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Strategiskt arbete för minskad nedskräpning- En studie av kampanjen Pellekan i Mölndals kommun

Trash can harm both the environment and humans. It can maintain for a long time in the environment before degrading and during that time it can pollute soils and poison animals. This study focuses on the Pellekan campaign which started to reduce littering in the city of Mölndal. The campaign has been working the same way from the start in 2002 and now is time to evaluate how well it worked. For th

Kvinnan och fostret: En diskursanalys av Europadomstolens syn på den kvinnliga kroppen

Kvinnor har låtit utföra abort under alla tider. Under merparten av historiens gång har ingreppet emellertid behandlats som ett samhälleligt tabu och var därför olagligt i flertalet länder fram till mitten på 1900-talet. Den sexuella revolutionen under 1960- och 1970-talet, i kombination med stora vetenskapliga framsteg på området för mänsklig reproduktion, har kommit att spela en avgörande roll fWomen have performed abortions during all times. For most of history abortion, however, has been treated as a social taboo and was therefore illegal in most countries until the mid 1900’s. The sexual revolution during the 1960’s and 1970’s, combined with major scientific advances in the field of human reproduction, has come to play a critical role in a changed view of the role of women in society.

Aktionsforskning: Att översätta och tillämpa en manual med fokus på att leda barn och ungdomar med autismspektrumtillstånd fram till förståelse för vad en autismspektrumdiagnos innebär.

Föreliggande uppsats ger inblick i processen att översätta en metod från engelska till svenska med allt vad det innebär av språkliga avväganden, kulturella anpassningar och tidsanpassningar för att få första etappen klar, själva översättningen. Dessutom tillämpas metoden på en grupp för att se om ytterligare anpassningar behövs till den specifika målgruppen. Denna tillämpning analyseras genom fråg

Study of three proteins in uracil catabolism pathway

This study focused on expression, purification and functional characterization of three key proteins (Urc1p, Urc2p and Urc8p) in the newly discovered uracil catabolism (URC) pathway. A novel expression system was established by using Saccharomyces kluyveri as a host organism for expression of 6-His tagged Urc1p and Urc2p. Moreover, URC8 gene was cloned in pET151/D-TOPO vector and expressed in Esch

Understanding Customer Needs in Canada – Importance of Marketing Research Excellence in a Market Oriented Organization

Company X Equipment division is a mature organization that has experienced a desire to broaden the knowledge about the market potentials of the Canadian markets. There is also an ambition within the organization to improve the sales in Canada by exploring previously unknown market opportunities. The needs for increased knowledge are experienced both at the Canadian sales office and at the Lund hea

Anestesisjuksköterskestudenters erfarenheter av en ny modell för pedagogisk handledning på operationssal

Nyexaminerade anestesisjuksköterskor kan ha svårigheter att klara av olika situationer. En ny studentsalsmodell skapades för handledning av anestesisjuksköterskestudenters kliniska träning i pargrupper vid tre tillfällen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka och beskriva en ny modell för pedagogisk handledning operationssal erfors av studenterna. Tolv studenter som genomgick sin verksamhetsförlagd

Who blogs what? : A qualitative study on the role of the Euroblogosphere in a context of a European Public Sphere

This study aims to illuminate the perception of Spanish and English language bloggers and to understand them and their activities from the analytical perspective of an online European Public Sphere (EPS). The research, using a methodology of semi structured online interviews, answers two questions. The first one is how these bloggers give evidence of an actor-based online European transnational bl

Income Inequality and Education in Turkey 1980-2005

Abstract: Income inequality is a significant problem word face today. The study examines the correlation between income inequality and education in Turkey during the 1980 - 2005 period by using data from national surveys, Gini coefficient, Lorenz Curve and income quintile share ratio methods. The study concludes that the declining trend of Turkish income inequality is partly due to the education.

Domstolens riskbedömning vid vårdnads-, boende- och umgängestvister

Summary This thesis is a study which primary objective is to examine the court´s risk assessment in legal custody, and contact disputes when a child is at risk of being harmed. My thesis also includes an interdisciplinary perspective to give a more detailed understanding of the process – of which consequences it entails if authorities and courts don´t make reliable risk assessments. Physical, psyc

MR IRL? : En studie om rätten till informationsfrihet i informationssamhället

During the twenty-first century, questions concerning the use of information and communication technology have become a priority on the international agenda, according to the UN; we are now entering an Information Society. The World Summit on the Information Society was a possibility for the UN to discuss and establish ethical principles concerning the new society. The purpose of this study is to

A study of the forcible removal of indigenous children in Australia committed by the Australian government

The main purpose for the undertaking of this study is to analyze the origin, reason and consequence of the human rights violations committed in Australia, how they could occur after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and, lastly, the reason for their survival and continuation until the early 1970's. This study will also cast a light on the particular case concerning th

The Long-run Relationship between Savings and Investment in Transition Economies: Empirical Evidence from China

This study examines the underlying patterns of savings and investments in China for the period 1978 – 2008. The institutional changes that occurred as a result of the 1978 economic reforms programme brought about profound changes to the characteristics of savings and investments in China. The paper finds that household savings while high, do not explain China’s high savings rate as a whole. High s

Sesquiterpene lactones from Eupatorium lasiophtalmum

An investigation of Eupatorium lasiophthalmum yielded fourteen sesquiterpene lactones (1-14) including one new epimer (7) and a revision of the reported stereochemistry of 2 is suggested. One known sesquiterpene (15) and one triterpene (16) with a novel skeleton were found. Two known flavonoids (17-18) were also isolated. Michael adducts were prepared out of 1, 4 and 5 and their reversibility stud

The Price You Pay, What Determines the Willingess to Pay for Housing?

Housing expenditure is without doubt one of the biggest expenditure posts for all households. By using econometrics to estimate regressions with cross-­‐sectional data including more than 1500 individuals, this thesis examines whether there is any individual characteristics that determines how big a share of the disposable income that is spent on housing each month. The results indicate that diffe

Familjens deltagande i psykiatrisk öppenvårdsbehandling: patientpreferenser

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka psykiatriska öppenvårdspatienters preferenser att ha med sina anhöriga i behandlingen, om de har blivit tillfrågade att ha med anhöriga och om patienten tror att anhöriga vill delta i behandlingen, samt patienters syn på hur patienten familjeorienterad behandling kan påverka patientens behandling. Studien är en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med 150 d