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Effect of confined polymer on the properties of lyotropic lamellar mesophases

This thesis deals with the effect of the incorporation of the adsorbing polymer polyethylene glycole (PEG) on the structural and elastic properties of lyotropic lamellar mesophases. In particular, these polymer doped-lamellar phases are of great interest for understanding the intermembrane interactions mediated by the macromolecule. Firstly, the bending elastic modulus of the membranes has been in

Sensitivity of a Greenland ice sheet model to atmospheric forcing fields

Predicting the climate for the future and how it will impact ice sheet evolution requires coupling ice sheet models with climate models. However, before we attempt to develop a realistic coupled setup, we propose, in this study, to first analyse the impact of a model simulated climate on an ice sheet. We undertake this exercise for a set of regional and global climate models. Modelled near surface

A 9-Year Follow-Up of Women and Men Reporting Pain: Results from The Swedish National Study Of Aging And Care - Blekinge

Background and aim: Pain is common in older adults, but its relationship with ageing is unclear. The aim was toinvestigate pain among adults aged 72 years and older by means of a population-based sample followed for aperiod of nine years.Methods: The Swedish National study on Aging and Care (SNAC) is conducted at four research centres. AtSNAC-Blekinge (B), 609 (60.6%) women and 396 (39.4%) men wer

What about the non-legal facts : Revising Allen and Pardo’s analytical distinction between law and fact

This paper deals with the distinction between law and fact. In the article ‘The myth of the law-fact distinction’ (Allen and Pardo, 2003a), Ronald Allen and Michael Pardo argue that there is no ontological, epistemological or analytical distinction between law and fact. Instead, they claim that the distinction ought to be understood pragmatically, by considering whether the judge or jury is in the

Burden of cardiovascular disease across 29 countries and GPs’ decision to treat hypertension in oldest-old

Objectives: We previously found large variations in general practitioner (GP) hypertension treatment probability in oldest-old (>80 years) between countries. We wanted to explore whether differences in country-specific cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden and life expectancy could explain the differences. Design: This is a survey study using case-vignettes of oldest-old patients with different como

The ECHR and contractual provisions on dispute resolution

The right of access to court and the right to a fair trial are fundamental rights guaranteed in all democratic states. The basic ideas are that anyone is entitled to have a dispute heard by a court of law in a procedure that meets certain requirements, i.e., a fair trial, and that the State has a duty to make such judicial dispute-resolution procedures possible. One of the most fundamental legal p

Inherited Classical and Alternative Pathway Complement Deficiencies in Children : A Single Center Experience

BACKGROUND: Primary complement deficiencies are rare diseases. OBJECTIVE: To retrospectively evaluate the clinical and laboratory findings and complications of patients to increase awareness of pediatricians about complement deficiencies, which are rarely encountered. METHODS: In this study, the clinical and immunological characteristics of 21 patients who consulted the Immunology Department of ou

Implantation Metastases from Gastrointestinal Cancer after Percutaneous Puncture or Biliary Drainage

Objective: Evaluation of incidence and outcome of implantation metastases after percutaneous fine-needle biopsy or biliary drainage. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: University hospital, Sweden. Subjects: Eight patients with implantation metastases from gastrointestinal cancers after percutaneous fine-needle biopsy (n = 7) or biliary drainage (n = 1). Main outcome measures: Incidence of impla