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Våldsamt ojämlika - kvinnlig egenmakt och våld i nära relationer

Partnervåld är ett vida spritt folkhälsoproblem. Ämnets känsliga natur gör detsvårt att analysera, eftersom det är avgörande att kunna skilja en förändringi våld från en förändring i rapportering av våld. Med ett objektivt mått påvåld och oberoende variation i egenmakt skattar jag effekten av ökad kvinnligegenmakt på våld i nära relationer. Jag visar att den deskriptiva relationenmellan egenmakt o

Session M90: Marxism(s) in Geographic and Sustainability Research

Since the beginning of the Great Recession of 2008, we are witnessing a deepening of social and ecological crises. As a transdisciplinary research program, with a powerful critique of capitalist economy at its core, there is little surprise that we witness an ever-increasing body of literature of Marxist contributions to the fields of (among others) urban and sustainability studies following the c

Estimation of lake outflow from the poorly gauged Lake Tana (Ethiopia) using satellite remote sensing data

Lake Tana is the largest lake in Ethiopia, and its lake outflowis the source of the BlueNile River that provides vital water resources for many livelihoods and downstream/international stakeholders. Therefore, it is essential to quantify and monitor the water balance of Lake Tana. However, Lake Tana is poorly gauged, with more than 50% of Lake Tana Basin being ungauged from in-situ measurements, m

Increased pulmonary blood volume variation in patients with heart failure compared to healthy controls; a non-invasive, quantitative measure of heart failure

Variation of the blood content of the pulmonary vascular bed during a heartbeat can be quantified by pulmonary blood volume variation (PBVV) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The aim was to evaluate if PBVV differs in patients with heart failure compared to healthy controls and investigate the mechanisms behind the PBVV. Forty-six patients and 10 controls underwent MRI. PBVV was calculated f

Vem ska göra gruppindelningen och hur?

Grupparbeten utmålas som pedagogiskt fördelaktiga och av Högskoleförordningen följer, att sådana är ett viktigt inslag i civilingenjörsutbildningen. Artikeln presenterar fallgropar och svårigheter som kan aktualiseras liksom ett antal faktorer som är väsentliga vid gruppsammansättning och examination för att optimera det aktiva lärande som ett grupparbete kan bidra till.

Understanding virtual speakers

This thesis addresses how verbal comprehension is affected by seeing the speaker and in particular when the speaker is an animated virtual speaker. Two people visually co-present – one talking and the other listening, trying to comprehend what is said – is a central and critical scenario whether one is interested in human cognition, communication or learning. Papers I & II are focused on the e

Construction of an ultrasound phantom with micrometer-sized wall-less vessels

The development of new ultrasound imaging technologies that aim to resolve objects smaller than the conventional ultrasounds diffraction limit calls for new types of phantoms to evaluate these technologies. When it comes to vascular flow phantoms, this becomes challenging due to the difficulty of manufacturing phantoms with vessels smaller than 1 mm in diameter. Here we describe a novel manufactur

Protein lysine methylation by seven-β-strand methyltransferases

Methylation of biomolecules is a frequent biochemical reaction within the cell, and a plethora of highly specific methyltransferases (MTases) catalyse the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) to various substrates. The posttranslational methylation of lysine residues, catalysed by numerous lysine (K)-specific protein MTases (KMTs), is a very common and important protein mo

Soil colonization and drought adaptation of the actinomycete Frankia

A plant bioassay was used to enumerate infectious Frankia in soil and micro- and molecular techniques were used to identify possible mechanisms by which Frankia survive drying.Myrica-nodulating Frankia occurred in five Hawaiian volcanic deposits with depositional ages ranging from 20 to 162 years before present. The oldest deposit had a mean estimated nodulation capacity from 450 to 1200 times gre

Skruvdalern i Uppsala universitets myntkabinett : ett mynt fyllt med konst

The Uppsala university coin cabinet harbours arather unusual numismatic treasure, a ‘screw-thaler’ from Augsburg, produced in the secondhalf of the 17th century. The object combines twothalers from Augsburg, one from 1632 portrayingthe Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus, and theother one coined 1658 displaying the city ofAugsburg. One side of both coins is polished aswell as hollowed out, and the rim

Inclusion of the 3P0 model in PYTHIA 8

The spin effects in the hadronization process have been included for the first time in the PYTHIA 8 event generator. The spin effects are limited to the production of pseudo-scalar mesons and are obtained from the propagation of the quark polarization along the fragmentation chain according to the rules of the so-called 3P0 model. The interface between PYTHIA 8 and the package of the 3P0 model is