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Sycomorphism in city branding : The case of Amazon HQ2
In recent decades, tech-companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Apple have grown exponentially, and it can be tempting for cities to try to attract these powerful corporations. This paper explores a particular aspect of this development, namely, how cities brand themselves to win the favor of a single big business. We draw on institutional isomorphism and a case study of North American cit
Att utforska mikrokosmos : Hur lundafysiker mätte en ny spridningseffekt, var med ochbestämde familjeantalet av leptoner och kvarkar och deltog i jakten på Higgs partikel.
Physics of Organelle Membrane Bridging via Cytosolic Tethers is Distinct From Cell Adhesion
Tremendous progress has been made recently in imaging the contacts between intra-cellular organelles, which are thought to be mediated by soluble tethers. However, they are still difficult to study in cellulo, and reconstituting them in vitro is a standing challenge. Here we take a mimetic approach to study Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) and supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) interacting via singl
Metal Pollution of the Solar White Dwarf by Solar System Small Bodies
White dwarfs (WDs) often show metal lines in their spectra, indicating accretion of asteroidal material. Our Sun is to become a WD in several gigayears. Here, we examine how the solar WD accretes from the three major small body populations: the main belt asteroids (MBAs), Jovian Trojan asteroids (JTAs), and trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). Owing to the solar mass loss during the giant branch, 40% o
A dose intensity study of epirubicin weekly for disseminated breast cancer
Greeting the visitor : A contextualising study of fauces-mosaics in Pompeii
The focus for this study is the collection of mosaic-floors that adorn the entrances, fauces, to atrium-houses around Pompeii. The aim is to further our understanding of the Roman view of transitional spaces, in this case the private house-entrance between the inside and the outside world. Contemporary approaches to Pompeian studies regard space and décor as closely intertwined components, which s
High versus low ultrafiltration rates during experimental peritoneal dialysis in rats : Acute effects on plasma volume and systemic haemodynamics
Introduction: Intradialytic hypotension is a common complication of haemodialysis, but uncommon in peritoneal dialysis (PD). This may be due to lower ultrafiltration rates in PD compared to haemodialysis, allowing for sufficient refilling of the blood plasma compartment from the interstitial volume, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Here we assessed plasma volume and hemodynamic alteratio
Använd ekvationer utan »ras«- termer för att bestämma GFR
Use cystatin C-based GFR-estimating equations Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) isestimated by creatinine or cystatin C-based GFR-estimating equations. Thosebased upon creatinine, but not those based upon cystatin C, use ”race” termsdue to that different populations differ in average muscular mass, influencing thecreatinine, but not the cystatin C, level. “Race” is not a biological, but a sociologiGlomerular filtration rate (GFR) is estimated by creatinine or cystatin C-based GFR-estimating equations. Those based upon creatinine, but not those based upon cystatin C, use ”race” terms due to that different populations differ in average muscular mass, influencing the creatinine, but not the cystatin C, level. “Race” is not a biological, but a sociological term, determined by self-assesment. Ne
The SXL (Soft X-ray Laser) project developed a conceptual design for a soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (FEL) in the 1-5 nm wavelength range, driven by the existing MAX IV 3 GeV linac. In this contribution we will focus on the FEL operation modes developed for the first phase of the project based on two different linac modes. The design work was supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation
As a part of the efforts to improve the longitudinal coherence in the design of the Soft X-ray FEL (the SXL) at MAX IV, we present a possible implementation of the EEHG harmonic seeding scheme partly integrated into the second bunch compressor of the existing LINAC. A special focus is given to the effect of CSR on the resulting EEHG bunching and on how this unwanted effect might be controlled.
Abstract P4-11-01: Cardiovascular Effects of Postmastectomy Irradiation Evident after 15 Years. Results from the South Sweden Breast Cancer Group's Randomised Studies SBII:1 with 25 Years of Follow-Up of Pre-and Postmenopausal Women with Stage II Breast Cancer
Genomic Signatures of Sexual Selection on Pollen-Expressed Genes in Arabis alpina
Fertilization in angiosperms involves the germination of pollen on the stigma, followed by the extrusion of a pollen tube that elongates through the style and delivers two sperm cells to the embryo sac. Sexual selection could occur throughout this process when male gametophytes compete for fertilization. The strength of sexual selection during pollen competition should be affected by the number of
Active Citizenship, Participative Politics, and New Forms of Engagement: How Civil Society in the Arab World Can Meet the Promise of 2011
Particle emissions from a modern heavy-duty diesel engine as ice nuclei in immersion freezing mode: a laboratory study on fossil and renewable fuels
We studied ice-nucleating abilities of particulate emissions from a modern heavy-duty diesel engine using three different types of fuel. The polydisperse particle emissions were sampled during engine operation and introduced to a continuous-flow diffusion chamber (CFDC) instrument at a constant relative humidity RHwater=110 %, while the temperature was ramped between −43 and −32 ∘C (T scan). The t
Institutional trust and emergency preparedness : Perceptions of Covid 19 crisis management in Sweden
The Covid 19 pandemic has put the issue of public trust at the centre of political analysis. This article inquires into the level of public trust in Sweden concerning current crisis management as well as preparedness for future crises. The empirical basis for this study consists of unique data generated through two surveys on the Covid 19 virus conducted during 2020 in Sweden. Respondents were ask
At a crossroads : examining Covid-19’s impact on public and digital diplomacy
The role of work-integrated learning in preparing students for a corporate entrepreneurial career
Purpose: In the literature there is limited knowledge about how to prepare students for a corporate entrepreneurial career. The purpose is therefore to develop a framework for understanding the role corporate development projects play in corporate entrepreneurship education, and to examine the potential role of the design of the project. The study defines a corporate development project as a proje
Strategies for old age and agency of the elderly in towns of the Low Countries in the Renaissance
Contrary to what is sometimes assumed, the elderly in the distant past could not always rely on voluntary care. Therefore, some of them had to develop strategies to secure assistance during old age. We focus on towns in the Low Countries, where family ties were weak, and ageing individuals likely had to plan for old age. We show how members of the middling layers of society could use wills and ret