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Abstract in Danish Artiklen argumenterer for, at vi alle fødes som mennesker, og at vi alle dør som mennesker; starttidspunktet er os givet; sluttidspunktet kender vi ikke, og det er i princippet uden ’aldersberegning’. Vores livshistorie er med til at skabe, forme og beskrive os; gennem hele livet og også ind i døden. Alder kan forstås og beskrives på mange måder, hvor vi ofte kategoriserer og it

Säkerhetslaboratorium underlättar hantering av smittor som ebola.

Ebola and MERS are contagious diseases with high mortality, and separate handling of blood samples in the laboratory is necessary. Most people who arrive in Sweden with suspicious symptoms will likely have other diseases than Ebola/MERS, for example malaria or pneumococci, but we still need to take care of these patients and be able to provide optimal treatment of electrolyte disturbances, kidney

Cyclosporine, tacrolimus and sirolimus retain their distinct toxicity profiles despite low doses in the Symphony study.

BACKGROUND: Reducing side effects of immunosuppressive regimens has become a priority in transplantation medicine because of the large number of patients and grafts that succumb to infection in the short term and cardiovascular disease in the long term. The Symphony study was a 12-month prospective, randomized, open-label, multi-centre, four parallel arm study that aimed to evaluate the safety and

Shopping as leisure: An exploration of manifoldness and dynamics in consumers shopping experiences

In retailing literature, shopping as a leisure-time enjoyment has typically been examined by the use of economic or psychological approaches. Consumers engaged in this activity have commonly been portrayed as one homogenous segment. Drawing upon a sociocultural approach, this study seeks to improve our understanding of leisure shopping as subjectively experienced. The article illustrates that leis

Effects of conjugated linoleic acid plus n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on insulin secretion and estimated insulin sensitivity in men.

Background/Objectives:Dietary addition of either conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) or n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFAs) has been shown to alter adiposity and circulating lipids, risk markers of cardiovascular diseases. However, CLA may decrease insulin sensitivity, an effect that may be reversed by n-3 LC-PUFA. Thus, the potential of CLA plus n-3 LC-PUFA to affect insulin secr

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Medieval round churches are often seen as riddles in need of special explanation. Deviant architecture has been explained by three major theories – fortification, multi-functionality and symbolic copying. However, I claim that the round churches were normal except for their elite context and extraordinary plan. I then argue, that the elite consciously choose a “conspicuous architecture”, to use a

Theoretical analysis of mean effective gain of mobile terminal antennas in Ricean channels

The mean effective gain (MEG) for Rice distributed signals impinging at the terminal receiver antenna is presented. Numerical results are presented for three different angular probability distributions of impinging waves. Finally, it is shown that contrary to the Rayleigh channels in Ricean channels there is no inclination angle at which the MEG of the half-wave dipole antenna remains constant reg

Learning and Planning of Situated Resource Bounded Agents

This paper presents an investigation of rational agents that have limited computational resources and that can interact with their environments. We analyse how such agents can combine deductive reasoning using domain knowledge and inductive learning from past experiences, while remaining time-aware in a manner appropriate for beings situated in a dynamic universe. In particular, we consider how th

Interleukin-15 attenuates transforming growth factor-beta1-induced myofibroblast differentiation in human fetal lung fibroblasts.

ObjectiveFibroproliferative diseases are common causes of morbidity and mortality. Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is a pleiotropic cytokine with multiple effects on cells of the immune system. Although IL-15 is also expressed in mesenchymal cells, its effects on the development of fibrosis are unknown. We have previously described an association between serum IL-15 levels and the extent of pulmonary fibro

Patient reported outcome measures in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Which to use?

Patient-reported outcomes (PROs), such as symptoms and perceived health status, are essential in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) for determining disease severity, impact on daily life, effect of treatment and recovery from exacerbations. This field has evolved rapidly and there are a plethora of instruments assessing different PROs. Here, we aim to provide an understanding of the conc

Effects of Core-valence and Core-core Correlation On the Line-strength of the Resonance Lines In Li-i and Na-i

The resonance lines in Li I and Na I both exhibit a puzzling discrepancy between experiment and accurate ab initio calculations. Only results from a semiempirical method, that in principal neglects core-core correlation, agree with the experiments. The agreement with a multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock calculation, including only core-valence correlation, shows that this might be fortuitous. A metho

Swedish nursing students' experience of aspects important for their learning process and their ability to handle the complexity of the nursing degree program.

The aim of the study was to explore nursing students' experiences of aspects important for their learning process and their ability to handle the complexity of the nursing degree program. The study was longitudinal and qualitative based on interviews with nursing students, six women and two men aged 20-36, during their three years of education. In all, seven patterns were found embracing aspects o

Regional innovation systems in Asian countries: A new way of exploiting the benefits of transnational corporations

This paper argues for the importance of using the regional innovation systems (RIS) approach as both an analytical framework and a policy tool for generating economic development in developing countries. The paper reconceptualizes the RIS-model to the context of developing countries. RIS is normally based on endogenous growth models; however, in this paper we extend it to rely on external capital,