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“Every Time You Call Me Crazy I Get More Crazy”: Sylvia Plath, Taylor Swift, and Confessional Performances

This thesis explores the works and personas of Sylvia Plath and Taylor Swift and analyses the popular conflations of their real lives and their works. Jon Helt Haarder’s theory of biographical performativity is introduced to analyse the threshold aesthetics between reality and art and investigate the feedback loops between oeuvres andlives as well as the interpretation of these in the public spher

Natural healing? A study about the health benefits from natural environments in hospital outdoor areas

Forskning visar att naturupplevelser kan leda till ökat mänskligt välmående. Dessa fördelar är särskilt värdefulla för sjuka och sköra personer, såsom patienter på sjukhus. Genom att analysera planeringsdokument och intervjua relevanta aktörer undersöker denna studie hur naturområden är inkluderade i planeringen av ett framtida sjukhus i Helsingborg, Sverige. Mer specifikt så ger den insikt i hur A growing field of research links natural environments to increased human well-being. These benefits are especially valuable for people in the process of regaining health, for instance those who are in hospitals. Through reviewing planning documents and interviewing key actors, this thesis explores how natural environments are incorporated in the planning of a future hospital in Helsingborg, Swede

The Oxygen Evolution Reaction Drives Passivity Breakdown for Ni–Cr–Mo Alloys

Corrosion is the main factor limiting the lifetime of metallic materials, and a fundamental understanding of the governing mechanism and surface processes is difficult to achieve since the thin oxide films at the metal–liquid interface governing passivity are notoriously challenging to study. In this work, a combination of synchrotron-based techniques and electrochemical methods is used to investi

Concomitant interfacial spin fractal transformation and exchange bias in a magnetic shape memory alloy

Small-angle neutron scattering is used to study the exchange bias effect in Mn50Ni40Sn10. The martensitic transformation is found to be responsible for the nanometer-scale spin clusters (SCs) inside the low-temperature ferromagnetic (FM) martensite phase. The magnetic field dependences of the SCs and FM domains exhibit an asymmetry that characterizes the exchange bias. We find that the surface geo

E-handelföretagens arbete med agil marknadsföring och värdesamskapande under inflationstider i skönhetsbranschen

Denna studie undersöker hur e-handelsföretag har upplevt och påverkats av inflation vilka marknadsföringsstrategier de använder samt hur de har arbetat med värdesamskapande under inflationen mellan åren 2020 till 2023. Studien fokuserar på inflationstider men bidrar till forskningen om kriser. Studien har värdesamkapande, agil marknadsföring, integrerad marknadskommunikation och varumärkeskännedom

Combustion of micron-sized Al-Mg alloy wires in hot H2O/O2/N2 flows

The use of aluminum-magnesium (Al-Mg) alloy particle as energetic additive in solid propellants was previously shown to have many advantages over pure Al particle, such as relatively low ignition temperature, high reaction rate and low particle agglomeration rate. In this paper, the combustion of Al-Mg alloy in hot H2O/O2/N2 flows was experimentally studied using wires with a diameter of 200 µm. T

Zizkov Station

Här beskrivs min strategi för att omvandla en befintlig byggnad kallad Žižkov Freight Railway Station till en multifunktionell byggnad. Denna komplex är belägen i Prag, Tjeckien, och byggdes färdigt 1936. Byggnaden är ett utmärkt exempel på funktionalism från tiden och regionen, men tyvärr har komplexet delvis varit övergivet sedan 2002. Därmed finns det flera tecken på försämring genom hela byggnThis document details my approach to turning an existing building called Žižkov Freight Railway Station into a multifunctional building. This complex is located in Prague, Czech Republic, and dates from the year 1936. It is an excellent example of functionalism from the time and region but, sadly the complex has partially been abandoned since 2002. Consequently, there are multiple signs of deterio

Low-power Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Networks using Near Memory Computing on a RISC-V SoC

The recent peak in interest for artificial intelligence, partly fueled by language models such as ChatGPT, is pushing the demand for machine learning and data processing in everyday applications, such as self-driving cars, where low latency is crucial and typically achieved through edge computing. The vast amount of data processing required intensifies the existing performance bottleneck of the da

Prolonged deep-ocean carbonate chemistry recovery after the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is a hyperthermal event at ∼56 Ma ago, caused by rapid and massive carbon releases into the ocean-atmosphere system. Currently, the PETM ocean acidification is mainly quantified in the surface ocean. By contrast, PETM carbonate chemistry changes of the deep ocean, a larger carbon reservoir, are largely qualitatively constrained by sedimentary calcium car

Fast, automated, continuous energy scans for experimental phasing at the BioMAX beamline

In X-ray macromolecular crystallography (MX), single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) and multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) techniques are commonly used for obtaining experimental phases. For an MX synchrotron beamline to support SAD and MAD techniques it is a prerequisite to have a reliable, fast and well automated energy scan routine. This work reports on a continuous energy scan

The ‘seed-fern’ Lepidopteris mass-produced the abnormal pollen Ricciisporites during the end-Triassic biotic crisis

The end-Triassic mass extinction (ETE; ~201.6 million years ago) led to dramatic changes in terrestrial ecosystems including the extinction of several seed-plant groups. Among the most intriguing features in the vegetation signal is the dominance of the peculiar pollen, Ricciisporites tuberculatus Lundblad, across large areas of the Northern Hemisphere immediately prior to and during the ETE. The

Att översätta kvinnor: Svenska kvinnliga författare och den franska litterära sfären Moa Martinsons Kvinnor och äppelträd (1933) och Johanne Lykke Holms Strega (2020) i fransk översättning

Forskningen om svensk litteratur i fransk översättning är inte särskilt omfattande, men på senare tid har forskarna varit eniga om en aspekt: att andelen svenska kvinnliga författare som översatts till franska har ökat avsevärt under de senaste årtiondena. Syftet med denna forskning är att analysera hur svenska kvinnliga författare översatts och publicerats på franska, och hur översättningsprocesWhile research on Swedish literature in French translation is not particularly voluminous, researchers have recently been unanimous on one aspect: that the percentage of Swedish women writers translated into French has increased significantly in recent decades. The aim of this research is therefore how Swedish women are being translated and published in French, and how the translation process cont

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When Corporate Social Responsibility is taken into account, several determining factors become for the development and organizational growth, in addition to always taking into account the establishment of the organizational strategy, in order to have several advantages, often in market acceptance, others with high growth and carrying out an improvement in the business image.This is clearly reflect

Unveiling the Impact of Organic Spacer Cations on Auger Recombination in Layered Halide Perovskites

A library of large organic cation spacers is available for engineering the performance of layered two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskite devices. Despite extensive photophysics studies, there remains a research gap over the structure-function relations in 2D perovskites, especially the underlying factors influencing the Auger recombination (AR) process. Herein, the contributions of exciton binding

Geocoded Population at Address and Block Level: Landskrona, 1904-1967, Machine-readable database, Version 1

This dataset features geocoding for the complete population of:Landskrona at the block-level from 1904-1967;Landskrona at the address-level from 1939-1967; andKävlinge at the block-level from 1939-1967.All these populations are part of the Scanian Economic-Demographic Database (SEDD). SEDD is a high-quality, longitudinal database that covers five Scanian parishes: Halmstad, Hög, Kågeröd, Kävlinge,

Green supply chain management, environmental costs and supply chain performance in the hotel industry : the mediating role of supply chain agility and resilience

Although developing a green supply chain is a topic of growing interest in the hotel industry, research on hospitality green supply chain management (GSCM) is limited. This study investigates the effect of internal and external measures of GSCM on environmental cost reduction, and how environmental cost reduction improves the supply chain performance with the mediating role of agility and resilien

Lyckans hjul eller lastens akademi? : ekonomiska ideal och hotbilder i debatten om lotterispel i Sverige 1809–1840

Wheel of Fortune or Academy of Vice? : Economic Ideals and Threats in the Swedish Lottery Debate, 1809–1840. This master’s thesis examines how ideas pertaining to economic and moral behaviour, ideals and threats were expressed, shaped and understood in the public debate about the state lottery – kungliga nummerlotteriet – in Sweden during early nineteenth century. At the time, state lotteries wer