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Adaptation and Learning : A Comparison of AI and Control Views
Lack of interference between IgA-binding proteins and IgA proteases of human pathogenic bacteria
Some human bacterial pathogens produce specific immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) proteases that cleave the heavy chain of human IgA1, generating intact Fab and Fc fragments. Other pathogenic bacterial species express surface proteins which bind to the Fc part of human IgA in a non-immune manner. To analyse whether IgA-binding proteins affect the activity of IgA1 proteases, the ability of seven different I
New species of Xanthoria (Teloschistaceae) from Australia
New species of Xanthoria (Teloschistaceae) from Australia. Nuytsia 16(1) 63–76(2006). Xanthoria elixii S. Kondr. & Kärnefelt, sp. nov. and X. streimannii S. Kondr. & Kärnefelt, sp. nov. are described, illustrated and compared with allied taxa, and a detailed description of the common and widespread species X. filsonii Elix is also given. A key to Australian taxa of Xanthoria is provided.
Climatic signals and frequencies in the Swedish Time Scale, River Ångermanälven, Central Sweden
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om hur man kan utläsa klimatiska signaler från klastiska årsvarviga sediment i Ångermanälven i södra Norrland. Avhandlingen bidrar med kunskap till den pågående diskussionen om klimatets- och den hydrologiska cykelns förändringar, framförallt sett ur ett retrospektiv men den behandlar också frågor om framtiden och en eventuellt ökande växthuseffAny future climate variation forced by human activities will be superimposed on the background of natural climate variation. Therefore, before interpreting the present climate and addressing future climate scenarios some knowledge of past climate is necessary. This thesis offers a rare glimpse into a long record of fluvial activity in Central Sweden and illuminates some of the possible forcing age
On the role of mast cells in chemokine-induced leukocyte recruitment
Popular Abstract in Swedish Inflammation är vävnadens svar på yttre störning och syftar till att eliminera främmade ämnen såsom bakterier men under vissa omständigheter initieras den inflammatoriska reaktionen av ofarliga substanser eller för starkt mot patogener och kan därmed orsaka vävnadsskada och är en underliggande mekanism vid många vanliga sjukdomar inkluderande allergier, blodförgiftning Leukocyte recruitment is considered to playa key role in numerous inflammatory diseases. Tissue accumulation of Jeukocytes is a multi-steps process comprising rolling, adhesion and transmigration. This process depends on the function of several different cells, including leukocytes, endothelial cells, mast cells and macrophages as well as a wide spectrum of inflammatory mediators, such as TNF-alph
Deciding on sourcing option for hosting of software applications in organisations
Software applications are of great importance in organisations, and performance of an organisation depends on how hosting of software applications are organised. This thesis deals with the question: Why and how organisations decide on specific sourcing options for software applications hosting. The thesis describes and explains sourcing decision-making processes made in the Swedish Post (MeLo) and
Hypens Grammatik informationsteknologi i återberättandet som myt praktiserad verklighet och vetenskaplig analys alternativt IT-hypen åren innan och omkring millennieskiftet i väntan på nästa hype och nästa och nästa ...
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hypens grammatik informationsteknologi i återberättandet som myt, praktiserad verklighet och vetenskaplig analys alternativt IT-hypen åren innan och omkring millennieskiftet i väntan på nästa hype och nästa och nästa ... Detta är titeln på min avhandling, som snarare fokuserar på en speciell ”hype” än att den tar upp informationssamhället som sådant. I detta fall, hypeThe Grammar of The Hype digital information technology -IT- in retelling as myth its experienced reality and in scientific analysis or the IT-hype in the years prior to and at the turn of the millennium waiting for the next hype and the next, and“next”... This is the title of my thesis and it focuses rather on a particular “hype” than deals with the so-called information society as such. What is
Improving the prosody in TTS systems: Morphological and lexical-semantic methods for tracking ‘‘new’’ vs. ‘‘given’’ information
Theory and use of chaotic oscillators in electronic communication systems
The theory and applications of chaotic oscillators in electronic commuication are investigated. A method of random number generation utilising a chaotic double scroll oscillator is proposed and evaluated. The theoretical limits of the randomness of the method is analysed.
Poly(ethylene oxide)/Laponite nanocomposites via melt-compounding: effect of clay modification and matrix molar mass
The present study focuses on the preparation of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) nanocomposites based on the synthetic Laponite clay. The clay was added both in its pure form as well as organically modified with low molar mass poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) components in order to enhance the compatibility between Laponite and PEO. Several PEG's with different end groups were used. Almost all of them were f
Ground-truths or Ground-lies? : environmental sampling for remote sensing application exemplified by vegetation cover data
During time of fast development of computer and sensor technology, ground data sampling strategies have achieved diminished attention in many remote sensing studies. This paper discusses the importance of designing an appropriate sampling scheme of ground data collection for remote sensing applications. The difficulties of achieving a balance between the size and the error of the samples are ident
Selecting antonyms for dictionary entries: methodological aspects
This paper investigates the treatment of antonymy in Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary (2003) in order to find out what kinds of headwords are provided with antonyms as part of their definitions and also discusses the principles for antonym inclusion in the entries. CCALED includes canonical antonyms such as good/bad and dead/alive, as well as more contextually restricted pairi
Blood pressure and drug treatment in clinically diagnosed Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease
The aim of the study was to investigate arterial blood pressure (BP) and the use of pharmacological treatment in patients with Lewy body dementia (cLBD) and Alzheimer's disease (cAD) diagnosed on clinical grounds. BP and pharmacological treatment was analysed based on the medical records of 200 deceased dementia patients. Forty-eight cases with LBD and 45 AD were diagnosed using clinical criteria.
Safety and Security in Tourism: Relationships, Management and Marketing
Letter to the editor.
Vitamin K-dependent Gas6 activates ERK kinase and stimulates growth of cardiac fibroblasts.
Industry dynamics in the Swedish textile and wearing apparel sector
This paper analyses the adjustment process within the Swedish textile and wearing apparel sector and finds results that support the notion of Schumpeter's 'creative' destruction. The turnover of plants and jobs seems to 'improve' the industries from within due to an exit (entry) of less (more) productive plants, exit (entry) of old (new) incumbents, a destruction (creation) of less (more) human-ca
Brottet med det möjligas regim : om Jacques Derrida och dekonstruktionens teologisering
Artikeln belyser hur Derridas filosofi skär in i teologiska begrepp och motiv.