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Joint statement of the European Association for the Study of Obesity and the European Society of Hypertension : Obesity and heart failure

Obese individuals are more likely to develop heart failure. Yet, once heart failure is established, the impact of overweight and obesity on prognosis and survival is unclear. The purpose of this joint scientific statement of the European Association for the Study of Obesity and the European Society of Hypertension is to provide an overview on the current scientific literature on obesity and heart

Patient preferences and willingness-to-pay for ADHD treatment with stimulants using discrete choice experiment (DCE) in Sweden, Denmark and Norway

Background: The choice between different attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications depends on different drug attributes. Economic evaluations of drugs often disregard the utility of other attributes compare with the drugs' efficacy. Aims: The aim of this study was to assess patient's preferences and elicit willingness-to-pay (WTP) for different drug attributes in the treatment of

Ansvarsgenombrott och aktieägares personliga ansvarsfrihet - en analys mot bakgrund av NJA 2014 s. 877

Efter mer än ett halvt sekel av spekulationer om ansvarsgenombrott kommer slutligen i NJA 2014 s. 877 ett klargörande från Högsta domstolen. Klargörandet ligger emellertid inte i linje med vad som i allmänhet antagits. Av domen följer nämligen att svensk rätt inte innehåller någon regel om ansvarsgenombrott. Däremot framgår att mer allmänna rättsnormer kan medföra att en aktieägare åläggs ett ansv

Strategic entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers: spatial and aspatial perspectives

The literature in the Strategic Entrepreneurship (SE) is increasingly embracingthe concept and implications of knowledge spillovers. In this paper, we add to thetheoretical repertoire on SE and knowledge spillovers by investigating the types ofknowledge spillovers and what they imply for various dimensions of SE. On the one hand,we distinguish between spatial and aspatial knowledge spillovers. On

On The Coherence Time of Fiber-Based Distributed Antenna Systems

The possibility of using radio over fiber (RoF) analog transmissions to characterize the wireless propagation channel of distributed antenna systems is investigated. In particular, the coherence time of kilometer-long, fiber-based networks is analyzed. Joint measurements of the phase noise of parallel links to the same site (intra-site) and to different sites (inter-site) in such a network are pre

Purification of F.VIII:C by antigen-antibody chromatography

Purification of F.VIII:C devoid of F.VIII:Ag was achieved by antigen-antibody chromatography. The antibody used neutralized VIIIR:Ag but not VIII:C in liquid phase but extracted both VIII:Ag and VIII:C from plasma when bound to Sepharose. VIII:C was eluted with calcium-containing buffer. When plasma was used as starting material VIII:C was obtained free from VIIIR:Ag but contaminated with some oth

Immunoradiometric assay of inhibitors of antihaemophilic factor A

An immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) for determination of antibodies against f. VIII:C in haemophilia A was developed. The assay was based on competitive binding of radiolabelled anti-VIII:C and antibodies in the test material to immobilized VIII:C. Fifteen haemophiliacs with known inhibitors were investigated with the new method and with a conventional neutralization test. In 3 cases the inhibitors

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnect Design Optimization considering the Thermal Stresses

The mechanical failure of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) components may cause cracks with consequences such as gas leakage, structure instability and reduction of cell lifetime. A comprehensive 3D model of the thermal stresses of an anode-supported planar SOFC is presented in this work. The main objective of this paper is to get an interconnect optimized design by evaluating the thermal stresses of

General Principles and the Many Faces of Coherence: Between Law and Ideology in the European Union

In the light of the constitutional legal developments by the Court of Justice of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Court of Justice’ or ‘the CJEU’) as regards protection of fundamental rights, subsequently accepted by the authors of the Treaties (see Article 6.3 TEU), the Court can today be correctly described as the constitutional court of the EU. Against this backdrop, the CJEU

Mentally disordered criminal offenders : Legal and criminological perspectives

Legal research in Sweden has traditionally focused on a systematization of the legal rules and their practical application, while the task of studying the effects of the application of the laws has been handed over to other branches of the social sciences. In contrast, new legal theories focusing on proactive and therapeutic dimensions in law have gained increasing attention in the international a

Salinomycin analogs : Mechanistic probes and structure–activity relationships against cancer stem cells

En tredjedel av Sveriges befolkning drabbas av cancer någon gång i livet. När cancerbehandlingar misslyckas beror det oftast på att cancercellerna har utvecklat resistens mot cellgifter eller spridit sig i kroppen och bildat dottertumörer. De senaste årtiondena har forskare intresserat sig för vissa typer av cancerceller som har en extra drivkraft att bilda nya tumörer och sprida sig i kroppen. SåCancer stem cells are a subpopulation of cells that possess an increased tumorigenic potential. Such cells are connected to drug resistance, metastasis, and cancer recurrence. In 2009, the polyether ionophore salinomycin was shown to exhibit selective activity against cancer stem cells. At the outset of the studies described in this thesis, few salinomycin analogs had been reported and it was not

Teaching as a Southern in the North: A Note on Supremacism

Such types of violence seem to emanate from what I would call supremacist resentment, which is driven by the perceived superiority of a given race, ethnicity or nationality over another and which motivates attempts to sabotage “subaltern” success or hinder a supposedly inferior subject from climbing up the social-institutional ladder.

Metastasis stimulation by hypoxia and acidosis-induced extracellular lipid uptake is mediated by proteoglycan-dependent endocytosis

Hypoxia and acidosis are inherent stress factors of the tumor microenvironment and have been linked to increased tumor aggressiveness and treatment resistance. Molecules involved in the adaptive mechanisms that drive stress-induced disease progression constitute interesting candidates of therapeutic intervention. Here, we provide evidence of a novel role of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) in

Changing the Competition Regime Without Altering the Treaty’s Chapter on Competition?

The paper examines whether the changes in the objectives of the EU means a change in the competition acquis. A three step analysis leads to the conclusion that this has not to be expected. Initially the status of competition in the constitutional hierarchy under the old EC Treaty is examined before the detailed changes under the Lisbon Treaty are set out. The paper then investigates whether the am

Types of Trauma in Adolescence and Their Relation to Dissociation: A Mixed-Methods Study

Objective: To study adolescent traumatization and the impact of various types of trauma on dissociative experiences in a sample of 239 Swedish youngsters, 13 to 20 years of age, with diverse socioeconomic and migration backgrounds. We also evaluated whether the type of worst lifetime trauma was associated with higher rates of dissociation.Method: Quantitative and qualitative data on posttraumatic

Genetic variants of haemophilia B detected by immunoradiometric assay : implications for prenatal diagnosis

Fifty patients with haemophilia B, belonging to 29 kindreds, were investigated with a highly sensitive immunoradiometric assay based on a homologous antibody to factor IX. The assay measures factor IX antigen (f.IX:Ag) in plasma down to 0.025 U/dl. Seventeen of 18 investigated patients with severe haemophilia B had very little or no f.IX:Ag. Also four of nine patients with moderately severe diseas

Two allotypes of factor IX present in haemophilia B

Factor IX antigen (IX:Ag) was measured with three different immunoradiometric assays (IRMAs) in 30 healthy people and 43 patients with haemophilia B of varying severity. Two of the IRMAs were based on monoclonal antibodies capable of differentiating between two genetically determined molecular variants of normal factor IX. Most patients with severe hemophilia B lacked demonstrable IX:Ag. The facto

Carrier detection in hemophilia A : a cooperative international study. II. The efficacy of a universal discriminant

Factor VIII (F.VIII) and von Willebrand factor (VWF):Ag data collected by eight laboratories on a total of 336 obligatory carriers of hemophilia A and 137 normal women were used to answer several questions concerning the construction of linear discriminants for carrier detection. It was found: that a "universal" linear discriminant can be constructed which is suitable for use in all laboratories a

Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990-2015 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015

BACKGROUND: Non-fatal outcomes of disease and injury increasingly detract from the ability of the world's population to live in full health, a trend largely attributable to an epidemiological transition in many countries from causes affecting children, to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) more common in adults. For the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2015 (GBD 2015), we