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Introduction: Postcolonialism and the Noridc Models of Welfare and Gender
Exploring European Travel : The Swedish Package Tour
Conference • NNHSH 2015 Theme: Encounters between Nordic health, welfare and the global: Challenges and possibilities
In a so-called globalized world characterized by the continuous movement of people and pathogens crossing national borders, the Nordic welfare states can, arguably, no longer be studied as isolated entities removed from their broader international and geopolitical context. For example, as was aptly illustrated by the 2009 swine flu outbreak, infectious diseases spread at a pace unmatched by previo
Detection and haemodilutive treatment of cerebral arterial vasospasm and delayed ischaemia after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
This thesis deals with cerebral arterial vasospasm and ischaemia, a serious complication after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. Firstly is the noninvasive transcranial Doppler ultrasound and transcranial cerebral oximetry techniques evaluated in detecting cerebral arterial vasospasm in clinical practice. Patients were examined during first 14 days after the bleed. Flow velocities in normo- ver
Energy Use, Efficiency Gains and Emission Abatement in Transitional Industrialised Economies: Poland and the Baltic States
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är en studie av hur energianvändning och luftföroreningar i Polen, Estland, Lettland och Litauen har förändrats under övergången till marknadsekonomi efter 1989. Avhandlingen består av sex artiklar, vilka behandlar tre aspekter av dessa förändringar. I de tre första artiklarna analyseras energistrukturen i de baltiska länderna Artikel I) och Polen (ArtikelThis thesis is a study of how energy use and air pollution in Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been affected by the economic transition after 1989. It consists of six articles, which examine three different aspects of these changes. The first group of articles analyses the structure of energy use in the Baltic states (Article I) and Poland Articles II and III) at the outset of transitio
Deep Coherent Ray Tracing
Tracing secondary rays, such as reflection, refraction and shadow rays, can often be the most costly step in a modern real-time ray tracer. In this paper, we examine this problem by using suitable ray coherence measures and present a thorough evaluation of different reordering heuristics for secondary rays. We also present a simple system design for more coherent scene traversal by caching seconda
Conceptual spaces : the geometry of thought
Within cognitive science, two approaches currently dominate the problem of modeling representations. The symbolic approach views cognition as computation involving symbolic manipulation. Connectionism, a special case of associationism, models associations using artificial neuron networks. Peter Gardenfors offers his theory of conceptual representations as a bridge between the symbolic and connecti
The Drug Policies of The Netherlands and Sweden: How Do They Compare?
Abstract not available
Cybrarian och kulturarbetare - om bibliotekarieutbildningen i Lund
Kort presentation av bibliotekarieutbildningen i Lund och dess speciella profil.
The Underground as a Storage Facility. Modelling of Nuclear Waste Repositories and Aquifer Thermal Energy Stores
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna skrift behandlar marklagring av värme, kyla och kärnavfall.The underground is a vast region, which is, too a large extent, unused by man. It has a large potential as a storage facility due to its vastness and availability. This thesis, which consists of eleven papers and reports, deals with nuclear waste repositories in solid rock and with aquifer thermal energy storage systems. All these storage systems induce multidimensional, time-variable thermo-hydr
Report from the workshop: Directions for future psychobiological lighting research
Mapping software testing practice with software testing research—SERP-test taxonomy
There is a gap between software testing research and practice. One reason is the discrepancy between how testing research is reported and how testing challenges are perceived in industry. We propose the SERP-test taxonomy to structure information on testing interventions and practical testing challenges from a common perspective and thus bridge the communication gap. To develop the taxonomy we fol
Gå på bio : rum för drömmar i folkhemmets Sverige
Popular Abstract in SwedishUnder slutet av 1950-talet, ungefär samtidigt med tv:s etablering, innehade Sverige Europarekordet vad gäller antalet biografer. Folk gick på bio som aldrig förr. Biograferna att spela en mycket stor roll för film- och biografkulturens tillgänglighet och spridning. Den här boken handlar om att gå på bio. Genom att gå på bio lärde sig människor att se och uppleva film ochGoing to the Pictures The Cinema as a Meeting Place in the 1940s and 1950s Summary At the end of the 1950s, at roughly the same time as television became established, Sweden had the largest number of cinemas of any country in Europe. People went to the cinema in unprecedented numbers. In 1956 ticket sales in Swedish cinemas reached 80 million. There were palatial cinemas which offered people a f
Contrary Arguments in Paul
Applications of event-related potentials in the study of attention
Event-related potentials were measured in a series of studies where issues concerning attention were of special interest. In particular, the P300 was used as an index of controlled attention. Papers I and III studied nicotine effects on the P300. If nicotine effects were reflected in the P300, decreased latencies and increased amplitudes would be expected. No systematic nicotine effects were found
Monte Carlo codes in radionuclide therapy
Religion och migration
I kapitlet om religion sätts fenomenet religion i relation till IMER-fältet. Med kapitlet vill författaren lyfta fram den komplexitet som finns i begreppet religion i relation till migration och genom att problematisera begreppet religion - och begreppet IMER – visa hur en beredare förståelse skapas för hur dessa förhåller sig till varandra. Kapitlet börjar med en genomgång av vad religion kan var
Rättssäkerhet och legitimitet i socialrätten, Nordiskt Socialrättsligt Forskarseminarium, Gtbg 2009
Implementation of an economic model to simulate manufacturing costs
An economic model describing manufacturing costs is implemented within the frame of a case study. The implemented economic model is developed to enable analyses of the cost items and parameters influencing the cost of a part or a batch and also to make simulations for the purpose of investigating the economic outcome of future development activities. The aim of the case study was to identify activ