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Statistik: Avancerad maskininlärning

I denna kurs får du lära dig maskininlärningsmetoder som är relevanta för tillämpningar inom företags- och nationalekonomi. Kursen utgör en fortsättning på STAN51 Maskininlärning ur ett regressionsperspektiv. Några av delmomenten i kursen är bootstrapmetoder, ensemblemetoder såsom boosting och slumpskogar, metoder för oövervakad inlärning såsom principalkomponentanalys och klustermetoder, samt This course covers advanced machine learning methods that are relevant for applications in business and economics, and is intended as a continuation of STAN51 Machine Learning from a Regression Perspective. Some of the topics covered include bootstrapping, ensemble methods such as boosting and random forests, unsupervised machine learning methods such as principal components analysis and cluste

Statistik: Statistiska metoder för marketing science

Den här kursen är tänkt för dig som är yrkesverksam inom marknadsföring och vill lära dig mer om statistiska metoder inom marknadsundersökningar. Den kan också läsas som ett komplement till magisterprogrammet i marknadsföring. Kursen fokuserar därför på praktisk tillämpning av ett antal olika statistiska metoder som är användbara inom marketing science. Undervisningen är även förlagd till sen efteThis course is intended for you, who work with marketing and want to learn more about statistical methods in market research. It may also be taken as a supplement to the master’s programme in marketing. The course focuses on mastering application of a number of statistical methods that are useful for marketing science. Classes are scheduled in the late afternoon once a week to facilitate dayt

Statsvetenskap: Governance i miljöpolitiken

The aim of the course is to examine environmental change as a problem of governance. We scrutinize major governance dimensions - such as actors, institutions and problem structures - at multiple levels and across domains. This includes the interplay of government, market and civil society in efforts to mitigate and adapt to environmental change.  The course critically approaches th

Statsvetenskap: Miljö- och planetär politik

Under de senaste decennierna har det blivit allt tydligare att mänskligt driven resursanvändning och miljöförändring orsakar föroreningar, förlust av biologisk mångfald och klimatförändringar i en skala som äventyrar jordens beboelighet. För att förstå och förklara dessa miljö- och hållbarhetsutmaningar krävs teoretisk och empirisk kunskap om varför politiska åtgärder hittills varit otillräckliga Over the past decades it has become increasingly clear that human-driven overconsumption, pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change endanger the habitability of the Earth. Environmental politics involves the study of green political theories, green movements and parties, international agreements and environmental policies. Planetary politics is characterised by eco-centric planetary relatio

Statsvetenskap: European Governance

The aim of the course is to convey a theory-based understanding of European governance, that is, the political system of the EU and its processes of policy-making and to encourage independent in-depth analysis of current key issues in European governance. The course is divided into two parts: an overview of the overarching themes of the course, and a study of a particular topic, related to the stuThe aim of the course is to convey a theory-based understanding of European governance, that is, the political system of the EU and its processes of policy-making and to encourage independent in-depth analysis of current key issues in European governance. The course is divided into two parts: an overview of the overarching themes of the course, and a study of a particular topic, related to the stu

Political Science: International Relations Theory in Time and Space

The course is only offered as a single subject course for incoming exchange students. International Relations Theory is a time-honoured approach to the social world. Texts that are clearly recognizable as dealing with international relations date back to the ancient Greeks. Still, most textbooks in the field take a geographically and historically very parochial stance towards its own field. It iThe course is only offered as a single subject course for incoming exchange students. International Relations Theory is a time-honoured approach to the social world. Texts that are clearly recognisable as dealing with international relations date back to the ancient Greeks. Still, most textbooks in the field take a geographically and historically very parochial stance towards its own field. It i

Statsvetenskap: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen i utvecklingsstudier

Please note that this is the compulsory bachelor's thesis course offered to the students of the Bachelor programme in Development Studies majoring in Political Science.Please note that this is the compulsory bachelor's thesis course offered to the students of the Bachelor programme in Development Studies majoring in Political Science.

Political Science: Master's (One Year) Thesis in European Affairs

The course implies that the students design and execute a scientific inquiry on their own. The students should identify a relevant research problem in the field of European Affairs, select an appropriate method, process a comprehensive theoretical and empirical material, and report the findings in the form of a written text. The work process is guided by a supervisor appointed by the department. WThe course implies that the students design and execute a scientific inquiry on their own. The students should identify a relevant research problem in the field of European Affairs, select an appropriate method, process a comprehensive theoretical and empirical material, and report the findings in the form of a written text. The work process is guided by a supervisor appointed by the department. W

Statsvetenskap: Makt, politik och miljö

Föreställningar om makt har under lång tid haft en undanskymd roll i litteraturen kring miljöpolitik och miljöpolitisk förändring. Kursen sammanför dessa teman. En sådan kombination är lärorik av flera skäl. För det första ger tillämpningen av olika teoribildningar och maktbegrepp en rad perspektiv som bidrar till att förklara och förstå miljöpolitisk styrning, och det ger också insikter om centrFor a long time, the question of power has played a minor role in the literature on environmental politics and transformation. This course brings together these two themes. Such a combination is instructive for several reasons. First and generally, applying different theories and their concepts of power provides a range of perspectives for explaining and interpreting environmental governance - an

Statsvetenskap: Minoriteter och etnisk-sekteristisk konflikt i Mellanöstern

Kursen analyserar den historiska utvecklingen för etniska och religiösa minoriteter i Mellanöstern från Ottomanska rikets undergång fram till idag. Kursen uppmärksammar även de unika aspekterna hos olika grupper i MENA-området, såsom kurderna, alawiterna, maroniterna, shia och sunni. Kursen behandlar också de dominerande teoribildningarna kring etnisk och/eller sekteristisk identitet (primordialisThe course analyses the historical development of ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East from the downfall of the Ottoman Empire to the present day. The course also draws attention to the unique aspects of different groups in the MENA area, such as the Kurds, Alawites, Maronites, Shiites and Sunnis. The course also deals with the dominant theories about ethnic and / or sectarian identi

Statsvetenskap: Policyprocesser - aktörer, drivkrafter och konsekvenser

The theoretical aspects of the course focus on the interaction between three different dimensions of analysis: norms, institutions, and actors. The course studies the way in which actors make decisions, attempt to govern the system and influence outcomes. Secondly, it studies the way in which norms and institutions both limit and enable the behaviour of actors. Two analytical problems are paid spThe theoretical aspects of the course focus on the interaction between three different dimensions of analysis: norms, institutions, and actors. The course studies the way in which actors make decisions, attempt to govern the system and influence outcomes. Secondly, it studies the way in which norms and institutions both limit and enable the behaviour of actors. Two analytical problems are paid sp

Statsvetenskap: Jämförande politik - Institutioner och aktörer

Syftet med kursen är att fördjupa de studerandes kunskaper och färdigheter inom några av de viktigaste forskningsområdena inom ämnet jämförande politik. Av särskild vikt är teorier, metoder och empiriska resultat som relaterar till politiskt beslutsfattande i olika politiska system. Kursen ger en överblick över aktuella debatter inom området och ger studenterna verktyg att förstå och analysera polThe purpose of the course is to deepen students' knowledge and skills in some of the main areas of research in comparative politics. Of particular importance are theories, methods and empirical results that relate to political decision-making in different political systems. The course gives an overview of current debates in the field and gives students the tools to understand and to navigate the i

Statistik: Maskininlärning ur ett regressionsperspektiv

Maskininlärning handlar om statistiska prediktioner som förbättras genom erfarenhet; modellen lär och anpassar sig allt eftersom nya data blir tillgängliga. Exempelvis priset som en matvarubutik kan ta ut av en leverantör för en annons beror på hur bra den är på att hitta de kunder som är benägna att köpa leverantörens produkter. På samma sätt är det pris som Google kan ta ut för en annonslänk dirMachine learning refers to statistical model predictions that that improve through experience; as new data arrive, the model learns and adapts. For instance, the price that the supermarket can charge for advertisements depends critically on its ability to learn from the data which customers that are likely prospects for a particular supplier’s product. Similarly, the price that Google can charge f

Statistics: Second Year Master Thesis

I den här kursen ska du skriva ett examensarbete, vilket kan vara ett arbete rörande en specifik problemställning eller forskningsfråga. Med hjälp av din tidigare kunskap och erfarenhet i ämnet statistik, tränas du i att självständigt behandla ett problemområde.   Utöver att skriva en uppsats kommer du att muntligt presentera arbetet vid ett seminarium, att närvara och deltaga i diskusIn this course you will write a thesis, which could consist of a specific problem or a research topic. Using your previoius skills and knowledge in Statistics, you will be trained in independently investigating a problem. Apart from writing a thesis you will orally present your work during a seminar, attend and participate in discussions during semiars, and act as an opponent during a pre

Political Science: The Politics of Development

This course in political science is offered to students in Lund University’s Bachelor Programme in Development Studies (BIDS). The course explores the political dimensions of development policies and processes with an emphasis on the global governance level and the national level. We look into governance structures, institutions and power relations shaping current development thought and practiceThis course in political science is offered to students in Lund University's Bachelor Programme in Development Studies (BIDS). The course explores the political dimensions of development policies and processes with an emphasis on the global governance level and the national level. We look into governance structures, institutions and power relations shaping current development thought and practice

Statsvetenskap: Komparativ politik

The aim of the course is to give advanced knowledge of comparative policy, particularly concerning the output side of the political system. This includes relationships between political institutions, political decision-making and public policy in democratic states. Some examples of questions that are brought up during the course are: Why is the USA the only wealthy democracy in world that not has

Statsvetenskap: Politisk film

The course will introduce how and why ‘The Political’, institutional politics, and international politics are popularly represented and understood through the medium of cinéma. The course uses the medium of political cinéma to study central dimensions of contemporary politics: ideology, colonialism, environment, political economy, society, gender, conflict, international politics, and the state. F

Statsvetenskap: Krig och fred i en föränderlig värld

The overall aim of the course is to provide a theoretical and empirical orientation of different explanations and analyses of contemporary wars and attempts to achieve a more peaceful world. The course highlights theoretically how war as an institution is transformed and what consequences this alteration has on warfare, security and peace support operations in different parts of the world. ParticuThe overall aim of the course is to provide a theoretical and empirical orientation of different explanations and analyses of contemporary wars and attempts to achieve a more peaceful world. The course highlights theoretically how war as an institution is transformed and what consequences this alteration has on warfare, security and peace support operations in different parts of the world. Particu