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European manikin standards and models to calculate thermal insulation
ISO 9920 defines three insulation calculation methods: global, parallel and serial. It considers global method a general one that works in any situation, and parallel and serial could be used in specific cases. EN ISO 15831 is the basic manikin testing standard. It gives only two possibilities: parallel and serial. The specific requirements for equations’ use are not set as in ISO 9920, e.g. unifo
Utredning av anmälan
A National Consortium for Open Academic Books in Sweden : Final Report
Development of measurement-based ray tracer for multi-link double directional propagation parameters
This paper introduces a new method for combining high resolution parameter estimates with ray-launching based wave propagation prediction. The idea behind the proposed measurement-based ray tracing tool is to use measured data as the input for a ray-launching algorithm. With the developed tool, it is possible to identify dominant propagation phenomena and relate them with the objects in the physic
Innovationer i vårdens vardag: De små stegens väg till förändring
Tillitsfulla relationer mellan vårdpersonal, administratörer och politiker har en avgörande betydelse för vårdens omställning och det förnyelsearbete som bedrivs. Dessa relationer behöver systematiseras, stödjas för att fyllas med utvecklingskraft. Organisationer som medvetet satsar på att bygga dessa relationer för att bedriva verksamhet skapar innovationer i små steg”. Dessa tankar blev vägledan
Postmodernity and its Archive. The Principle of Insufficient Reason Revisited
In this essay, I discuss two major theoretical discourses of modernity, namely, of classical modernity and postmodernity. Moreover, I aim at a proposition of a possible historical relation between those two discourses of crucial importance to modernity’s intellectual history. This historical connection is founded on what I call the principle of insufficient reason. The principle of insufficient
The International Critic. The Impact of Swedish Criticism of the U.S. Involvement in Vietnam
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Tunneling Based Electronic Devices
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar design, tillverkning, karakterisering och optimering av elektroniska komponenter alla baserade på kvantmekanisk tunnling. Tunnling är ett rent kvantmekaniskt fenomen utan någon klassisk motsvarighet, som först blir relevant då dimensionerna krymper ner i nanometerskala (en nanometer är en miljarddel's meter). Då kan elektroner ”tunnla” igenomThis thesis concerns different kinds of tunneling based devices all showing negative differential resistance. The thesis is divided in three parts, resonant tunneling transistors, Esaki diodes and coupled zero dimensional systems. The resonant tunneling transistors are GaAs-based vertical field effects transistors, based on a combination of overgrown tungsten gates and double barrier heterostruct
Early Vedanta Philosophy Preserved by the Jain Tradition: The Vedavadadvatrimshika of Siddhasena Divakara.
Verkligheten är sin egen beskrivning / Reality is its own description
En lägesrapport om film- och biografsituationen i Kristianstads län hösten 1992
Report made on request of the Swedish Film Institute, published January 1993
Optimal Control over Networks with Long Random Delays
This paper studies the effects of stochastic time delays on automatic control systems which uses communication networks. We assume a linear process to be controlled and known delay probability distributions.The contribution of this paper is to extend the theory in(Nilsson 1998) to delays that may be longer than one sample period.Using a quadratic cost we find the optimal full-state-information con
Etnisk diskriminering i arbetslivet
Förbud mot könsdiskriminering, enligt vilket en arbetsgivare inte får missgynna en arbetstagare eller en arbetssökande på grund av hans eller hennes kön, har uttryckligen stadgats i Lag om jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män i arbetslivet. Denna jämställdhetslag är avsedd att befrämja kvinnors och mäns lika rätt i fråga om arbete, arbetsvillkor och utvecklingsmöjligheter i arbetslivet. När det gäl
Learning Innovation for the Adapted Lisbon Agenda
Initial validation of an indirect measure of subglottal pressure during vowels
Prosodic signaling of information and discourse structure from a typological perspective
This study investigates the relationship between prosody and information/discourse structure in spon- taneous spoken folk tales in the tonal Mon-Khmer language Northern Kammu, a language that behaves as a typical phrase language where available boun- dary tones are enhanced to mark information struc- turing. Topic is always placed before Comment by syntactic movement if necessary. There is a proso