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Diakon- och prästämbetena i Svenska kyrkan: En studie av likheter och skillnader vad gäller arbetsuppgifter, legitimitet och resurser

The Church of Sweden is marginalized in society and the membership of the Church is decreasing, which means that the church's economy is on the decline, but the demands on the Church by its members have not decreased. This is a comparative study that deals with the roles of deacons and priests and their contribution to the Church. The aim is to get an overview of similarities and differences i

Targeting International Customers in Japanese E-commerce: A Web Content Analysis of the Marketing Mix in Rakuten and

The thesis examines the marketing strategies implemented by the two biggest e-commerce companies in Japan, namely Rakuten and, in order to address their international customers. Specifically, the study is conducted by means of a multiple-case study design, an interpretivist approach and a qualitative Web Content Analysis on the two firms’ websites in English language. The theoretical

RE-thinking the Public Realm in Höganäs, Sweden

will provide solutions which could act as a guide line for any future sustainable urban development and management. Enhancing the public realm in Höganäs by proposing a new approach for rethinking the public realm as a volumetric space emphasizing on its livable dimension where social life exist, rather than consider it a simple surface. Two different study areas have been selected to provide more

The Nexus of FDI - Absorptive Capacity and GDP growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

Within 10 years the outlook on Africa has shifted from a continent of destitute to the potential next new emerging market. This study is relevant in this regard to investigate to what extent SSA countries are reaping the benefits of foreign investment inflows and the absorptive capacities necessary to benefit from FDI. A cross sectional analysis was done on 34 countries in Sub-Sahara Africa for th

Compassion Fatigue och Compassion Satisfaction bland psykologer - Betydelsen av handledning, motöverföring och negativ perfektionism

Psykologyrket kan vara berikande och skapa en känsla av meningsfullhet och därigenom ge upphov till Compassion Satisfaction. Men det kan också bidra till negativa effekter som utbrändhet och sekundär traumatisering, vilket beskrivs med termen Compassion Fatigue. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om handledning och medvetenhet kring motöverföring är associerat med mindre Compassion Fatigue

A Grieving Nation: Exploring Thainess in the Space of Emotion

The passing of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej on October 13, 2016 marked a significant turning point in modern Thai history. As the world’s longest-reigning monarch, King Bhumibol had been much loved and revered as the country’s father figure for 70 years. In the wake of his demise, it seemed to be that every corner of Thailand was packed with emotions that also came with an array of cultural

Offentlig upphandling i förändring - en diskursanalys av ett regeringsförslag.

Offentlig upphandling är ett ämne som diskuteras både nationellt och internationellt. Redan sedan Sveriges inträde till Europeiska unionen år 1995, har upphandling allt mer och mer reglerats på EU-nivå och idag, sker all reglering kring upphandlingsförfaranden på EU-nivå. I den här uppsatsen har upphandlingsdirektiven 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU och i synnerlighet regeringens proposition 2015/16:195 st

Att leva som man lär? En kvalitativ fallstudie om intern demokrati i Organisationen för säkerhet och samarbete i Europa

Uppsatsen utgörs av en fallstudie som syftar till att skapa en djupare förståelse för fenomenet intern demokrati inom internationella organisationer. Studien fokuserar på Organisationen för säkerhet och samarbete i Europa och genom det teoretiska ramverk som utarbetats ämnar vi kartlägga den interna demokratin i nämnda organisation. Kartläggningen sker genom att applicera fem olika teoretiska dime

Asyl och rätten till bostad

Antalet nyanlända personer i Sverige har ökat dramatiskt de senaste åren. Ansvaret för dessa människors boende är både en statlig och en kommunal angelägenhet. Denna uppsats undersöker ansvarsfördelningen och hur långt rätten till bostad sträcker sig i svensk lagstiftning. Uppsatsen undersöker om rätten till bostad åtnjuts på lika villkor av alla människor som lagligen uppehåller sig i Sverige. DeIn the last years, there has been a largely increased number of refugees in Sweden. The responsibility for these peoples’ living situation are both a responsibility for the state and for the municipalities. Thus, this paper will examine the distribution of responsibility and how far the right to housing extends in Swedish national law. This paper focus on the subject if the right to housing is enj

Arbetsinkomst eller kapitalinkomst - Klassificering av andelar i fåmansbolag och enskild näringsverksamhet

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka klassificeringen av andelar i fåmansbolag och enskild näringsverksamhet och jämför klassificeringarna med varandra. Syftet med jämförelsen är att utröna vilka principiella skillnader och likheter som finns mellan klassificeringarna. Andelarna i ett fåmansbolag kan klassificeras antingen som kvalificerade eller okvalificerade, syftet med klassificeringen är att sThe purpose of this essay is to examine the classification of shares in close companies and private economic activities and to compare the classifications with each other. Conducting this comparison will ascertain what fundamental differences and similarities there are between the classifications. In a closed company, the shares are classified either as qualified or unqualified and the aim with

The Evolution of ECOWAS: How the Economic Organization Transitioned Into Peace and Security

Ecowas’ original purpose was to integrate West African states for economic prosperity, however, the politically unstable region’s economy could not develop unless peace and security could be guaranteed. By adopting various security protocols to the original treaty in an attempt to stop interstate conflicts, Ecowas began its transition into a security organization. The United Nations prohibits sub-

Kvinnliga politiska förebilder – spelar det någon roll? En studie om sambandet mellan representation och unga kvinnors politiska deltagande

This study examines the connection between female representation in the political elite and the political participation of young women. Using theories regarding political participation in general and role model effects in particular, the hypothesis that an increase in the degree of female ministers and MPs leads to an increase in the degree of young women who become members of political parties in

Kriget i Afghanistan- Varför förändrades den amerikanska opinionen?

This thesis focuses on public opinion. Specifically it examines public opinion in the US regarding the war in Afghanistan. In the last months of the Bush administration was the US still at war in Afghanistan and Iraq. The newly elected president Obama inherited the wars and by 2009 had the US waged war in the region for approximately eight years. The aim of the thesis is to reach a conclusion rega

Suveränitet och solidaritet - idéanalys kring förslag till omarbetning av Dublin III-förordningen i EU

The current migration situation puts high pressure on the European Union. Today’s situation is unsustainable as some states receive a number of refugees beyond their capabilities while other states refuse to receive any at all. In 2016, the Commission presented a proposal that entails a mandatory distribution key for the relocation of refugees which for the member countries would lead to a lowered

The Strategy of the Islamic State: Instrumental and Organizational Developments in Relation to the Strategy of Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda and the Islamic State are two of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world, whose terror campaigns have changed the nature of global jihadi terrorism in fundamental ways. The purpose of this thesis is to study the strategy of the Islamic State in relation to the strategy of Al Qaeda, with Martha Crenshaw’s Instrumental and Organizational Perspectives. These perspectives prov

Ideologiska skillnader mellan nationella och transnationella partier: En kvalitativ studie över hur Moderaterna och Kristdemokraterna skiljer sig från Europeiska folkpartiet

This study concerns the ways the two Swedish national parties the Moderates and the Christian Democrats differ from the European People’s Party, which is the transnational party they belong to in the European Union. The parties’ election manifestos from the European Parliament election of 2014 are compared using a qualitative text analysis and related to earlier research and theories within the fi

Fire Extinguishing in Complex Facilities – A Study of Large Fire Extinguishing

This report analyzes fire extinguishing solutions that might cut time between fire alarm and fire extinguishing at the European Spallation Source. A special design fire with a very high peak heat release rate is used. The method used includes a literature study, meetings with supervisors and ESS representatives and participation in workshops and study visits. Some fire protection measures are alre

”Who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle” – Synen på barn och barndom i filmbearbetningar av Lewis Carrolls böcker om Alice

En undersökning av synen på barn och barndom i filmbearbetningar av Lewis Carrolls böcker om Alice. Utvecklingen av gestaltningarna av protagonisten och antagonisten i Aliceberättelserna jämförs med utvecklingen av synen på barn och barndom sedan "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" publicerades 1865. Studien syftar till att bredda och fördjupa kunskapsområdet kring utvecklingen av syn

Trade Effects of Immigration

This paper investigates whether immigration promotes bilateral trade within the European Union between 2008 and 2015. Results from an augmented gravity model indicate a positive linkage between bilateral migration and trade, results which are in line with prior findings in the field research. Notably, the pro-trade effect is slightly larger for the import sector and immigrants seem to facilitate t

Från albuminpapper till binär fil : tillgängliggörande av historiska fotografier i den digitala domänen

The purpose of this study is to investigate ALM institutions’ strategies for digitizing and making historical photographs available in the digital domain from a user perspective. Historical photographs are an important part of our cultural heritage but photographs are fragile and can offer major challenges to the institutions that shall preserve, organize and make them available. For that reason,