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The Trouble With Conflict: How Prolonged Violence Affected Migration in Northern Ireland, 1969 -1998.

With a contentious and fractious debate surrounding the role of conflict in inducing migration, global governments are still in the process of unravelling the convoluted and intricate mechanisms that engender this movement of people. Whilst many theoretical approaches have been developed, no determinable consensus has been reached. Within an era characterized by pervasive violence on the world sta

The impact of environmental drivers on bumblebee diversity using a national data set

Humlor är ett välkänt och omtyckt inslag i den svenska naturen. Globalt utgör de en viktig resurs som pollinatörer inom jordbruket. De senaste åren har forskare försökt kvantifiera deras och andra pollinatörers betydelse för jordbruket. Den generella kunskapen om humlor, deras mångfald, utbredning och beteende, har också ökat. Humlor är taxonomisk sett bin och 41 arter har hittills hittats i Sveri

Industrial design of modular sensor unit targeting Smart City

This report contains a master thesis by Stina Leghammar that was developed at Axis Communication in Lund Sweden. The thesis contains a development and design process of a modular sensor unit that will be mounted on light poles in urban areas. The sensors that will be included in the unit is a camera, a radar, a thermometer, an Plasmonic Air Quality Sensor and a microphone, all to detect and get da

Mainstreaming the environment within humanitarian operations: Identifying key factors for effective implementation of a green approach to procurement within the International Federation of the Red Cross

Each year millions of people receive emergency relief items from humanitarian organizations following disasters and crises. While significant time and resources have been invested in identifying the needs of affected populations and how to address those needs, significantly less focus has been given to environmental impacts of these response operations. These impacts can result in substantial nega

Genre som lärandeobjekt inom sångundervisningen. En studie över sångpedagogers syn på genre och dess funktion

Begreppet genre är centralt inom musikvärlden och inom musikundervisning. Således är detta ett begrepp vi behöver förhålla oss till. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilken funktion genre har i sångundervisningen och hur begreppet kan behandlas. Genre har en tydlig plats i styrdokumenten för sång och instrumentalundervisningen på det estetiska programmet. Därför är detta en intervjustudie med Genre as an object of learning in vocal education - a study of vocal teachers’ view of genre and its function Musical genre as a concept is common and central in music and music education. Therefore, music teachers have to define and act to genre as a concept. The aim with this essay is to figure out which function genre has in the singing education and how genre can be managed. Since genre is a c

Omreglering av den svenska spelmarknaden - en marknadsföringsmässig game changer?

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med ökad förståelse för hur en omreglering av den svenska spelmarknaden kan komma att påverka valet av marknadsföringskanaler och spelbranschens marknadsföringsklimat. Metod: Författarna utgår från kvalitativ metod och arbetar med att söka svar med hjälp av ett induktivt arbetssätt. Författarna arbetar med att förstå verkligheten i spelbranschen och sätterPurpose: The purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding of how a reregulation of the Swedish gambling market may affect how marketing channels are selected as well as the overall marketing climate. Methodology: The authors are using qualitative method to seek and a find answers within marketing in the context of the gambling marketing and SOU 2017:30. By using inductive methodology t

Captured metagenomics of fungi in agricultural soils

Soil microbial communities play an important role in the functioning of soils by degrading soil organic matter and making nutrients ac-cessible to plants. An in-depth knowledge of their structure and pro-cesses are of particular interest to agriculture. Fungi as soil organic matter decomposers draw attention to focus on this particular group of microorganisms. Here we studied the differences of ge

Benefits and risks of implementing a dynamic shelf life prediction system

Matsvinn är ett problem med miljömässiga, ekonomiska och sociala konsekvenser. Nära en tredjedel av maten som produceras i världen idag kastas eller förstörs, något som är ohållbart av en mängd anledningar. Ett forskningsprojekt som drivs för att åtgärda detta är DynahMat-projektet på Lunds Universitet. DynahMat föreslår användandet av temperaturindikatorer och andra sensorer för att beräkna en prFood waste is a problem with environmental, economic and societal aspects. Up to a third of global food production is wasted every year, something that is unsustainable in many ways. Much research is currently being done to alleviate the problem. The DynahMat project at Lund University proposes using temperature indicators and sensor technology to improve food supply chains and provide a more accu

Urban flood modelling : a GIS based approach in Lomma, Skåne region

Urbanization triggers flooding because it replaces pervious land surfaces with impervious surfaces that have less capacity to infiltrate and store water into the ground. Detailed analysis and modelling of flooding in urban areas can be performed with GIS-based distributed hydrological models. However, the implementation of these models require high-level proficiency in GIS and hydrology. Thus, man

Self-modelling organizer for interior storage

Today's urbanization creates big cities. More and more people are facing the problem with the increasing housing prices, and they had often to live in small or shared apartments. Most of the kitchens in those apartments are often small, which leads to a increasing need to use the available space in a more efficient way. An investigation conducted for the existing solutions in the market, has r

Involvering av underentreprenörer i partneringprojekt

Intresset för upphandling med partnering ökar stadigt i Sverige då samarbetsformen medför goda effekter såsom till exempel minskade konflikter, ökad kvalité, tidsoptimering, minskade kostnader samt närmare relationer. Idag tenderar partnering i största utsträckning ske mellan entreprenör och beställare men även andra aktörer, såsom till exempel underentreprenörer, inkluderas allt oftare i samarbet

Designing a Bluetooth Speaker: A Collaboration with Orlo AB

This report details the collaborative project between the Author, Zenit Design AB which is performed on behalf of the bluetooth speaker manufacturer, Orlo AB. The Project is divided in two parts, where the first aims to identify a new market where Orlo’s technical expertise will benefit the user in a unique way and the secondary part is about designing a speaker for the said market. Several poten

Strengthening capacities for the use of GIS in disaster risk reduction

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are a powerful tool for supporting disaster risk reduction (DRR). International agreements such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction call on high-income countries and other partners to support lower-income countries in strengthening their DRR capacities. This thesis explores the experiences of stakeholders in strengthening GIS capacities for DRR

Hur påverkar marknadsvärde och book-to-market aktiers idiosynkratiska risk? En empirisk undersökning av Stockholmsbörsen 1999 - 2017

Denna uppsats undersöker om variablerna i Fama och French (1992) kan användas för att relativt Capital Asset Pricing Model bättre förstå individuella aktiers idiosynkratiska risk framgent. De ytterligare faktorerna, utöver marknadsbeta, är företagens marknadsvärde och book-to-market. Vår analys visar att det finns ett signifikant samband mellan faktorerna i Fama och French (1992) och den idiosynkr

The Commission Proposal for a Directive on Double Taxation Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Will it resolve the remaining double taxation issues within the EU?

Double taxation has been widely accepted that constitutes an obstacle to the functioning of the single market. The European Union has adopted some uniform measures to have double taxation eliminated, for example, the Parent-Subsidiary Directive and the Interest-Royalty Directive. In addition, the Arbitration Convention has been concluded between Member States to eliminate double taxation in respec

Niche management of Autonomous Vehicles for positive environmental outcomes in Copenhagen

Cities around the world are leading the race toward an environmentally sustainable future, but one of their major obstacles have been the personal automobile. The movement of people using public transportation often has a far lower impact than the personal automobile, but these systems are often rigid and expensive to build and operator. Now, with the emergence of intelligent transport systems – a

Urbanize the Suburb

Iceland is an island located in the North Atlantic Ocean where the climate is cold and the weather can be unpredictable. The sun angle is low during winter, which gives minimum daylight. This darkness and strong winds affect the urban life in the capital city Reykjavík and controls how people commute and spend their free time. One of the main goals in the regional plan for the capital area is to