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Intolerance of uncertainty-focused treatment for adolescents with excessive worry - A pilot feasibility study

Bouts of excessive worry are common across the lifespan, increasing in frequency and complexity during adolescence and adulthood, and are found in several psychiatric disorders, particularly the anxiety disorders. There are evidence-based treatments for adolescents with anxiety disorders but psychological treatments designed specifically to target excessive worrying in adolescents are rare. Intole

Quantum Correlations and Temperature Fluctuations in Nanoscale Systems

Den här avhandlingen berör två olika forskningsområden som är relaterade till fysiken för nanosystem. Det första området rör kvantkorrelationer och sammanflätning mellan elektroner i nanosystem, med ett särskilt fokus på hur man kan generera elektronisk orbital sammanflätning på tidsskalor mycket kortare än dekoherenstiden och hur man kan göra detektionen av sammanflätning enklare experimentellt. This thesis addresses two different topics related to the physics of nanoscale systems. The first topic concerns quantum correlations and entanglement between electrons in solid-state systems, with a focus on how to generate electronic orbital entanglement on a sub-decoherence time scale and how to achieve experimentally more feasible entanglement detection schemes. The second topic concerns heat

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This article addresses the potential choices toward Stockholm agreement between Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels

Performance Assessment for Distributed Broadband Radio Localization

Various emerging technologies, such as autonomous vehicles and fully autonomous flying, require precision positioning. This work presents a localization and tracking method based on joint direction of arrival (DOA), time delay, and range estimation using the SAGE algorithm. The proposed method does not rely on external sources of information such as global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). The

Conflicting selection on floral scent emission in the orchid Gymnadenia conopsea

Floral scent is a crucial trait for pollinator attraction. Yet only a handful of studies have estimated selection on scent in natural populations and no study has quantified the relative importance of pollinators and other agents of selection. In the fragrant orchid Gymnadenia conopsea, we used electroantennographic data to identify floral scent compounds detected by local pollinators and quantifi

Capacity Degradation with Modeling Hardware Impairment in Large Intelligent Surface

In this paper, we consider capacity degradations stemming from potential hardware impairments (HWI) of newly proposed Large Intelligent Surface (LIS) systems. Without HWI, the utility of surface-area (the first-order derivative of the capacity with respect to surface-area) is shown to be proportional to the inverse of it. With HWI, the capacity as well as the utility of surface-area are both degra

Associations between intraoperative factors and surgeons’ self-assessed operative satisfaction

Background: Little is known concerning what may influence surgeon satisfaction with a surgical procedure and its associations with intraoperative factors. The objective was to explore the relationships between surgeons’ self-assessed satisfaction with performed radical prostatectomies and intraoperative factors such as technical difficulties and intraoperative complications as reported by the surg

Financial frictions, financial regulation and their impact on the macroeconomy

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, increasing attention has been paid to the role played by financial factors in business cycle fluctuations. The crisis also led to the development of economic policies, beyond traditional microprudential regulation, that promote financial stability. Macroprudential policy is one such tool. It fosters a more resilient financial system by directly tack

Challenges and best practices for deriving temperature data from an uncalibrated UAV thermal infrared camera

Miniaturized thermal infrared (TIR) cameras that measure surface temperature are increasingly available for use with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However, deriving accurate temperature data from these cameras is non-trivialsince they are highly sensitive to changes in their internal temperature and low-cost models are often not radiometrically calibrated. We present the results of laboratory a

Finite-strain thermo-viscoplasticity for case-hardening steels over a wide temperature range

The aim of this work is the development of a thermodynamically consistent fully coupled thermo-viscoplastic material model for metals undergoing finite deformations. A multiplicative split of the deformation gradient into a thermal, an elastic and a plastic part is introduced, where isotropic thermal expansion and isochoric plastic deformation are assumed. The model is based on a decomposition of

Internationalisation of higher education : Impacts, challenges and future possibilities

This article introduces the special edition entitled ‘Critical reflections on contemporary higher education and developments of and in internationalization’. The articles presented here have resulted from the growing interest in internationalisation among members of the European Educational Research Association Network 22, Research in Higher Education. The authors responded to a special call for p

Discovery of KIRREL as a biomarker for prognostic stratification of patients with thin melanoma 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis

There is a great unmet clinical need to identify patients with thin primary cutaneous melanomas (T1, Breslow thickness ≤ 1 mm) who have a high risk for tumour recurrence and death from melanoma. Kin of IRRE-like protein 1 (KIRREL/NEPH1) is expressed in podocytes and involved in glomerular filtration. Screening in the Human Protein Atlas portal revealed a particularly high expression of KIRREL in m

The Lay of the Land: Information Capacity and the Modern State

This article presents new evidence on the efforts of states to collect and process information about themselves, their territories, and their populations. We compile data on five institutions and policies: the regular implementation of a reliable census, the regular release of statistical yearbooks, the introduction of civil and population registers, and the establishment of a government agency ta