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Culture’s Consequences: Examining the Relevance of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory to Youth Sexual Health

Cultural norms that promote gender inequality have shown to encourage power imbalances in heterosexual relationships, increasing both young men and young women’s risk of STDs, HIV, unplanned pregnancy and intimate partner violence (WHO, 2004). Understanding how exactly these cultural norms impact youth’s gendered sexual roles and overall sexual health has been increasingly highlighted as an import

Avfall och beteende i Brf Ellstorp

Ellstorp housing cooperative has long had problems with household waste not being properly recycled and bulky refuse not being left in designated areas, leading to overfilled bins and chaotic recycling rooms. In this study, an investigation was carried out among the residents in Ellstorp, using a survey handed out to all residents and group interviews with volunteering residents and the board of t

Equal Respect for the Private and Family Life of Transgender People? Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights' Case Law on Recognising Gender Identity

This study examines whether the right to respect for private and family life, as enshrined in Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights, is equally enjoyed by transgender people. The focus of the research is on the European Court of Human Rights’ case law on gender identity, and special emphasis is placed on the principles of equality and non-discrimination. For the analysis, the Europ

Information Technology in Internal Business Partnering: A Case Study at a Major Swedish Truck Manufacturer

In this study I explore the field of internal business partnering (IBP) and how IT is utilized in supporting these efforts and in supporting an increased awareness. I furthermore explore what the current limitations of today's technology are, and finally, in addition, study a specific collaborative tool, namely a word processing template, and how this should be developed to maximize communicat

Rätt att skaffa barn? En diskursanalys av habiliteringspersonals tal om arbetet med barnlängtan hos personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar

This study aims to contribute to the debate concerning parenthood among persons with intellectual disabilities. Its focal point is the analysis of present discourses within the field of habilitation concerning on questions regarding how to relate to and work with thoughts of a future parenthood among clients with intellectual disabilities. The study argues that while the general attitudes in socie

Prankvertising Phenomenon: The Effects on Consumer Buying Decision

Prankvertising is a phenomenon that is gaining significant exposure in marketing world, attracting both small and large companies to implement it as a new advertising strategy. Its success has been proven by millions of views and shares within a few days, reflecting an effective tool of viral marketing. Despite its success in gaining rapid audience reach, the argument relating to its true success,

Evaluation of possibilities for a predictive dynamic analysis model for musculoskeletal disorders

Modern ergonomics evaluation tools normally consider work postures as static and isolated positions. These tools have not taken into consideration the cumulative stress that builds up from repetitive tasks and work positions. The purpose of this Master Thesis is to do an initial research whether time can be used as a variable for a predictive dynamic analysis model for musculoskeletal disorders (M

Straffbudet mened - Föreligger det med hänsyn till dess skyddsintressen ett behov av att utvidga dess tillämpningsområde?

För det fall ett straffbuds tillämpningsområde inte omfattar gärningstyper som kan skada dess skyddsintressen, föreligger det p.g.a. avsaknaden av lagens straffhot, en förhöjd risk för att viktiga enskilda, allmänna och/eller statliga intressen utsätts för kränkningar. Det faktum att ett straffbud inte omfattar handlingar som kan skada dess skyddsintressen, är dock inte tillräckligt för att det skIn case the scope of a criminal provision does not include acts that can harm its legal goods, there is due to the absence of the threat of punishment, an increased risk that important individual, general and/or state interests are subjected to violations. However, the fact that a criminal provision does not include acts that can harm its legal goods is not sufficient to justify the expansion of i

Att läsa mellan siffrorna - En empirisk studie om earnings management under börsintroduktioner i Sverige

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att empiriskt undersöka utförandet av earnings management under börsintroduktioner bland svenska bolag med hemvist i Sverige som noterats under 2009 och 2010. Studien ämnar även utreda vilka faktorer som påverkar utförandet av earnings management samt tänkbara orsaker till eventuella skillnader mellan Sverige och USA. Teoretiska referensramen: Den teoretiska ref

Near Field Communication - Its adoption process and technology acceptance

NFC was often predicted in media as well as academic literature to become a de facto standard, which offers great value. Today there are more smartphones than personal computers and tab-lets combined, predicting that the mobile payment market to grow radically. NFC is often cited as a suitable technology for mobile payment solutions. This thesis aims to answer the research question why NFC has not

"Odla växter och människor" - En diskursanalys av naturunderstödd rehabilitering

The aim of this study was to examine how nature-supported rehabilitation is portrayed and how the current discourses appear in a number of articles, reports and websites. The method that we used was critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough’s reasoning. The empirics were chosen from a targeted selection based on the purpose of the study. The distinguished discourses we found in the material

Cognitive absorption and the behavioral intention to use business intelligence: Determinants and influence of cognitive absorption

Introduction: In the last decade Business intelligence became increasingly important for organizations to adopt in order to compete in highly changing industries. The main purpose of the business intelligence system is to enable users to make and execute decisions better and faster. However, the success of business intelligence is not guaranteed. Users are defined as one of the main sources of the

Parabener i kosmetik - en studie med fokus på säkerhet och försiktighetsprincipen

Parabens are a group of commonly used conservatives in cosmetics, foods and pharmasuticals. Although they have been widely used since the 1920s the effects of these substances are still not thoroughly understood. This literature review aims to enlighten the prevailing discussion regarding chemical safety using the precautionary principle. During the last decade a vast amount of research has been d

Skolundervisning med IT-baserade lärmedel - Glöm inte lärarna!

I enlighet med att vårt samhälle digitaliseras, kommer även skolan att vända sig åt en mer digital värld. Sverige driver en offensiv kamp mot att digitalisera undervisningen, vilket visar sig bland annat i läroplanen Lgr11 där IT ska löpa som en röd tråd i alla ämnen. Trots detta har vi författare sett en tendens till att de tekniska verktygen finns i klassrummen men inte används fullt ut. Lärarna

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Young people, who previously have been placed away from home in foster care, are from the political perspective, a particularly vulnerable group. This is a very general manner that previously placed young people live or has lived more volatile and turbulent, with changing within education and very poor self-management, What these peoples experience when they enter the independent adulthood is an a

The impact of Over-education and Under-education on Earnings: Egypt in a Post Revolutionary Era

Previous research has mainly addressed the impact of over/under-education on wages in developed countries. Therefore, this paper attempts to fill the void gap in the literature by empirically examining the impact of over-education and under-education on wages in a developing country, namely Egypt, using the 2012 Egyptian Labor Market Panel Survey (ELMPS). In order to do so, actual years of educati

Power Losses in Hypoid Gears

The ambition of this thesis was to provide Scania with a program that can calculate power losses in hypoid gears from gear teeth mesh using the programming language Python. The program should be able to calculate power losses on different points on the gear flank to help designers and engineers in the development face of a new axle gear. Because of governmental requirement and costumers’ wish to m

En verksamhet i förändring – om upplevd nytta med IT-stöd i hemtjänsten

Bakgrund. Den äldre befolkningen i Sverige förväntas öka framöver vilket innebär mer arbete för hemtjänsten. Detta tillsammans med ökade kostnader har ställt ett oerhört tryck på hemtjänsten. Med be- gränsade resurser och höga prestationskrav ställs hemtjänsten inför en stor utmaning för att kunna ta hand om landets åldrande befolkning. Datorisering kan få en avgörande roll för att verksamheten sk

Understanding reasons for choosing certain media for internal communication in the companies that are using collaboration software: A Media-Synchronicity Theory based Explanation

Collaboration Software is widely used in internal communication in the companies today. Software itself enables the companies to use variety of media with different properties and capabilities to mediate the communication on different corporate tasks. The way companies use the communication media implies the overall company performance. This study empirically examines the general propositions of M

Finding the potential privacy gap in the Big Data Supply Chain

We live in a digitalized society. All the abundant data we produce, today called “Big Data” it changing our lives, and will soon disrupt it. Different studies and analysis argue about the advantages that Big Data comes in, not only as a competitive advantages for the data holders, but also in health, government, for the citizens and society as a whole. Nevertheless, Big Data comes with significant