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Your search for "*" yielded 532570 hits

Thermionic current reversal

We have analysed the thermionic current over a potential barrier between a hot and a cold metallic wire, in the absence of an externally applied electric field. Because of the quantum nature of the transmission probability and the temperature behaviour of the Fermi distribution function, under proper conditions the thermionic electric current reverses its direction. However, the heat current remai

Treatment with laquinimod reduces development of active MRI lesions in relapsing MS

Background: Laquinimod is a novel immunomodulatory substance developed as an orally available disease modifying treatment in multiple sclerosis ( MS). The purpose of this study was to evaluate safety, tolerability, and efficacy on MRI lesions of two different doses of laquinimod compared with placebo in patients with relapsing MS. Methods: In this multicenter, double-blind, randomized trial, patie

Individual risk assessment of thrombosis in pregnancy.

Thromboembolic complications during pregnancy are major contributors to maternal death, but there is no reliable way to estimate the absolute risk of thrombosis before the occurrence of a thromboembolic complication. OBJECTIVE: To create a model for individual estimation of thrombosis risk during pregnancy and to determine the distribution of risk estimates in a series of gravidae. METHOD AND PATI

The chaperone-like activity of a small heat shock protein is lost after sulfoxidation of conserved methionines in a surface-exposed amphipathic α-helix

The small heat shock proteins (sHsps) possess a chaperone-like activity which prevents aggregation of other proteins during transient heat or oxidative stress. The sHsps bind, onto their surface, molten globule forms of other proteins, thereby keeping them in a refolding competent state. In Hsp21, a chloroplast-located sHsp in all higher plants, there is a highly conserved region forming an amphip

The ADP receptor P2Y(1) mediates t-PA release in pigs during cardiac ischemia.

Background The endothelial ADP receptor P2Y(1) is responsible for a large part of the reactive hyperemia following cardiac ischemia. Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) increases during reactive hyperemia. We postulated that the release of t-PA during reactive hyperemia could be mitigated through blocking the coronary endothelial P2Y(1) receptor. Methods t-PA was measured in peripheral arterial bl

Development of analysis tools and stochastic models of road profiles regarding their influence on heavy vehicle fatigue

Road profiles are analyzed with focus on road characteristics essential for heavy vehicle fatigue assessment. Road profile measurements indicate that roads contain short sections with above-average irregularity. Such rough sections are shown to cause most of the vehicle fatigue damage. An algorithm using a spatial-frequency description is developed to automatically identify rough sections. On the

Decolonizing the Viking Age 1

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen "Decolonizing the Viking Age", i två volymer, argumenterar för att den skandinaviska vikingatiden kan ses som en teoretisk konstruktion som i allt väsentligt utarbetades under det sena 1800-talet. Detta tankesystem har därefter i allt väsentligt reproducerats till våra dagar. Konstruktionen av vikingatiden påverkades kraftigt av nationalism och evolutionsteDecolonizing the Viking Age 1 argues that the Scandinavian “Viking Age” can be seen as a system of knowledge constructed in the late 19th century and in its basic structures maintained up to the present day. This system of knowledge was heavily influenced by the nationalistic and evolutionary ideas of its time of making and may be described as a colonialism of the past. The book follows the making

Carbonate Ions and Gastric Cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nästan en miljon nya fall av magsäckscancer diagnostiseras årligen världen över. Även om frekvensen har fallit dramatiskt de senaste åren så är magsäckscancern fortfarande den näst vanligaste orsaken till död i cancer sett ur ett världsperspektiv. Den geografiska variationen av denna cancertyp är anmärkningsvärd med den högsta förekomsten i asiatiska länder såsom Japan,Nearly one million new cases of gastric cancer are diagnosed annually throughout the world. Even though the incidence has fallen dramatically in recent decades, this disease is still the second leading cause of cancer death in a global perspective. The geographic distribution of gastric cancer varies markedly, with the highest rates in Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, and China. This variatio

The synthesis and characterization of all diastereomers of a linear symmetrically fused tris-Troger's base analogue: New chiral cleft compounds

The synthesis and characterization of all diastereomers of a linear symmetrically fused tris-Troger's base analogue are described. The diastereomers are unambiguously assigned as syn-anti 1a, anti-anti 1b, and syn-syn 1c isomers, by using X-ray diffraction analysis and NMR spectroscopy. For the first time, the anti-anti and the syn-syn diastereomers of a linear symmetrically fused tris-Troger's ba

Quench analysis of a superconducting magnet with 98 coils connected in series

A novel insertion device for electron storage rings called the MAX-Wiggler has been constructed at MAX-lab. The MAX-Wiggler is a cold bore superconducting wiggler magnet with 47 3.5-T poles and. a period length of 61 mm aimed for the production of X-rays at the 1.5-GeV electron storage ring MAX-II at MAX-lab. The MAX-Wiggler consists of 98 racetrack coils connected in series in the superconducting

Detailed study of high-p(T) neutral pion suppression and azimuthal anisotropy in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN) =200 GeV

Measurements of neutral pion (pi(0)) production at midrapidity in root s(NN)=200 GeV Au+Au collisions as a function of transverse momentum, p(T), collision centrality, and angle with respect to reaction plane are presented. The data represent the final pi(0) results from the PHENIX experiment for the first RHIC Au+Au run at design center-of-mass energy. They include additional data obtained using

Comparison of the radioiodinated serum albumin (RISA) dilution technique with direct volumetric measurements in animal models of peritoneal dialysis

Background: Rat models of peritoneal dialysis (PD) are useful for studying the physiology of peritoneal transport and evaluating new osmotic agents. Intraperitoneal (IP) solute concentrations and their evolution over time are easy to measure, but IP volume (IPV) is not. Direct volumetric measurements are the "gold standard;' but they are expensive and do not allow for repetitive measurements in th

New strategies for extraction and clean-up of persistent organic pollutants from food and feed samples using selective pressurized liquid extraction

Pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) has gained wide acceptance for the extraction of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from various environmental and biological matrices. This extraction technique was developed to shorten the extraction step, since this is one of the most time-consuming steps in many analytical procedures. When POPs enter the food chain, as in a number of recent food crises, th

Nano-scale radiation effects in wide-gap crystals under irradiation by VUV photons

The creation spectra of F centres by synchrotron radiation of 5-35 eV have been measured for Na6Al6Si6O24(NaI)(2x) and Na6Al6Si6O24(NaBr)(2x) optical ceramics at 8 and 80 K. The exciting photons cause the excitation and ionization of halogen ions (6-8 eV) and of an aluminosilicate carcass (8.5-31 eV) or the excitation of Na+ ions (32-35 eV). An exciting photon of 20-26 and 27-31 eV creates two or

Monitoring of occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cytostatika är en grupp läkemedel som är vanligt förekommande inom sjukvården. Cytostatika används framför allt vid behandling av olika cancersjukdomar, men kan också användas för att behandla andra sjukdomar t. ex. reumatiska sjukdomar. Dessa läkemedel kan vara mycket giftiga, cancerframkallande och fosterskadande. Cyklofosfamid (CP) och ifosfamid (IF) är två vanligt aAntineoplastic drugs are commonly used in the medical treatment of cancer and some other diseases. Workplaces e.g. hospital pharmacies and wards where antineoplastic drugs are used are contaminated with these drugs and health care workers are therefore at risk of getting occupationally exposed. Many antineoplastic drugs are classified as carcinogenic and teratogenic to humans. Cyclophosphamide (CP