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Reflections on the Effectiveness of Targeted Sanctions in the Case of Fiji

Following a military coup in 2006 the Pacific island-nation of Fiji has become an increasingly autocratic state. The international community has responded by imposing sanctions against Fiji. These sanctions are mainly targeted sanctions consisting of visa bans and restriction on financial flows, as well as diplomatic sanction, which aim to force the Fijian regime to hold elections and return the c

Bör vänstern bedriva queerkamp? En argumentation för queerkampens förenlighet med det antikapitalistiska projektet

This thesis argues that the socialist movement should engage in the struggle against heteronormativity. It examines the arguments which are set up against the socialist movement’s engagement in identity politics, suggesting that a struggle based on sexuality appropriate for the socialist movement should focus on the social order it aims to attain, and not on improving the status of the subordinate

A Struggle for Independence: A Young Woman’s Coming of Age as National Allegory in Laṭīfa al-Zayyāt’s al-Bāb al-maftūḥ

Without question, Laṭīfa al-Zayyāt (1923-96), ranks among the most important Egyptian and Arab writers, critics, and activists of the 20th century. Published in 1960, her breakthrough novel al-Bāb al-maftūḥ [The Open Door] chronicles the emotional, psychological, and political growth of Layla, daughter of a conservative, Egyptian middle-class family. The backdrop of her story is the decade of tumu

Lär vi oss av våra misstag?

Huvudsyftet med min uppsats är att se hur stor sannolikheten är för att ett nytt folkmord i Rwanda skulle kunna inträffa. Uppsatsen kommer också att fokusera på vad den rwandiska regeringen idag tar till för åtgärder för att stabilisera landet efter folkmordet 1994, samt hur man förebygger att eventuella folkmord inte inträffar och på så sätt kunna försäkra de rwandiska medborgarna fred, trygghet

Rituella landskap - finns dom?: Döserygg och dess grannar ur ett landskapsperspektiv

In this essay I discuss the expression ritual landscape regarding the burial and gathering site of Döserygg and its surroundings in south-western Scania, Sweden. Döserygg is dated to the early Neolithic-mid Neolithic period. I have studied literature, searched the Swedish National Heritage Board’s database, and studied maps to answer my questions: What is a ritual landscape? What other Neolithic s

Civil-militär samverkan: En proplematisering av aktörsroller och samverkan i fredsfrämjande operationer

Civil-military cooperation is nowadays a core function in peace support operations (PSOs). This is a result of changes in the global political context, in part due to such things as the end of the Cold War, and the increased number of intrastate conflicts. Furthermore, the introduction of the concept of human security has had an impact on which grounds PSOs are initiated. The new context in which

Bör förfarandemissbruksprincipen tillämpas av svensk domstol?

Through a number of rulings from the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the past few years a new method for prohibiting abusive behaviour seems to have been established within the European Community. This is in view of the fact that the Court has chosen to acknowledge requests from member states to disqualify claims on Value added tax (VAT) refunds in spite of them being formally legitimate. Perha

Kan Guantanamo Bay rättfärdigas?

This bachelor thesis contains the justification of Guantanamo Bay. How the U.S.A has justified Guantanamo Bay and how the Human Rights Watch has rejected U.S.A's arguments. This study about Human Rights Watch's and U.S.A's argumentation regarding Guantanamo Bay, has been reconstructed and interconnected with ethical perspectives as rule-based action, end-based action and the problem of

"Jag vill att du pratar klartext med mig"

Har Ni, på semester eller i yrkeslivet, varit i kontakt och kommunicerat med personer från en annan kultur, och upplevt att språkförbistringar inte riktigt räcker till att förklara varför ni inte förstår varandra? Troligen har det rört sig om olika kommunikationssystem, som vart och ett präglas av den kulturella identitet man har. Antingen som en konstruktion av ens lokala eller nationella identit

Kulten till de flaviska kejsarna i Efesos under Domitianus

“The cult of the flavian emperors in Ephesos during the reign of Domitian” is an attempt to investigate the influence of an imperial provincial cult on the life of a city in the eastern parts of the Roman empire. Through the study of diffrent types of sourcematerials (archaeological, ephigrafical, numismatic and literary) the aim is to trace the influence that the new cult had on different levels

Sverigedemokraterna - yttrandefrihet och religionsfrihet

In the process of developing the modern and democratic society that the people of Sweden can enjoy today the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 1948 has been a cornerstone. Several of these rights have around the world been seen as fundamental to the democratic society and are today both a way of life, future and philosophy running through the country of Sw

Reglering eller inte - En studie av effekterna av Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning med kompletterande finansiella styrinstrument

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att studera effekterna av Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning och andra finansiella styrinstrument på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Efter de redovisningsskandaler som uppdagades i stora amerikanska och europeiska bolag i början av 2000-talet så började såväl den svenska regeringen som EU:s institutioner att fokusera på ökad kontroll och övervakning av kapitalmarknaden. Målet