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Reduction of gain and time constant of vestibulo-ocular reflex in man induced by diazepam and thiopental
The effect of intravenous administration of two sedatives, diazepam (0.3 mg/kg) and thiopental (6.0 mg/kg), on the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in man was investigated on 9 volunteers. The VOR was evoked with a velocity step rotation test and gain and time constant of prerotatory and postrotatory nystagmus were measured. Both drugs reduced VOR gain. Diazepam-induced reduction lasted 8 h and thiop
Effects of intravenously given barbiturate and diazepam on eye motor performance in man
Creating institutional preconditions for knowledge flows in cross-border regions
In recent years, we have witnessed an intensive scholarly discussion about the limitations of traditional inward looking regional innovation strategies. New policy approaches put more emphasis on promoting the external connectedness of regions. However, the institutional preconditions for collaboration across borders have received little attention so far. The aim of this paper is to investigate bo
Resistance Mutation R292K Is Induced in Influenza A(H6N2) Virus by Exposure of Infected Mallards to Low Levels of Oseltamivir
Resistance to neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) is problematic as these drugs constitute the major treatment option for severe influenza. Extensive use of the NAI oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) results in up to 865 ng/L of its active metabolite oseltamivir carboxylate (OC) in river water. There one of the natural reservoirs of influenza A, dabbling ducks, can be exposed. We previously demonstrated that an i
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Personality Traits and the Gender Gap in Ideology
What explains the gender gap in ideology, i.e. the observation that women tend to be more leftist than men? We provide new evidence showing that personality traits play a key role. Using a novel high-quality data set, we show that the mediating (i.e. indirect) effects of gender operating through personality traits by far dominate the direct effects of gender. They also dominate other potential dif
Targeting coagulation factor XII as a novel therapeutic option in brain trauma
OBJECTIVE: Traumatic brain injury is a major global public health problem for which specific therapeutic interventions are lacking. There is, therefore, a pressing need to identify innovative pathomechanism-based effective therapies for this condition. Thrombus formation in the cerebral microcirculation has been proposed to contribute to secondary brain damage by causing pericontusional ischemia,
Phosphoric acid as a matrix additive for MALDI MS analysis of phosphopeptides and phosphoproteins
Phosphopeptides are often detected with low efficiency by MALDI MS analysis of peptide mixtures. In an effort to improve the phosphopeptide ion response in MALDI MS, we investigated the effects of adding low concentrations of organic and inorganic acids during peptide sample preparation in 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,5-DHB) matrix. Phosphoric acid in combination with 2,5-DHB matrix significantly
Femtosecond X-Ray Scattering Study of Ultrafast Photoinduced Structural Dynamics in Solvated[Co(terpy)2]2$
We study the structural dynamics of photoexcited [Co(terpy)2]2+ in an aqueous solution with ultrafast x-ray diffuse scattering experiments conducted at the Linac Coherent Light Source. Through direct comparisons with density functional theory calculations, our analysis shows that the photoexcitation event leads to elongation of the Co-N bonds, followed by coherent Co-N bond length oscillations ari
Preparation of cell suspensions for co-transplantation : methodological considerations
The purpose of the current study was to determine the optimal strategy for preparing cell suspensions for co-transplantation. In the first experiment, the number of Sertoli cell (SC) aggregates and the number of tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons were compared over time when cell suspensions of Sertoli or ventral mesencephalic cells were kept as a co-suspension mixed at 0 h. Cells from each sus
Local culture as a context for entrepreneurial activities
This paper examines how an industrial legacy leads to the formation of a distinct local culture and how the culture’s survival provides a context for the subsequent entrepreneurial activities in new local industries. The discussion about culture as a key driver of entrepreneurship and economic growth is well established in the academic debate. However, we know little about how culture is formed. T
The emergence of gestures
Mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic intervention
Demonstration and pantomime in the evolution of teaching
Donald proposes that early Homo evolved mimesis as a new form of cognition. This article investigates the mimesis hypothesis in relation to the evolution of teaching. The fundamental capacities that distinguish hominin teaching from that of other animals are demonstration and pantomime. A conceptual analysis of the instructional and communicative functions of demonstration and pantomime is present
When Fixed-Angle Volar Plates Are Not Enough: Alternative Fixation Methods in Problem Fractures
Cerebellar infarctions as the cause of 'vestibular neuritis'
Galvanically induced asymmetric optokinetic after-nystagmus
The effect of an asymmetric vestibular input on the symmetry of horizontal optokinetic after-nystagmus (OKAN) was studied in twenty healthy subjects. Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) was elicited by a whole-field optokinetic drug, rotating at 90 degrees/s, and eye-movements were recorded by a DC electro-oculographic technique (EOG). The ratio of OKAN following right and left-beating OKN respectively wa