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Energy and resources, material choice and recycling potential in low energy buildings

This paper presents three Swedish residential low energy buildings regarding the total need of energy in a life cycle perspective, the environmental impacts, effects of choice of material and the recycling potential. The calculated energy need for operation (space heating, electricity, hot water) was in average 50 kWh/m2 floor area per year. Simulations were made with four electricity mixes. For a

DCW-MAC: An energy efficient medium access scheme using duty-cycled low-power wake-up receivers

In this work we present a new low-power medium access scheme for sensor-type networks specifically with low traffic intensity. We call the proposed scheme DCW-MAC where ultra-low-power wake-up receivers are combined with optimal duty-cycled listening. First we introduce a framework for the analysis of energy consumption of the studied network type, then we use it to optimize the MAC scheme to achi

Om det behövs blir vi uppkäftiga

Antologin Maktens (o)lika förklädnader tar upp det problematiska förhållandet mellan feminism, eurocentrism och klass från varierande infallsvinklar. Antologin kan läsas som en postkolonialt inspirerad lägesrapport om Sverige i början av det nya millenniet. Även om rasism är och har varit en marginaliserad fråga inom den svenska feministiska forskningen, visar flera texter i denna antologi att ras

Synagogue and Separation: A Social-Scientific Approach to the Formation of Christianity in Antioch

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen syftar till att bidra till förståelsen av hur det kan komma sig att kristendomen i början av det andra århundradet utvecklas till en icke-judisk religion. Att de judendom och kristendom idag uppfattas som två olika religioner är inte så märkligt. Dock, om man betänker att kristendomen ursprungligen var en del av det första århundradets judendom så är det egThis book attempts to answer the question of how it is possible that Christianity in the beginning of the second century C.E. had developed into a non-Jewish, Gentile religion. Since Christianity was originally one of many Jewish factions within the diversified Judaism of the period, and one that even primarily seems to have directed its attention to the people of Israel, the problem of its separa

Pragmatic Arguments for Rationality Constraints

My focus is on pragmatic arguments for various rationality constraints on a decision maker’s state of mind: on his beliefs or preferences. An argument of this kind purports to show that a violator of a given constraint can be exposed to a decision problem in which she will act to her guaranteed disadvantage. Dramatically put, she can be exploited by a clever bookie who doesn’t know more than the a

Structural characterization of proteins to investigate their roles in diseases: Focus on MID & LTA4H

Popular Abstract in English Living organisms are composed of mainly carbohydrate, protein and lipid molecules. Protein molecules are responsible for many biological functions in cells. In order to fulfill their various biological roles, these chain-like molecules must fold into precise three-dimensional shapes. The knowledge of accurate molecular structures is a prerequisite for rational drug desiProtein molecules are responsible for many biological functions in cells. In order to fulfill their various biological roles, these chain-like molecules must fold into precise three-dimensional shapes. The knowledge of accurate molecular structures is a prerequisite for rational drug design and for structure based functional studies. Getting structural information of proteins can be a very difficu

Fast isolation of proteins from bioreactors using affinity chromatography techniques

Popular Abstract in Swedish Materien strävar efter största möjliga oordning (entropi). Det krävs ett aktivt ingripande (energitillskott) för att ordna och separera saker. Har man väl hällt salt i teet är det svårt att ta bort, och byta ut det mot socker. Vid framställningen av olika ämnen får man ofta ut en blandning som även innehåller sådant man inte vill ha, och måste hitta sätt att skilja dem The purification of proteins from raw materials like fermentation broth and other biological sources usually involves several purification steps and is rather time consuming and expensive. This is a major concern in the production of many important protein products e.g. pharmaceuticals such as insulin and blood coagulation factors. One way to speed up the isolation of protein from particle-contai

Methods of Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics for Astronomy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Multikonjugerad Adaptiv Optik för Astronomiska Teleskop 1. Atmosfärisk turbulens Allt sedan man på 1600-talet började bruka optiska instrument inom astronomin, för att understödja det mänskliga ögat då man beskådade stjärnhimlen, har astronomer strävat efter att bygga allt större och bättre teleskop för att kunna se längre ut i rymden och skönja allt ljussvagare objekt.This work analyses several aspects of multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) for astronomy. The research ranges from fundamental and technical studies for present-day MCAO projects, to feasibility studies of high-order MCAO instruments for the extremely large telescopes (ELTs) of the future. The first part is an introductory exposition on atmospheric turbulence, adaptive optics (AO) and MCAO, esta

Development of a Web-Based GIS Using SDI for Disaster Management

Spatial data and related technologies, particularly Geographical Information System (GIS) with the capability of display, retrieval, analysis and management of spatial data, have proven crucial for disaster management. However, there are currently different problems with availability, access and usage of spatial data for disaster management. The problems with spatial data become more serious durin

On the Delicate Balance between RE and Testing: Experiences from a Large Company

Requirements Engineering and Testing are considered inseparable and together enable successful projects. One could make a statement that serious negligence of any of the two will bring catastrophic consequences for the project, delays, failures and unhappy customers. Thus, alignment and cooperation between the two are not only recommended but highly required for contemporary complex software and s