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Structure of apo flavin-dependent halogenase Xcc4156 hints at a reason for cofactor-soaking difficulties

Flavin-dependent halogenases regioselectively introduce halide substituents into electron-rich substrates under mild reaction conditions. For the enzyme Xcc4156 from Xanthomonas campestris, the structure of a complex with the cofactor flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and a bromide ion would be of particular interest as this enzyme exclusively brominates model substrates in vitro. Apo Xcc4156 crys

Elucidation of the low-expressing erythroid CR1 phenotype by bioinformatic mining of the GATA1-driven blood-group regulome

Genetic determinants underlying most human blood groups are now clarified but variation in expression levels remains largely unexplored. By developing a bioinformatics pipeline analyzing GATA1/Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) datasets, we identify 193 potential regulatory sites in 33 blood-group genes. As proof-of-concept, we aimed to delineate the low-expressing com

Oxidative cost of highly unsaturated fatty acids during nestling development in urban Great tit (Parus major) nestlings

”Du är vad du äter” – lider urbana talgoxungar av Omega 3-brist? Livet i städer medför många bekvämligheter, inte bara för oss människor, utan även för en del vilda arter av djur som lyckats anpassa sig till förutsättningarna i dessa miljöer. För de djur som kan livnära sig på mänskligt matavfall, eller för fåglar som vi människor har en fäbless för att mata kan livet i staden till exempel erbjudIt has been known for quite some time that urban breeding birds suffer reduced reproductive success compared to rural conspecifics. Various environmental variables linked to urbanisation are known to have an influence, such as vegetal cover and composition, artificial light at night as well as increased air pollution. Several of these factors have also been shown to elicit physiological responses:

Consequences of migratory distance, habitat distribution and season on the migratory process in a short distance migratory shorebird population

Background: The migratory process in birds consists of alternating periods of flight and fueling. Individuals of some populations make few flights and long stopovers, while others make multiple flights between short stopovers. Shorebirds are known for executing marathon flights (jumps), but most populations studied are long distance migrants, often crossing major barriers and thus forced to make l

Nature’s Hidden Asset: Exploring Investors’ Awareness of Biodiversity

This thesis studies the awareness of the Swedish financial sector on biodiversity and nature-related information by analyzing the external communication reports of firms listed on the NasdaqOMX stock exchange in Stockholm. The reports are analyzed with the help of a checklist and a Python script. The checklist covers key topics, including the importance of biodiversity in sustainable development,

Bedömning av laryngofaryngeala ödem vid huvud-halscancer - svensk översättning och validering av reviderade Patterson edema scale

Bakgrund: Behandling av huvud-halscancer kan medföra komplikationer, däribland laryngofaryngela ödem. Laryngofaryngeala ödem kan leda till påtagliga konsekvenser för patienter. Laryngofaryngeala ödem kan resultera i försämrad funktion tal, röst och sväljning samt försämrad livskvalitet. Ödem är även associerat med kronisk inflammation vilket kan leda till fibros. Det är därför viktigt att i tidigtIntroduction: Treatment of head and neck cancer may lead to complications, among these the development of laryngopharyngeal edema. Laryngopharyngeal edema may result in loss of function regarding speech, voice and swallowing as well as decreased quality of life. Edema is also associated with chronic inflammation which may lead to fibrosis. Therefore early intervention is of importance for this pat

Hur gestaltar sig arketyper i behandling av patienter med trauma? En fenomenografisk-narrativ studie av psykologers upplevelser av att behandla patienter med krigs-och tortyrtrauma

En del psykologer som behandlar individer med trauma får själva samma eller liknande symptom som de som dem exponeras för. Föreliggande studie åsyftar att undersöka hur psykologers upplevelser av och professionella strategier i behandling av krigs-och tortyrtrauma kan förstås utifrån arketypiska gestalter. Sex psykologer från olika delar av Sverige rekryterades för semistrukturerade djupintervjuerSome psychologists treating individuals with trauma do themselves get the same or similar symptoms as the ones that they get exposed to. The aim of the present study was to explore how the experiences and professional strategies of psychologists treating survivors of torture and war can be understood through the lens of archetypal figures. Six psychologists from different parts of Sweden were recr

Det nya vita guldet - En kvalitativ studie av vita snusvarumärkens positionering och marknadsföring på den svenska marknaden.

Forskningsfrågor: Hur positioneras och marknadsförs vitt snus i Sverige? Vilka budskap sänder vita snusvarumärken i sin reklam och vilka är dessa budskap riktade till? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur det vita snuset är positionerat och marknadsförs på den svenska marknaden för valda fallföretag samt undersöka vilka budskap de sänder, för att bidra till teorin med insikter om positionResearch question: How is white snus positioned and marketed in Sweden? What messages do white snus brands convey in their advertising, and who are these messages targeted towards? Purpose: The aim of the study is to describe how white snus is positioned and marketed in the Swedish market for selected case companies, as well as to examine the messages they convey, in order to contribute to the the

Connecting organizational context to environmental sustainability initiatives and industrial symbiosis : Empirical results and case analysis

Industrial symbiosis can move us closer to a circular economy and enable efficient and sustainable use of resources. Its potential has however been far from realized, and to increase our understanding of why that is, we investigate drivers, barriers, and outcomes associated with both broadly defined environmental sustainability initiatives and industrial symbiosis from an organizational context pe

Whole exome sequencing of familial, combined or complex dystonia

Background: To determine the usefulness of whole exome sequencing(WES) in the diagnostic evaluation of patients and small families withfamilial, combined and/or complex forms of dystonia identified from anadult neurology clinic at a tertiary center, and to set up a computationalpathway for the bioinformatics analyses.Methods: By mail, we contacted all 347 patients from our department whoduring a 4

Ramsey on Judging and Believing

In this paper we discuss some recent and widely debated views of belief, comparing them with Ramsey’s, as it was developed in his classic papers and the posthumously published work On Truth. This paper is not purely historical. Modern views of belief, especially the theory of Shah and Velleman are examined, and it is shown that Ramsey’s views are relevant to the current discussion. Ramsey’s theory

Genetic studies of paired metabolomes reveal enzymatic and transport processes at the interface of plasma and urine

The kidneys operate at the interface of plasma and urine by clearing molecular waste products while retaining valuable solutes. Genetic studies of paired plasma and urine metabolomes may identify underlying processes. We conducted genome-wide studies of 1,916 plasma and urine metabolites and detected 1,299 significant associations. Associations with 40% of implicated metabolites would have been mi

Comparing public- and private-driven one-stop-shops for energy renovations of residential buildings in Europe

Energy efficiency in buildings remains an important priority for the European Union. Towards that direction, therole of the one-stop-shops (OSSs) that will offer integrated renovation services has been further enhanced. Thepaper aims to compare public and private-driven OSSs to increase knowledge regarding the way they operate.The business models of ten OSSs for renovation of residential buildings

Effects on operating costs of adjusting bus departure times during peak-hour traffic in Sweden

The cost of public transport has increased more than the supply in recent years in Sweden. One of the main cost drivers identified is peak-hour traffic. The major operating cost factors are the need for a large bus fleet for short periods during mornings and afternoons and the scheduling of drivers for shorter periods than the minimum working hour restriction. The objective of this paper is to stu