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Your search for "*" yielded 534097 hits

Assessing soil ecosystem processes – biodiversity relationships in a nature reserve in Central Europe

Background and aims: Plant diversity – ecosystem processes relationships are essential to our understanding of ecosystem functioning. We aimed at disentangling the nature of such relationships in a mesotrophic grassland that was highly heterogeneous with regards to nutrient availability. Methods: Rather than targeting primary productivity, like most existing reports do, we focused our study on bel

Förnyelse - förbistring - försoning : En studie av vitaliseringsrörelser och ekumenisk utveckling på fem sydsvenska orter 1970–2015

Försoning är ett centralt tema i den kristna kyrkan. Denna studie indikerar en diskrepans mellan den teologiska förståelsen av försoning och den praxis som utövas under och efter en konflikt orsakad av olika uppfattningar om församlingens kultur eller identitet, särskilt i relation till vitaliseringsrörelser – förnyelse.I denna studie har etthundra konflikter eller potentiella konflikter som uppstReconciliation is a central theme in the Christian church. This study proceeds from a discrepancy between the theological understanding of reconciliation on the one hand and praxis in dealing with conflicts caused by different opinions about the culture or identity of the church on the other, especially in connection with vitalization (or renewal) movements.In this study, one hundred conflicts or

Case Studies as Narratives: Reflections Prompted by the Case of Victor, the Wild Child of Aveyron

Drawing on a celebrated case study of a feral child in France, the author argues that there are similarities between stories and case studies as types of narrative and that they are both capable of acting as insightful tools of management inquiry. Both case studies and stories call for narrative imagination to develop meaningful narratives. Serendipity, the accidental discovery of meaning or purpo

Data consistency of the burning velocity measurements using the heat flux method : Hydrogen flames

Consistent datasets of experiments are highly important both for validation and optimization of kinetic mechanisms. An analysis of the data consistency of all available burning velocity measurements of hydrogen flames using the heat flux method at atmospheric pressure is performed in the present work. A comparison of many experiments performed in several laboratories with different types of diluti

Monitoring biofilm function in new and matured full-scale slow sand filters using flow cytometric histogram image comparison (CHIC)

While slow sand filters (SSFs) have produced drinking water for more than a hundred years, understanding of their associated microbial communities is limited. In this study, bacteria in influent and effluent water from full-scale SSFs were explored using flow cytometry (FCM) with cytometric histogram image comparison (CHIC) analysis; and routine microbial counts for heterotrophs, total coliforms a

Clinical significance of IgM and IgA class anti-NMDAR antibodies in herpes simplex encephalitis

Background: Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is a devastating disease, often leaving patients with severe disabilities. It has been shown that IgG anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antibodies appear in approximately 25% of HSE patients and could be associated with impaired recovery of cognitive performance. Objectives: To characterize the prevalence of IgM and IgA anti-NMDAR antibodies i

Treatment efficacy for idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss - a systematic review and meta-analyses

Introduction: Medical treatment of women with idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss is controversial. The objective was to assess the effects of different treatments on live birth rates and complications in women with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss. Material and methods: We searched MEDLINE, Embase and the Cochrane Library, and identified 1415 publications. This systematic review included 21 r

Metallic Contact between MoS2 and Ni via Au Nanoglue

A critical factor for electronics based on inorganic layered crystals stems from the electrical contact mode between the semiconducting crystals and the metal counterparts in the electric circuit. Here, a materials tailoring strategy via nanocomposite decoration is carried out to reach metallic contact between MoS2 matrix and transition metal nanoparticles. Nickel nanoparticles (NiNPs) are success

Computational Methods for Computer Vision : Minimal Solvers and Convex Relaxations

Robust fitting of geometric models is a core problem in computer vision. The most common approach is to use a hypothesize-and-test framework, such as RANSAC. In these frameworks the model is estimated from as few measurements as possible, which minimizes the risk of selecting corrupted measurements. These estimation problems are called minimal problems, and they can often be formulated as systems

Implications of feedstock diversity on forest-based ethanol production

The utilization of lignocellulosic biomass to produce biofuels, such as bioethanol, has the potential to provide a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, and thus mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.Forest biomass is expected to be a significant source of such biomass, as it can serve as an abundant and sustainable feedstock for bioethanol production. It is unlikely

The multiple myeloma risk allele at 5q15 lowers ELL2 expression and increases ribosomal gene expression

Recently, we identified ELL2 as a susceptibility gene for multiple myeloma (MM). To understand its mechanism of action, we performed expression quantitative trait locus analysis in CD138+ plasma cells from 1630 MM patients from four populations. We show that the MM risk allele lowers ELL2 expression in these cells (P combined = 2.5 × 10-27; β combined = -0.24 SD), but not in peripheral blood or ot

Self-assembled InN quantum dots on side facets of GaN nanowires

Self-assembled, atomic diffusion controlled growth of InN quantum dots was realized on the side facets of dislocation-free and c-oriented GaN nanowires having a hexagonal cross-section. The nanowires were synthesized by selective area metal organic vapor phase epitaxy. A 3 Å thick InN wetting layer was observed after growth, on top of which the InN quantum dots formed, indicating self-assembly in

On performance of hidden car roof antennas

Hidden antenna solutions for car roofs are of current interest to car manufacturers, to avoid having larger shark-fin based antenna systems to support growing number of wireless services. However, there are only a few studies in the literature on the integration of hidden antennas, particularly in relation to realistic roofs and propagation channels. This paper investigates the performance impact

Linking, Searching, and Visualizing Entities in Wikipedia

In this paper, we describe a new system to extract, index, search, and visualize entities in Wikipedia. To carry out the entity extraction, we designed a high-performance, multilingual, entity linker and we used a document model to store the resulting linguistic annotations. The entity linker, HEDWIG, extracts the mentions from text usinga string matching Engine and links them toentities with a co

The prognostic performance of lactate in out of hospital cardiac arrest, a post hoc analysis of the TTM-trial

The purpose of this studywas to investigate the prognostic value of lactate at admission, 12-h lactate and 12-h lactate clearance for 30-day survival in comatose patients admitted after out of hospi tal cardiac Arrest (OHCA). Although measures of lactate have been successfully implemented in sepsis and trauma care, most OHCA studies are biased due to design and the results are conflicting. This is