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Polybrominated diphenylethers in the environment - Local and long range transport

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att kunna förstå och bedöma exponeringen av kemikalier i miljön, i det här fallet PolyBromeradeDiphenylEtrar (PBDEer), behövs kunskap om källor och flöden från teknosfären till ekosystemen. PBDEer är bromerade flamskyddsmedel som bl a sätts till olika plastmaterial i elektronikanvändning för att förhindra brand. Det används globalt i miljontals kilo och presenteras I have studied the sources, long range transport, and rates of flow of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), from the technosphere to the Baltic ecosystems. PBDEs are mainly used in polymers, which are applied in electrical equipment to prevent overheating or flashover and are produced in large quantities. PBDEs have become widely spread in the environment, where they are able to accumulate in b

Romancing the Stone - Aiding Sense-Making in Organizations

Despite many years of implementations, issues surrounding the success or failure of information systems are still shrouded in mystery. In a quest to improve business outcomes from such systems an IS analyst should have a key role to play. Organizational IS can be seen as a composition of indi-vidual and organizational learning processes, and as such is in a constant state of change. Knowledge as a

Supranational Regimes and Their Consequences for Education

The influence of supranational regimes has dramatically increased in the last decades. How this influence is manifested and which consequences it has had and continues to have on education is discussed in this paper. More specifically, the paper highlights lifelong learning and the Bologna process seen as projects, the explicit aims of which starkly contrast to their effects on such vital issues a

Conclusions: Options for Effective Climate Governance beyond 2012

The diversity of the contributions to this volume illustrates the complexity of the challenge. Climate change is a governance problem that needs to be analysed, and addressed, at multiple levels, in multiple sectors, and with a view to multiple actors. In searching for policy options that go beyond current negotiations, the contributions thus addressed issues as diverse as international carbon mar

Inducible nitric oxide synthase in experimental urinary tract infection

Popular Abstract in Swedish Urinvägsinfektion är en av de vanligaste förekommande bakteriella infektioner hos människa och vid 30 års ålder har var femte kvinna någon gång varit drabbad. 80% av alla urinvägsinfektioner orsakas av bakterien Escherichia coli (E. coli). Urinväginfektion kan ge sig till känna i två former. Vid den vanligaste och inte fullt så allvarliga formen, cystit (blåskatarr), ärUrinary tract infection (UTI) is among the most common bacterial infections in humans and the majority are caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli). Abundant evidence indicates that nitric oxide (NO) produced by the inducible NO synthase (iNOS) plays an important role in host defense against infection. This thesis examines iNOS expression in experimental UTI models. The rat and pig bladder urothelium

The human cationic antimicrobial protein (hCAP-18) is expressed in the epithelium of human epididymis, is present in seminal plasma at high concentrations, and is attached to spermatozoa

Innate immunity is important for the integrity of the host against potentially invasive pathogenic microorganisms in the environment. Antibiotic peptides with broad antimicrobial activity are part of the innate immune system. We investigated the presence of the cathelicidin, human cationic antimicrobial protein (hCAP-18), in the male reproductive system. We found strong expression of the hCAP-18 g