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Mellan lagens intention och kommunens intressen - En kvalitativ textanalys med fokus på bedömning av skälig levnadsnivå avseende rätten till särskilt boende för äldre.

The aim of this study was to research the assessment of a reasonable standard of living in relation to a holistic view regarding the right of care in a nursing home. Our selection of empirical material was 6 judgements from Swedish courts and 16 social inquiry from local authorities of social work. The material was limited to dismissal of the right of care in a nursing home, within the years of 20

Aerotropolis: At what cost, to whom? An analysis of social and environmental impacts of New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) project, Indonesia

Following the idea of aerotropolis, New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) was initiated under Masterplan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia’s Economic Development to strongly promote the role of Yogyakarta as part of the economic and tourism centers in Indonesia. However, the establishment of this national strategic project is not without controversy. Groups of local people refused

"Tourism Rules Everything Around Me" : A Case Study on Alienation and Tourism in the Alps

Tourism has become one of the largest and fastest growing industries of the global capitalist economy. In the case of Austria, it is responsible for nearly one sixth of the GDP. This development is connected to an incredible economic growth and structural changes in formerly remote mountain villages in the Austrian Alps. In this thesis, the impacts of the mass tourism developments on the local pop

Design Concept for Thule Strollers- Improving the user experience in the dark

For most people getting a stroller is an obvious thing to do when having a baby. It’s mainly used for transportation of the baby but has other functions as well. For example, it is used as a storage, serves as a shopping bag for groceries and makes a perfect bed for a baby nap. Using a stroller should be easy and safe, but when it’s getting dark outside it can be hard to see the road ahead and fin

The Impact of Abortion Reforms on Female Labour Force Participation and Education in Mexico

This study examines the effects of progressive and regressive abortion reforms on women’s educational and labour market outcomes in Mexico. First trimester abortions became legal in Mexico City in 2007. Following the progressive legislative reform, 18 other Mexican states implemented more restrictive legislation on abortions. By using quarterly survey data and a difference-in-differences approach,

The debt of economic development: analysis of the environmental injustice of inhabitants related to lead-acid battery industry in China

With the announcement of Energy Revolution by the government of China, and the support of policies and investments in clean and renewable energy, electric vehicles and bikes have recently been developed rapidly, which has promoted the prosperity of lead-acid battery industry and made China now the world’s leading producer, refiner, and consumer of lead-acid battery technology. However, this has cr

Tax Challenges of the Digital Economy: Does a Withholding Tax on Certain Digital Transactions Solve the Problem of Missing Taxation Rights, While Being In Line with EU-Law and the OECD Model Convention?

This thesis investigates whether the implementation of a withholding tax on financial transactions obtained by the provision of certain digital services could solve the current problem of missing taxation rights regarding the income of highly digitalized multinational business models. Furthermore, the thesis aims to determine whether such tax could be in line with European Union law and the model

The Transformative Potential of the Right to the City : An Analysis of the Potential Contribution of the Right to the City in Formulating a Human Rights Response to Urban Socio-Economic Inequalities

The demographic patterns in developing countries have significantly changed in the recent few decades due to the impact of urbanization. The urbanization process has created new challenges; and the enormous divide between haves and have nots has become a defining feature of contemporary urban spaces. The advent of neo liberal globalisation and the integration of developing countries in to the glob

'He Spat in my Face and Said I Should Die': Queer Youth and the Process of Identity Formation in Total Institutions

This thesis is about queer youth in total institutions, and the meaning those institutions might have on the identity formation process. The thesis itself consists of two smaller sub-studies, a literature review of some of the existing research on queer youth in total institutions, and a discourse analysis of the identity aspect using texts written by queer youth who has spent time in a total inst

Påverkar användandet av barnomsorg den ekonomiska tillväxten?

In recent years, the use of childcare especially in rich countries, has gone through a huge development. Well-established theories and previous research suggest that the social infrastructure has a positive impact on economic growth and that there is a positive relationship between childcare and equality. However, studies about how childcare affects economic growth are scarce. The aim of the study

Transposable elements as alternative gene promoters and their silencing mechanisms

Transposable elements (TEs) are genetic entities that have the ability to move around the genome and regulate nearby genes. Therefore, they constitute a potential threat (and sometimes an evolutionary advantage) for the host's genome. Among other regulatory activities, DNA methylation and KRAB-ZNF are responsible for TE silencing. The dysregulation of these silencing mechanisms have been studi

Patienters påfrestande minnen av intensivvård utifrån ett åldersperspektiv - En enkätstudie

Bakgrund På en intensivvårdsavdelning vårdas de mest kritiskt sjuka. Patienterna kan vara både medicinska och kirurgiska, och kan tillhöra olika åldersgrupper. Gemensamt är att de utsätts för stora påfrestningar både fysiskt och psykiskt vilket kan orsaka påfrestande minnen för denna patientgrupp Syfte Syftet var att beskriva eventuella skillnader på vuxna (över 18år) patienters påfrestande minnen

Keen for Green - A Study of Pricing in the Secondary Green Bond Market

The emerging green bond market is a novel research area with only a few studies being published in recent years. The increase in interest from issuers, investors, and academia shows the clear need for further investigation of the pricing dynamics affecting the green bond market. This study finds its theoretical foundation in the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), aiming to establish whether inves

Long Term Storage in a Surveillance Environment

New legal requirements force organizations to increase their data retention of video surveillance for up to a year. This amount of video data requires very large storage capacities, which will drive up the costs for the end user by a large amount. Surveillance data that is old is very rarely accessed, thus there is no need for a short retrieval time for older data. This thesis investigated differe

Utmaningar att beakta vid utformning av digital strategi

Denna uppsats syftar till att studera vilka utmaningar som bör beaktas vid utformning av en digital strategi. Studien görs genom att med akademisk litteratur definiera vad en digital strategi är, för att sedan samla data från organisationer om deras digitala strategi, och de utmaningar de stött på. Den empiriska insamlingen består av fyra intervjuer med representanter från fyra organisationer, båd

Aldrig tomt bo : det moderna familjehemmet i skuggan av sociala medier

I dagens samhälle använder vi allt mer sociala medier i vår kommunikation med andra. Under fasen då det sista barnet lämnat hemmet, den så kallade empty nest fasen, intensifieras ofta användandet vilket ger föräldrarna en känsla av välmående. Hur påverkar detta relationen till barnen som nu förväntas bli självständiga och stå på egna ben? Hur väger föräldrarna sin rätt till att hållas informerade

Refugees, Othering, and Acculturation in Athens: How Can the “Other” Possibly Integrate?

In the past ten years, Greece has been hit by two “crises”. The first, an economic crisis in 2009, which consisted of a series of bailouts from the European Commission, European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, leading to a trend of anti-Greek sentiment within the EU. The second, the Syrian refugee “crisis”, beginning in the fall of 2015. At the start, Greece was simply a transit

Inhemskt eller gränsöverskridande-var finns lönsamheten?

Titel: Inhemskt eller gränsöverskridande - var finns lönsamheten? Seminariedatum: 5 juni, 2019 Kurs: Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng (FEKH89) Författare: Amina Behlic, Lama Ibrahim, Klara Skyvell Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Nyckelord: Inhemska och gränsöverskridande förvärv, aktieägaravkastning, CAR, Sverige Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka förvärv, gTitle: Domestic or cross-border - where is the profitability? Seminar date: 5 June, 2019 Course: Bachelor Degree Project in Financial Management Undergraduate level, 15 credit points (FEKH89) Authors: Amina Behlic, Lama Ibrahim, Klara Skyvell Advisor: Maria Gårdängen Key Words: Domestic and cross-border acquisitions, shareholder wealth effects, CAR, Sweden Purpose: The aim of the study is to inves

Hot eller möjlighet – En komparativ studie om fackföreningars benägenhet att stötta papperslösa arbetare

The thesis seeks to through institutional theory identify institutional factors that shape the seemingly contradictable behavior of trade unions towards undocumented migrant workers. Using institutional theory, the discussion about trade unions relationship to undocumented migrant workers can be shifted from morality and ideology to a question of possibilities. By comparing trade unions relationsh