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Hybrid ZnO/GaN distributed Bragg reflectors grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy

We demonstrate crack-free ZnO/GaN distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) grown by hybrid plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy using the same growth chamber for continuous growth of both ZnO and GaN without exposure to air. This is the first time these ZnO/GaN DBRs have been demonstrated. The Bragg reflectors consisted up to 20 periods as shown with cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy.

Geographic Location, not Forest Type, Affects the Diversity of Spider Communities Sampled with Malaise Traps in Sweden

The latitudinal diversity gradient predicts higher species richness at lower latitudes. Here, we utilize the data from a long-term monitoring with malaise traps to analyse if spider communities in Sweden are affected by geographic gradients and if these effects hold independent of forest type. The species richness and the effective number of species in spider communities were not significantly rel

Survival, differentiation, and connectivity of ventral mesencephalic dopamine neurons following transplantation

The reconstruction of midbrain dopamine (DA) circuitry through intracerebral transplantation of new DA neurons contained in embryonic ventral mesencephalon (VM) is a promising therapeutic approach for Parkinson's disease (PD). Although some of the early open-label trials have provided proof-of-principal that VM grafts can provide sustained improvement of motor function in some patients, subsequent

Congruence of decay chains of elements 113, 115, and 117

Superheavy element research relies heavily on the detection of correlated decay chains. When several chains have been detected, it is natural to ask whether they form one congruent set, or whether they should be further divided into subsets. To statistically assess the congruence between the chains in a data set, we developed a procedure to calculate a Figure-of-Merit for low-number statistics. In

Transgenic expression of constitutively active RAC1 disrupts mouse rod morphogenesis

PURPOSE: Dominant-active RAC1 rescues photoreceptor structure in Drosophila rhodopsin-null mutants, indicating an important role in morphogenesis. This report assesses the morphogenetic effect of activated RAC1 during mammalian rod photoreceptor development using transgenic mice that express constitutively active (CA) RAC1.METHODS: Transgenic mice were generated by expressing CA RAC1 under control

Design and fabrication of a conceptual arterial ultrasound phantom capable of exhibiting longitudinal wall movement

The longitudinal movement of the arterial wall of large human arteries has shown promise to be an independent indicator of vascular health. Despite growing interest in this movement, its nature, causes, and implications are not fully understood, and existing phantoms have failed to show a pure longitudinal movement that is not secondary to the distension. An often overlooked aspect of the arterial

Scaling the Baltic Sea environment

The Baltic Sea environment has since the early 1970s passed through several phases of spatial objectification in which the ostensibly well-defined semi-enclosed sea has been framed and reframed as a geographical object for intergovernmental environmental politics. Based on a historical analysis of this development, this article suggests that environmental politics critically depend on the delineat

The morphology and internal composition of dried particles from whole milk-From single droplet to full scale drying

Powder structure and functionality are expected to be closely linked to the composition and drying process. In order to understand the optimization of the quality of a powder, e.g. encapsulation efficiency, or wetting and dispersion properties, monitoring of the particle microstructure is an attractive concept. However, to study the impact of different parameters in formulation and drying process

On Modeling of Thermo-Viscoplasticity of Case-Hardening Steels Over a Wide Temperature Range

The aim of this work is the development of a thermodynamically consistent fully coupled thermo-viscoplastic material model for metals.The model is based on a split ofthe free energy into a thermo-elastic, a thermo-plastic and a purely thermal part and covers nonlinear cold-work hardening and thermal softening. Nonlinear temperature dependent effects are accounted for the elastic moduli, the plasti

MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring magnet block production series measurement results

The MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring magnets are integrated "magnet block" units consisting of several consecutive magnet elements precision-machined out of a common solid iron block. In the 3 GeV ring, there are 140 magnet blocks containing a total of 1320 magnet elements. During the manufacturing phase of the project, a field measurement was performed for each magnet element, by Hall probe and/or by ro

Conflict between entrepreneurship and open science, and the transition of scientific norms

In the trend of academic entrepreneurship, practical and direct contribution of university research to the society has been emphasized, in which university scientists have increasingly engaged in commercial activities, university-industry relationships, and technology transfers. However, this trend has aroused concern about a potentially negative impact on the tradition of open science. Drawing on