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Your search for "*" yielded 533370 hits

Uncovering power asymmetries in North-South research collaborations – An example from sustainability research in Tanzania

North - South collaboration between scientists and collaborators is increasingly prominent and promoted in research. This study examines power dynamics within a North-South research collaboration project conducted between institutions in Tanzania and Germany. The research design is guided by postcolonial considerations of knowledge production and seeks to amplify underrepresented voices from the S

Radiation effect on stagnation point flow of Casson nanofluid past a stretching plate/cylinder

The exclusive behaviour of nanofluid has been actively emphasized due to the determination of improved thermal efficiency. Hence, the aim of this study is to highlight the laminar boundary layer axisymmetric stagnation point flow of Casson nanofluid past a stretching plate/cylinder under the influence of thermal radiation and suction/injection. Nanofluid comprises water and Fe3 O4 as nanoparticles

Clonal haematopoiesis of indeterminate potential predicts incident cardiac arrhythmias

Background and Clonal haematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP), the age-related expansion of blood cells with preleukemic mutaAims tions, is associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and heart failure. This study aimed to test the association of CHIP with new-onset arrhythmias.Methods UK Biobank participants without prevalent arrhythmias were included. Co-primary study outcome

Reassessment of Archaeooides based on new material from the Fortunian (early Cambrian) of China infers algal affinity

Archaeooides originally refers to a group of early Cambrian globular microfossils with regularly arranged nodular surface ornaments, and of a diameter ranging from less than 400 μm to more than 2 mm. The traditional taxonomy assigns all Archaeooides-like microfossils to a single morphotaxon, Archaeooides granulatus, irrespective of their differences in size and surface ornamentation. Archaeooides

Biogeografisk uppföljning 2021 av dagfjärilar inom habitatdirektivet

Rapporten sammanfattar fjärilsinventeringar utförda 2021 inom Biogeografisk uppföljning som drivs av Naturvårdsverket. I fjällområdet kunde totalt 45 ytor inventeras. Sammanlagt noterades minst 92 högnordiska blåvingar på 29 inventerade ytor och 37 dvärgpärlemorfjärilar på 15 ytor. Två ytor inventerades för fjällsilversmygare men ingen individ påträffades denna säsong. Svartfläckig blåvinge observ

Biogeografisk uppföljning 2022 av dagfjärilar inom habitatdirektivet

Rapporten sammanfattar fjärilsinventeringar utförda 2022 inom Biogeografisk uppföljning som drivs av Naturvårdsverket. I fjällområdet kunde totalt 35 ytor inventeras. Sammanlagt noterades 38 högnordiska blåvingar på 12 av 16 inventerade ytor, 34 dvärgpärlemorfjärilar på 14 av 17 ytor och 3 fjällsilversmygare noterades på 2 av 3 inventerade ytor. Svartfläckig blåvinge observerades på 23 av 56 inven

Three-pion scattering in Chiral Perturbation Theory

We present the results on the relativistic six-pion scattering amplitude at low energy, calculated at O(p4) within the framework of the massive O(N) nonlinear sigma model extended to the next-to-leading order in the chiral counting. For N = 3, this approach corresponds to the two(quark)-flavor Chiral Perturbation Theory. We also present the expressions for the pion mass, pion decay constant and th

Modeling Atmospheric Transport of Cosmogenic Radionuclide 10Be Using GEOS-Chem 14.1.1 and ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 : Implications for Solar and Geomagnetic Reconstructions

A prerequisite to applying 10Be in natural archives for solar and geomagnetic reconstructions is to know how 10Be deposition reflects atmospheric production changes. However, this relationship remains debated. To address this, we use two state-of-the-art global models GEOS-Chem and ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 with the latest beryllium production model. During solar modulation, both models suggest that 10Be de

Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, årsrapport för 2021

Detta är den tolfte årsrapporten från Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, ett nationellt miljöövervakningsprogram som koordineras av Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket sedan 2010. Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning är ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Entomologiska Förening, Naturvårdsverket, Lunds universitet, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet och Länsstyrelserna. Verksamheten möjliggörs av frivilliga

A survey of ficolin-3 activity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus reveals a link to hematological disease manifestations and autoantibody profile

The complement system plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), but most studies have focused on the classical pathway. Ficolin-3 is the main initiator of the lectin pathway of complement in humans, but its role in systemic autoimmune disease has not been conclusively determined. Here, we combined biochemical and genetic approaches to assess the contribution o

Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, årsrapport för 2022

Detta är den trettonde årsrapporten från Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, ett nationellt miljö-övervakningsprogram som koordineras av Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket sedan 2010. Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning är ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Entomologiska Förening, Naturvårdsverket, Lunds universitet, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet och Länsstyrelserna. Verksamheten möjliggörs av frivill

Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, årsrapport för 2023

Detta är den fjortonde årsrapporten från Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, ett nationellt miljö-övervakningsprogram som koordineras av Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket sedan 2010. Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning är ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Entomologiska Förening, Naturvårdsverket, Lunds universitet, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet och Länsstyrelserna. Verksamheten möjliggörs av frivill

Hypertension in Pregnancy Among Immigrant and Swedish Women : A Cohort Study of All Pregnant Women in Sweden

BACKGROUND: Little is known about risks of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in both first-and second-generation immigrant women in Europe and other Western countries; such knowledge may help elucidate the influence of genetic versus social factors on such risks. We aimed to study both first-and second-generation immigrant women for the presence of all types of hypertension (preexisting hyperten

Macromolecular characterization of high β-glucan oat lines

Oat (Avena sativa) is a cereal grain rich in fibers, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Oats have been linked to several health benefits, such as lowering blood cholesterol levels, counteracting cardiovascular disease and regulating blood sugar levels. This study aimed to characterize two new oat lines with high β-glucan content emanating from ethyl methyl sulphonate mutagenesis on the Lantmännen el

Colonization of a Novel Host Plant Reduces Phenotypic Variation

Understanding the evolution of evolvability—the evolutionary potential of populations—is key to predicting adaptation to novel environments. Despite growing evidence that evolvability structures adaptation, it remains unclear how adaptation to novel environments in turn influences evolvability. Here we address the interplay between adaptation and evolvability in the peacock fly Tephritis conura, w

Empowering macrophages : the cancer fighters within the tumour microenvironment in mantle cell lymphoma

In Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL), the role of macrophages within the tumour microenvironment (TME) has recently gained attention due to their impact on prognosis and response to therapy. Despite their low absolute number in MCL tumour tissue, recent findings reveal an association between the levels of macrophages and prognosis, consistent with trends observed in other lymphoma subtypes. M2-like macro

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Nya studier visar att elever ofta ignorerar feedback. Samtidigt vet vi att feedback är centralt för lärande. För att förstå vad som händer måste vi betrakta feedback som en sammanhängande process i flera steg av uppmärksamhet, tolkning, förståelse och användning. Detta i motsats till en traditionell modell som endast betraktar den feedback som ges (input) och elevens motsvarande prestation (output

Modeling the Transport and Interaction of Paperboard ”Confetti” in Pipes

During the production of Tetra Pak’s packaging material, holes are cut for straws and caps, generating paperboard scraps known as confetti. These scraps must be removed from the machinery to prevent build-up and potential blockages. To design efficient extraction systems, experiments and simulations are employed to understand the phenomena of confetti transport. Confetti are introduced into a simp