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Approaching the New Plastic Economy: Solutions and Their Implications on Creating New Markets Around the Plastic Packaging Industry

Background: Today, plastic packages can be found from the nature all around the world, hence it is a topic which is widely discussed among consumers, the media and politics, to name a few. Furthermore, solutions to the waste issue are pondered upon these different groups. The packaging industry constitutes for a large share of the total plastic waste, which is why the study was narrowed down to th

Barnperspektivet på ekonomiskt bistånd : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas erfarenheter av att arbeta med barnperspektivet vid handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of this study was to examine social workers experiences of the work with a child perspective when dealing with financial aid. A qualitative study with four semi-structured interviews with social workers was performed. The sample was made through purposive sampling of social workers in the department of financial aid in different municipalities in northwest Skåne. The results of the int

Arbetsmarknadens kunskapskrav på systemvetare - tidigare och idag

IT-branschen är föränderlig och under ständig utveckling. Det råder även stor kompetensbrist inom området, vilket skapar ett behov för att undersöka hur de kunskapskrav som finns på arbetsmarknaden ser ut. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på vilka krav på kunskap som arbetsmarknaden har på systemvetare och hur kraven har sett ut i tidigare studier. Uppsatsen bygger på teori om begreppen kunskap

In Search of the Meaning of Mindful Consumption- An Exploratory Study of Generation Y

Purpose: : The purpose of the study is to understand what is the meaning of mindful consumption for Generation Y consumers. There exist theoretical studies on mindful consumption but there is limited empirical research on mindful consumption and its meaning. Method: This is a qualitative study with a social constructionist and relativist approach as meaning is socially constructed and there is no

The impact of having foreign-born parents on migration: A study of Swedish emigrants

Return migration among the second generation has been a topic of interest for researchers in the last decade, but little quantitative research has been done. Identity, feelings of belonging and moving when entering a new life stage have been proposed as reasons for the second generations to move back to their ancestral home. Using a dataset on emigrants from Sweden, this research describes the mig

A Comparative Study on Turkey under Globalization: Premature Deindustrialization and Institutional Transformations

This paper investigates Dani Rodrik’s argument about premature deindustrialization processes in developing countries and its political repercussions for these countries with a focus on Turkey. Premature deindustrialization is defined as a fall of real MVA and employment shares of manufacturing at levels much lower than the developed countries experienced in the past. The consequences of this pheno

Consumer Value on Unbundling Practices by Full-service Carrier – a Qualitative Study

Despite the media outcry whenever a full-service carrier announces its plan to unbundle its flight service and charge some of the service components as add-ons, there is an increasing number of full-service carriers around the globe dropped the full bundling approach in exchange for add-on bundling when selling their flight tickets. At the same time, the market of ancillary revenue continues to gr

Factors of Job Satisfaction in the Healthcare Industry

The study aims to analyze and explore the factors that affect job satisfaction among nurses working in Emergency Departments. An online questionnaire was implemented to examine the factors that most influence overall job satisfaction among nurses in the Emergency Department. The survey contained items on job characteristics, as well as basic socio-demographics. Based on the results from the qua

Indigenous Environmental Autonomy and the issue of Extractivist Development - A Comparative Case Study of Bolivia and Sweden

In this global ‘age of autonomy’ this thesis will discuss the relation between indigenous peoples autonomy, their political agency and the national environmental agenda in the Plurinational State of Bolivia and in Sweden. With decolonial critique of development the cases will be analysed looking at factors such as indigenous rights policy, resource management, conservation agendas and the structur

Dynamic Recrystallization in the Sveconorwegian Frontal Wedge, Småland, southern Sweden

I de centrala delarna av södra Sverige finns ett tektoniskt gränsområde som traditionellt sett har kallats Protoginzonen. Det har agerat som gränsen mellan bergarter vilka undkommit svekonorvegisk deformation och metamorfos i öster, och bergarter som upplevt den svekonorvegiska bergskedjebildningen till väster. Norr om Vänern kallas detta gränsområde numera Sveconorwegian Frontal Deformation Zone South-central Sweden hosts a tectonic boundary region which traditionally has been called the Protogine Zone. It acts as the boundary between rocks which have escaped Sveconorwegian deformation and metamorphism to the east, and rocks affected by the Sveconorwegian orogeny to the west. North of lake Vänern, the boundary zone is nowadays referred to as the Sveconorwegian Frontal Deformation Zone. Th

The European Convention on Human Rights in Sweden: Legal Practice and Legal Theory Analysed

The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) has been part of Swedish domestic law since 1995 and the Swedish government and the Supreme Courts of Sweden asserts that Swedish courts implemented it. However, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) have judged Sweden 61 times for violating the ECHR, including eight judgments regarding Article 3 (prohibition of torture). Thus, Swedish courts cle

Peptide-based treatment with mesoporous silica particles for mycobacterial infections

Tuberculosis (TB) and other mycobacterial infections have become more difficult to treat since the strains need to be screened for resistance. Furthermore, the half-year long treatment time could harm hepatocytes as a side effect of the treatment. This calls for discovery of new compounds for a successful treatment. One such promising peptide was recently discovered and called NZX. In this study

Electrical lighting in open-plan offices. A laboratory study and simulations on lighting preferences and enegy use.

The need for energy use reduction raises the question of electrical lighting use especially in the non-residential sector. Office spaces are particularly sensitive in this area, as lighting is quite essential, and connected to satisfaction, mood and performance. Literature suggests a wide variety of preferred conditions, although most of the studies refer to older ways of working. This thesis exp

Digitala Verktyg i pianoundervisning - Ett positivt komplement till en modern pianometodik?

Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur en pianopedagog kan berika eller använda sig av digitala verktyg inom ramen för att främja sin pedagogiska vision i pianoundervisning. Forskningsmetoden är en kvalitativ forskningsintervju där urvalet av informanter är fyra pianopedagoger verksamma på svenska musikgymnasieskolor med genreinriktningar inom jazz, blues, rock och pop. Litteraturgenomgången defThe purpose of this study is to find out how a piano teacher can enrich or use digital tools in the framework of promoting his or her educational vision in piano education. The research method is a qualitative research interview where the selection of informants comprises four piano teachers active in Swedish music secondary schools with genre orientations in jazz, blues, rock and pop. The literat

Rules or no Rules? An Analysis of the Operational and Social Performance of Microfinance Institutions in India

Microfinance institutions are considered a tool for sustainable development and financial inclusion. In recent years several institutions became profit driven and engaged in the behavior of traditional banks and businesses ending up in risky and competitive situations. Associated to this, several Microfinance institutions entered under national regulations with expectations of better performance a

“Snapchat, listen to the people…” : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Snapchats omdiskuterade uppdatering vintern 2018 utifrån ett användarperspektiv

This case-study intends to show how an update, or re-design, of an application can affect the relationship between the user and the brand behind the application. To examine this, the study uses Snapchat and its re-design from early 2018 as a case-study, an update which due to users’ opinions and reactions online had serious consequences for Snap Inc. The study uses a focus group as a qualitative m

Initiativ för minskat matsvinn från livsmedelsbutiker

In Sweden there are several political goals stating the importance of diminished quantities of waste from the food sector, yet several thousand tons of potentially edible food are being discarded of every year. This study has examined the hindrances and opportunities of six different organizations/initiatives working to lower the rates of food waste from retail stores. It has also looked into pote

"Den sexuella läggningen har inte gjorts sannolik" : En kvalitativ undersökning om asylbedömningar av hbtq+ personer

The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of how Swedish Migration agency and Swedish Migration courts reasoned regarding sexuality, gender identity and persecution within the home country in asylum assessments of LGBTQ+ people through a qualitative analysis of court decisions. Within this study fifteen court decisions have been analysed, all of which judgments relied on grounds

Does Hedge Fund Activism Create Value?

Using a data set of 139 events from 2006 to 2019, we demonstrate that announcements of hedge fund activism increases shareholder value in the short run. The abnormal return for the announcement of activism is approximately 6% over a [-10,+10] window. We find statistically significant abnormal returns both when the hedge fund purchases shares in the target firm, and when the hedge fund engages with

The content, chemical state and accumulation of vanadium in a drill core of Alum shale from Kinnekulle

Alunskiffer är en svart lersten av kambrisk-tidig ordovicisk ålder som har en vid utbredning i Sverige och angränsande områden. Bergarten är rik på organiskt kol från ofullständig nedbrytning av marina mikroskopiska organismer som inlagrades i sedimentet på syrefria havsbottnar. Miljön gjorde det även gynnsamt för en del spårmetaller att deponeras, bland annat Uran, Nickel, Molybden och Vanadin. VExploitation of alum shale is a controversial subject in Sweden due to the history of pollution of the environment and groundwater, from past mining industries. The extraction of vanadium from alum shale is no different. Nevertheless the metal is a valuable resource used in tools, building, industries and aerospace materials. A look to the future reveals that vanadium may play a role in renewable