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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Exploration of Electro-Enhanced-Chemotherapy I Exploration of the uptake of radioactive tracer in rat Muscle tissue of 2 - 12 applied electric pulses of 600;800;1000;1200 V/cm field-strength, 100;250;500 s pulse-length, and 2,4,6,8.10.12 number of pulses.

Syftet med studien är att undersöka det förbättrade upptaget av det radioaktiva spåret Technetium-99m-DTPA (99mTc-DTPA) i råtta Muskelvävnad i Fischer 344 råttor efter applicerade elektriska pulser med olika fältstyrka och pulslängd,Metoder: 99mTc-DTPA (totalt 150 MBq) administrerades intramuskulärt (i.m.) vid axeln som en bolus i flera fraktioner av 50 l vardera i intervaller på 1 minut. Bilder

3D solar maps for the evaluation of building integrated photovoltaics in future city districts : A norwegian case study

Three-dimensional (3D) solar maps based on Radiance simulations are presented for a future city district in southern Norway. The surface mapping method provides the commercial developer with a practical tool to evaluate the potential for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). The solar maps identify the optimum roof and facade areas available for solar energy utilization. The importance of BIPV

Λ c + production in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV and in p-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV

The pT-differential production cross section of prompt Λc + charmed baryons was measured with the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in pp collisions at s=7 TeV and in p-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV at midrapidity. The Λc + and Λ¯ c ¯ were reconstructed in the hadronic decay modes Λc + → pK−π+, Λc + → pKS 0 and in the semileptonic channel Λc + → e+νeΛ (and charge conjugates). The m

Preparation and culturing of human primary vascular cells

Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) results from amyloid accumulation within arteries of the cerebral cortex and leptomeninges. This condition is age-related, especially prevalent in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and the main feature of certain hereditary disorders (i.e., HCHWA-I). The vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) appear to play a vital role in the development of CAA, which makes them well suite

End-of-life treatments in pediatric patients at a government tertiary cancer center in India

Aim: The primary objective of this study was to describe demographics and end-of-life treatments of children with cancer at a government tertiary cancer center in India. Methods: A retrospective review was undertaken of medical charts of all children younger than 18 years, who died as inpatients while undergoing treatment at the pediatric oncology department between April and September 2016. Data

Human IgM monoclonal antibodies block HIV-transmission to immune cells in cervico-vaginal tissues and across polarized epithelial cells in vitro

The importance of natural IgM antibodies in protection against infections is still emerging and these antibodies have a potential role in the maintenance of homeostasis through clearance of apoptotic bodies, complement-dependent mechanisms, inflammation and exclusion of misfolded proteins. Natural IgM act as a first line of defence against unknown hazardous factors and are present in most vertebra

Experiences and outcome from the implementation of a national Swedish automated external defibrillator registry

Background: Early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) increase survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Although international guidelines recommend the use of AED registries to increase AED use, little is known about implementation. The aim of this paper is to describe the development of a national AED registry, to analy

Streptococcal Endo-β-N-Acetylglucosaminidase Suppresses Antibody-Mediated Inflammation In Vivo

Endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase (EndoS) is a family 18 glycosyl hydrolase secreted by Streptococcus pyogenes. Recombinant EndoS hydrolyzes the β-1,4-di-N-acetylchitobiose core of the N-linked complex type glycan on the asparagine 297 of the γ-chains of IgG. Here, we report that EndoS and IgG hydrolyzed by EndoS induced suppression of local immune complex (IC)-mediated arthritis. A small amount (1 µ

Response to Nuffield Council on Bioethics’ Genome editing and human reproduction: open call for evidence

During a meeting held in Trento, Italy in March 2017, and organised by the COST Action CHIP ME (IS1303) to discuss about ELSI of genome-editing, many different positions emerged on the possibility to intervene on reproduction and especially on the human embryo. At the time, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics had commissioned a background paper on genome editing, and the corresponding Working Group

Malaria parasites and related haemosporidians cause mortality in cranes : A study on the parasites diversity, prevalence and distribution in Beijing Zoo

Background: Malaria parasites and related haemosporidian parasites are widespread and may cause severe diseases in birds. These pathogens should be considered in projects aiming breeding of birds for purposes of sustained ex situ conservation. Cranes are the 'flagship species' for health assessment of wetland ecosystems, and the majority of species are endangered. Malaria parasites and other haemo

Macro-atom versus many-electron effects in ultrafast ionization of C 60

Ionization mechanisms of C60 molecules irradiated by a short intense 800-nm laser pulse are studied. Angle-resolved photoelectron spectra show above-threshold ionization (ATI) patterns with a low peak contrast and a remarkably smooth angular distribution. The results are interpreted by combining two theoretical models. A time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) calculation based on the B-spline

Integrated approaches to natural resources management—Theory and practice

To meet multiple environmental objectives, integrated programming is becoming increasingly important for the Global Environmental Facility, the financial mechanism of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements, including the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. However, integration is often not well defined. We therefore focus on identifying key aspects of integration and assessing their implem

Measurement of the inclusive and fiducial tt¯ production cross-sections in the lepton+jets channel in pp collisions at √s=8TeV with the ATLAS detector

The inclusive and fiducial tt¯ production cross-sections are measured in the lepton+jets channel using 20.2fb-1 of proton–proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Major systematic uncertainties due to the modelling of the jet energy scale and b-tagging efficiency are constrained by separating selected events into three disjoint regions.

Protein Engineering Allows for Mild Affinity-based Elution of Therapeutic Antibodies

Presented here is an engineered protein domain, based on Protein A, that displays a calcium-dependent binding to antibodies. This protein, ZCa, is shown to efficiently function as an affinity ligand for mild purification of antibodies through elution with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Antibodies are commonly used tools in the area of biological sciences and as therapeutics, and the most commonl

Regulation Brussels Ia and violations of personality rights on the internet

This article presents and analyses the judgment of the Grand Chamber of the eu Court of Justice of 17 October 2017 in the case of Bolagsupplysningen v. Svensk Handel (Case C-194/16), which represents a new development regarding the application of eu jurisdictional rules to disputes arising out of alleged violations of personality rights on the internet.

En framgångssaga inom gastroenterologisk endoskopi

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) was introduced 5 decades ago in 1968. Since then ERCP has redefined treatment of pancreatic and biliary tract diseases. The modern duodenoscopy was invented in 1970. Initially, ERCP was mainly used for diagnostic purposes. Sphincterotomy was introduced 1974, which made surgery obsolete in the management of cholodocholitiasis. In 1980 were the f