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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Altered consciousness is a many splendored thing

Abstract in UndeterminedContrary to the notion that altering our ordinary state of consciousness necessarily produces delusional beliefs and is generally deleterious, various findings in psychology and other disciplines suggest that 1) the ordinary state of consciousness does not provide an accurate mapping of reality and 2) alterations of consciousness can have various positive functions. Among t

Natural variations of precursors in pig meat affect the yield of heterocyclic amines - Effects of RN genotype, feeding regime, and sex

Pig meat shows natural variations in the concentrations of precursors of heterocyclic amines (HCAs), which may affect formation of HCAs in cooked pig meat. To study this, 26 pigs with an inherent genetic variation (carriers and noncarriers of the RN- allele) were subjected to different feeding regimes (conventional feed compared with feed composed according to organic standards). In addition, the

Cadmium, copper and zinc in tissues of deceased copper smelter workers

Workers at a copper and lead smelter in northern Sweden have a multifactorial exposure to a number of heavy metals. The concentrations of cadmium, copper and zinc in Liver, Lung, kidney and brain tissues have been deters mined by atomic absorption spectrometry in 32 deceased tong-term exposed male lead smelter workers, and compared with those of 10 male controls. Furthermore, copper and zinc Level

Acoustophoresis in wet-etched glass chips

Acoustophoresis in microfluidic structures has primarily been reported in silicon microfabricated devices. This paper demonstrates, for the first time, acoustophoresis performed in isotropically etched glass chips providing a performance that matches that of the corresponding silicon microdevices. The resonance mode characteristics of the glass chip were equal to those of the silicon chip at its f

Experience with percutaneous titanium implants in the head and neck: a clinical and histological study

Percutaneous implants have been associated with numerous problems. However, by using skin-penetrating, bone-anchored titanium implants, developed by Professor Branemark at the Department of Anatomy, University of Goteborg, good long-term results have been observed. These implants have been in clinical use for anchorage of bone-conducting hearing aids and facial prostheses since 1977 and 1979, resp

Damping of Generator Oscillations using Phasor Measurement Units and Breaking Resistors

n this paper a disturbance in the western part of the Swedish power system, 1997, January 1, is studied. Two large nuclear units tripped due to a short circuit in a substation. The purpose of this paper is to study the damping features of power oscillations by using synchronised measured frequency deviations between generators and the mean system frequency. The measurements are based on GPS (Globa

Phonology of a southern Swedish idiolect

In this egocentric article I describe briefly the segmental phonology of my own southern Swedish idiolect. I grew up in Getinge in central Halland, about 20 km north of Halmstad, speaking a regional variant of southern Standard Swedish. Although my dialect has certainly changed somewhat after I moved to Lund in 1964 at the age of 20, I believe that I still retain the basic pronunciation of vowels

The transformation of just peace: EU and the Middle East peace process

The terms justice and peace have long been the focus of much debate as well as numerous attempts of conceptualization. Just peace however, has been very little studied despite being widely used together in everyday language. The terms justice and peace are therefore insufficiently conceptualized together and surprisingly little interest has been given to how a just peace can be realized. This pape

Nonmagnetic ultra wideband absorber with optimal thickness

Design of ultra wideband absorbers with bandwidth ratios larger than 10:1 is investigated. It is explained that if there is no constraint on the total thickness of the absorber, achieving large bandwidths is straightforward. The problem becomes challenging when the minimization of the total thickness is considered. It is shown that for a given frequency response, the total thickness of a nonmagnet

New forbidden and fluorescence Fe III lines identified in HST spectra of eta Carinae

We discuss the origin of eight emission lines in the spectra of gas blobs close to the central star of eta Carinae. The spectra have been obtained with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Between 2400 and 2500 Å five narrow lines are identified as new forbidden lines of doubly ionized iron, [Fe III]

Experimental Film as Marketing Strategy: Sponsored Film Culture in Postwar Sweden

In Sweden during the 1940s and 50s, many artistically ambitious filmmakers, like Arne Sucksdorff, Gösta Werner, and Peter Weiss, sought and gained financial aid from sponsors within the industry. Whereas many sponsored films document and communicate industrial processes, these films are more creatively oriented and experiment with film as an artistic expression. Although economic concerns undoubte