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Inequality in the aftermath of financial crises: some empirical evidence

Analyzing 70 countries over the period 1973–2006, we empirically show that, in the aftermath of financial crises, income inequality exhibits no general pattern of change. This holds for both advanced and emerging economies. However, when we break down the analysis by crisis types, we find that, after stock market crises, inequality goes down in advanced countries, while there is no statistically s

Matrix Metalloproteinases in COPD and atherosclerosis with emphasis on the effects of smoking

Background Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP´s) are known biomarkers of atherosclerosis. MMP´s are also involved in the pathophysiological processes underlying chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Cigarette smoking plays an important role in both disease states and is also known to affect the concentration and activity of MMP´s systemically. Unfortunately, the epidemiological data concerning

Ultrafast Photoionization Dynamics Studied with Coincidence Momentum Imaging Spectrometers

The time scale of the dynamics in atoms and molecules varies from attoseconds (10-18) to picoseconds (10-12) depending on the size of the particles. To study such dynamics, ultrafast light pulses are needed to trigger and capture the reaction. One of the most direct methods consists in ionizing the system and observing the following response. In this work, we use two different light sources with c

Kvalitetsgranskning av insatsrapportering av bostadsbränder - Storstadsområdena Malmö, Göteborg, Södertörn och Stockholm

Följande rapport redovisar en studie inom forskningsprojektet Bostadsbränder i stor-stadsområden - rumsliga skillnader och brandsäkerhetsarbete i den socialt fragmenterade staden. Syftet med rapporten är att analysera i vad mån skillnaderna i statistiken gällande bostadsbränder i storstadsområdena Malmö, Göteborg, Södertörn och Stockholm kan förklaras av olikheter i hur inrapporteringen av bostads

Skillnader i brandförekomst inom och mellan olika storstadsområden – en statistisk analys

Följande rapport är genomförd inom forskningsprojektet Bostadsbränder i storstadsområden - rumsliga skillnader och brandsäkerhetsarbete i den socialt fragmenterade staden. Projektet är finansierat av MSB och har Institutionen för Urbana studier på Malmö universitet och Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi vid Lunds universitet som bas. I denna rapport presenteras skillnader i br

On modal excitation using capacitive coupling elements and matching network

A resonant characteristic mode (CM) is useful for antenna design if it is properly excited and well matched to the source. In this paper, we consider the feed design for the excitation of the fundamental CM of a rectangular chassis. The tradeoff between the required number of capacitive coupling elements (CCE) and matching elements used for achieving a given antenna bandwidth is studied. The resul