the intermediate filament protein peripherin. Here we show that activation of protein kinase C (PKC) or overexpression of PKCe induces the aggregation of peripherin in cultured neuroblastoma cells with elevated amounts of peripherin. The formation of agg

Antagonistic coevolution under sexual conflict

The theory of sexual conflict predicts that sexual coevolution will be very dynamic, with in principle perpetual evolutionary arms races and chases. These arms races are expected to stop once the costs of conflict adaptations become too high. We argue that this prediction is contingent on specific assumptions about the sexual interaction and the adaptations involved in the arms race. More generall

Optimisation of membrane area and energy requirement in tubular membrane modules

During ultrafiltration (UF), the driving force along the membrane is diminished due to concentration increase and frictional pressure drop. In most applications of ultrafiltration the influence of the frictional pressure drop is negligible. However, when treating concentrated, viscous liquids the frictional pressure drop can reduce the transmembrane pressure (TMP) significantly. The influence of c

Yeast genome sequencing: the power of comparative genomics

For decades, unicellular yeasts have been general models to help understand the eukaryotic cell and also our own biology. Recently, over a dozen yeast genomes have been sequenced, providing the basis to resolve several complex biological questions. Analysis of the novel sequence data has shown that the minimum number of genes from each species that need to be compared to produce a reliable phyloge

AC Conductance of DNA molecule at low temperature

Using nonequilibrium Green's function technique, we have investigated the ac conductance of poly(C)-poly(G) DNA molecule at low temperature. Our results indicate that thermal fluctuations of DNA hopping energy will play a profound role for the ac conductance. It smoothes out the conductance curves at high ac signal frequency while does not suppress it substantially. The dependences of the ac condu

Plant compensatory growth: a conquering strategy in plant-herbivore interactions ?

We present a theoretical analysis that considers the phenotypic trait of compensatory growth ability in a context of population dynamics. Our model depicts a system of three interactors: herbivores and two different plant types referred to as ordinary and compensating. The compensating plant type has the ability to increase its intrinsic rate of biomass increase as a response to damage. This compe

X-ray measurements of the strain and shape of dielectric/metallic wrap-gated InAs nanowires

Wrap-gate (111) InAs nanowires (NWs) were studied after HfO2 dielectric coating and Cr metallic deposition by a combination of grazing incidence x-ray techniques. In-plane and out-of-plane x-ray diffraction (crystal truncation rod analysis) allow determining the strain tensor. The longitudinal contraction, increasing with HfO2 and Cr deposition, is significantly larger than the radial dilatation.

Crystal structure and ligand binding properties of the truncated hemoglobin from Geobacillus stearothermophilus

A novel truncated hemoglobin has been identified in the thermophilic bacterium Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Gs-trHb). The protein has been expressed in Escherichia coli, the 3D crystal structure (at 1.5 angstrom resolution) and the ligand binding properties have been determined. The distal heme pocket displays an array of hydrogen bonding donors to the iron-bound ligands, including Tyr-B10 on o

Adjectives and boundedness

This paper examines the significance of the schematic domain of BOUNDEDNESS in adjectives. It is proposed that boundedness in adjectives is a fundamental characteristic associated with gradability. Cross-categorial correspondences are made to nouns and verbs, where boundedness is a feature of countability and aktionsart respectively. Two basic types of gradable adjectives are distinguished: those

Cooperation, conceptual spaces and the evolution of semantics

We start by providing an evolutionary scenario for the emergence of semantics. It is argued that the evolution of anticipatory cognition and theory of mind in the hominids opened up for cooperation about future goals. This cooperation requires symbolic communication. The meanings of the symbols are established via a "meeting of minds." The concepts in the minds of communicating individuals are mod

Nitrogen amendments reduce the growth of extramatrical ectomycorrhizal mycelium

The effect of three different nitrogen sources on the growth of external ectomycorrhizal mycelium was studied in Perspex micorocosms. Nonsterile peat was used as substrate. Five different fungal isolates growing in symbiosis with pine seedlings were investigated: two isolates of Paxillus involutus, one of Suillus bovinus and two unidentified ectomycorrhizal fungi isolated from ectomycorrhizal root

Risk of stroke and hormone replacement therapy A prospective cohort study.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the fisk of first-ever stroke in relation to use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) among middle-aged and older Swedish women. Materials: A total of 16,906 women, 45-73 years old, from the 'Diet and Cancer' study in Malmo, Sweden were examined. Women were considered as HRT users if they took systemic hormone therapy regularly. Incidence of stro

Micro- and nanofluidics for DNA analysis

Miniaturization to the micrometer and nanometer scale opens up the possibility to probe biology on a length scale where fundamental biological processes take place, such as the epigenetic and genetic control of single cells. To study single cells the necessary devices need to be integrated on a single chip; and, to access the relevant length scales, the devices need to be designed with feature siz

A wave approach to structural transmission loss in periodic structures: Thin beam case

When new building systems are developed, these are often lightweight constructions with a periodical set of stiffeners, developed for use in load-bearing structures and dwellings. One of the main drawbacks of this type of building systems is the sound insulation, where flanking transmission is an important issue. A prediction model for flanking transmission of lightweight building structures is th

Origins and pathways of cerebrovascular nerves storing substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide in rat

Origins and pathways of cerebrovascular substance P- and calcitonin gene-related peptide-positive nerves in rat were studied by immunohistochemistry combined with denervation experiments and retrograde axonal tracer technique. The two peptides have been found to coexist in one and the same neuron. After sectioning of the nasociliary nerve bilaterally the substance P/calcitonin gene-related peptide

Chronic Helicobacter pylori infection results in gastric hypoacidity and hypergastrinemia in wild-type mice but vagally induced hypersecretion in gastrin-deficient mice

Helicobacter pylori infection is a causal factor of gastric cancer (which is associated with low gastric acid secretion) or duodenal ulcer (high acid secretion). Parietal cells and ECL cells in the stomach are controlled by gastrin, which plays a crucial role in the regulation of acid secretion. The present study was undertaken to identify a possible role of gastrin in determining the different re