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Authentic Thinking, Branding Differently

Authentic Thinking, Branding Differently examines how iconic personal brand are created and how they affect iconic brand creation and perceived authenticity. It utilizes an abductive approach when studying narratives concerning Steve Jobs and Apple through Joseph Campbell’s Hero Cycle. In conclusion, the thesis acknowledges iconic personal brands, when tightly connected to a brand, as viable instr

Man - Kvinna, 1 - 0 Om angivande av kön i svenska personnummer

Titeln Man, kvinna 1-0 syftar på regleringen i FolkbokföringsL 18 § som stadgar att det för män ska antecknas ojämn siffra, och för kvinnor en jämn siffra i deras personnummer. Förfarandet att skriva ut en persons kön i personnumret diskuteras i denna uppsats främst utifrån integritetsrättlsiga aspekter. Enligt EKMR 8 art. är intrång i den personliga integriteten endast tillåtliga i den mån intrån

Balans i genpatenten - kan kriteriet på industriell användbarhet lindra de negativa effekterna för forskning och sjukvård?

I ett flertal decennier har det varit möjligt att patentera gensekvenser och andra biotekniska uppfinningar. Bioteknikdirektivet, som antogs år 1998, medför inte några större förändringar. Avsikten är att harmonisera det rättsliga skyddet för biotekniska uppfinningar i de europeiska länderna i syfte att underlätta för handeln och den inre marknadens funktion. Den nationella patenträtten förblir de

Equity Market Risk Premium: Emerging and Frontier Markets

This research paper focuses on historical, arithmetic equity market risk premium in emerging and frontier markets. Equity market risk premium, as we know it today, has been easily estimated in developed markets; whereas, emerging and frontier markets often require different approaches to determine an appropriate equity market risk premium. I make use of a variety of methods, including volatility a

An empirical evaluation of Value-at-Risk during the financial crisis

In the latest financial crisis, risk management and forecasts of market losses played a crucial role in the area of finance. This thesis evaluates the theory of Value-at-Risk through a quantitative study of two non-parametric approaches and three parametric: Basic- and volatility-weighted Historical Simulation, Normal distribution, Log-normal distribution and Student’s t-distribution. The thesis c

The narrative assessment of attachment: validity of the Secure Base Script Test for middle childhood

Psouni and Apetroaia (2010) have recently introduced the Secure Base Script Test,SBST, for middle childhood. Based on Waters and Rodrigues-Doolabh’s (2004)Narrative Script Assessment for assessing secure base script knowledge in adults,Psouni and Apetroaia’s method is a narrative task in which children create short narratives by making use of four prompt word outlines that loosely suggest prototyp

Coastal Erosion on Majuro Atoll : Marshall Islands with Special Regard to Sea-Level Rise

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is nation consisting of small coral atolls located in Pacific Ocean. It is a nation currently listed as a developing country according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. The Marshall Islands have through history been colonized by Spain, Germany and Japan, and was later during the World War II claimed by the United States. The current

Towards decent work for Domestic Workers in South Korea: Ways to go

Domestic work is one of the oldest and most important occupations for many women in many countries. However, it is one of the occupations that are still undervalued and neglected. It is often regarded as unskilled because most women have traditionally been considered capable of doing the work. When paid, the work remains undervalued and poorly regulated. These days, it is also a global phenomenon

Regulations on Ballast Water & Invasive Species - a Comparative Approach

Skadliga marina arter invaderar idag främmande habitat och ekosystem med en extrem hastighet. Dessa arter har haft en mycket stor negativ inverkan på många sårbara ekosystem runt om i världen och barlastvatten har identifierats som en av de största faktorerna bakom den snabba spridningen. Idag är den vanligaste åtgärden för att lösa problemet att byta barlastvatten ute till havs för att göra sig aHarmful aquatic species are today invading foreign habitats at an unprecedented pace. They have had a large negative impact on many fragile ecosystems of the world and ballast water has been identified as one the major culprits behind their fast spread. Today, the most common remedy used to combat the problem is exchanging ballast water in the open ocean to get rid of any organisms with the potent

The Classified Information Procedures Act:(CIPA) and Suspected Terrorists in Federal Civilian Courts: Subject to the Most Exacting Demands of Justice?

The condemnation of the specialized procedures of the faulty military commission system, particularly ex parte and in camera hearings to determine the closure of confidential information, has resulted in the contention that terror cases may be properly adjudicated in regularly constituted Article III courts. Proponents of prosecution of terror suspects in federal civilian courts assert that the co

Ekonomiska incitament och arbetsutbud: En studie av effekten av 1997 års reform av bostadsbidraget

1997 infördes en reform som innebar ändrade regler för bostadsbidrag. Reformen påverkade främst hushåll med två vuxna och barn. En nyhet i reformen var de individualiserade inkomstgränserna som gjorde att varje vuxen i familjen kunde tjäna upp till ett tak, 58 500 kronor per år, utan att familjen förlorar bostadsbidrag. Regelförändringen gjorde att en grupp personer med mycket låga inkomster, unde

Aiming and Guiding - Navigation with a Non-visual GPS Application

This master's dissertation describes a study that relates to persons with visual impairments, and wayfinding using a smartphone with touchscreen. The study consists of the development of a prototype and an evaluation of its usability while interacting with haptic and auditive feedback. The prototype was developed for the Android platform. It provides a way of scanning for points of interest wh

Miljömärkningsstrategier för att uppnå legitimitet - En studie av miljömärkning i Sverige

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera företags behov av att få en legitimitet i form av en miljöcertifiering. Hantering av att få och behålla en Svanenmärkning kommer att undersökas tillsammans med om incitament för att få denna certifiering samt vilken miljömärkning som är lämpligast för att uppnå legitimitet ur ett miljöperspektiv. Studien har genomförts utifrån en induktiv ansats. Kvalitativa int

”Som att det är en kunskapslucka”: En intervjustudie om hbt-personers upplevelser av terapi i hbt-avseende

Studien syftar till att undersöka hbt-personers upplevelser av terapi i hbt-avseende, med fokus på situationer som upplevts särskilt positiva respektive negativa. Då få studier finns på området har en explorativ ansats valts. Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med informanter som rekryterats via en web-enkät. Informanterna har valts utifrån att de haft både positiva och negativa erfarThis study aims to examine lgbt persons´ experiences of therapy from an lgbt perspective, with a focus on situations that have been experienced as especially positive or negative. Since few studies have been conducted on the subject, the study is explorative. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with informants who were recruited through a web-based survey. The informants were chosen bas

Rätten till det intellektuella kapitalet - en studie av rättsläget i förhållande till dagens arbetsmarknad

Arbetsmarknaden har under de senaste decennierna genomgått en betydande förändring. Den ökande internationaliseringen av arbetsmarknaden och framväxten av stora globala aktörer har bidragit till högre krav på flexibilitet. Med den tekniska utvecklingen och de framväxande kunskapsföretagen i spetsen har det mellan de olika arbetsmarknadsparterna och lagstiftarna uppstått diskussioner kring den svenDuring the last two decades, the labour market has undergone significant changes. The demand of flexibility in work relations and legislation has increased due to the internationalization of the labour market and the development of larger global companies. The technical developments and the rise of companies which products consist of knowledge in it self has laid ground for discussions between the

Emptying MFA 34 - The European fishing fleet and its impact on West African fish consumption

Fish, seafood and fishery products are important sources of animal protein for people living in coastal states of Western Africa. High levels of activity in the West African water puts heavy pressure on fish stocks that are already on their way to being overexploited. This paper investigates the impact European fishing fleets operating in West African coastal waters has on fish consumption in the

Patent misuse and ‘sham’ - Development of new principles under EU competition law

This thesis takes its stance in the AstraZeneca judgment from the General Court and the latest developments in EU competition law and compares these with the equivalent standards of US antitrust law. Focus is on similarities and divergences between the EU application of competition law and the more developed doctrines of Walker Process and Noerr-Pennington in the US. The analysis is made in respec