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”På bekostnad av mig”: Om att ha barn med någon med psykisk ohälsa

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur personer som har barn tillsammans med en person med psykisk ohälsa upplever att deras livssituation som anhörig påverkar den egna föräldrarollen, samt att kartlägga behovet av stöd i rollerna som anhörig respektive förälder. Till datainsamling användes halvstrukturerade djupintervjuer med sex kvinnliga deltagare som har barn med en person med bipolär sjukdom. IThe aim of this study was to describe the experiences of parents who share their parenthood with a person suffering from mental illness, and to reveal the self-reported needs of these parents in relation to their specific life situation. The study is based upon a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Six female participants who share parenthood with a person with bipolar disorder were interviewed

Två svekofenniska graniter i Bottniska bassängen : utbredning, U-Pb zirkondatering och test av olika abrasionstekniker.

I Bottniska bassängen i östra delen av centrala Sverige, finns ett antal intrusioner av tidig- och sensvekofenniska granitoider. Det aktuella undersökningsområdet består av ett sensvekofenniskt granitmassiv, beläget ca fyra km väster om Örnsköldsvik. Förutom de bergarter som tidigare definierats: själevadgranit, bergomgranit och paddalgranit, förekommer även sörbölegranit och billsjögranit. SörbölIn the Bothnian Basin, east-central Sweden, a number of intrusions of Early- and Late Svecofennian granitoids occurs. A series of Late Svecofennian granite intrusions makes up the investigation area. This is situated approximately four kilometres to the west of Örnsköldsvik. Apart from the granites earlier defined: the Själevad, Bergom and Paddal granites, Sörböle and Billsjö granites occur. The S

CSR Reporting

This study presents a survey of 215 Swedish and German listed companies and their voluntary social, environmental and ethical disclosure practices. An eclectic approach in explaining the differences has been used, focussing on cultural differences.

Ethical awareness and ethical judgment among audit professions across countries: India, Sweden and Vietnam

The auditor is seen as the guardian of the market. However, several scandals have resulted in the public’s suspicions of auditor ethics. Therefore, the need of investigation of ethical awareness and ethical judgment among auditors should be taken into a deep consideration. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the differences in ethical awareness and ethical judgment of auditors across nations,

Case studies on “Enhancement to current operations of SMEs in Thailand; use of target costing and supply chain management applied from Ikea”

The most noticeable common weakness found in Thai SMEs' operations are; (1.) weak costing system and, (2.) unhealthy management system. Fierce competition drives Thai SMEs to strike for continuous improvement. In the war of pricing, market price automatically sets ceiling price for businesses, supply surplus leads customers to choose the most quality product (expected quality at less money spe

Kuwait: Democratization in Process: Five factors of democratization and their state in Kuwait

This thesis studies the extent at which five factors affect the democratization process in Kuwait: elections & opposition, gender, media, mass belief and international influence. This thesis finds that there are two factors that affect the process of democratization more than the rest; gender and media. Recent reforms in these respective factors affects the democratization process, the politic

The resource curse and China's worldwide demand for natural resources

During the past two decades several studies pointed out the contradiction between abundance of natural resources and its negative impact on economic growth and development. This paradox has been widely observed and documented throughout the development literature. In this context, China’s increasing demand for natural resources and consequent growing trade and influence in developing countries has

Agricultural Science and Politics: The Dynamics of Politically Motivated Funding for Agricultural R&D in Sub-Saharan Africa

What is the current state of agricultural research and development (R&D) in sub-Saharan Africa, how does it intertwine with politics, and why? How can roadblocks to agricultural science be overcome? This thesis addresses these questions, first by demonstrating the necessity of agriculture for nationwide development in sub-Saharan Africa, then by moving more specifically into agricultural resea

En resursbaserad studie av monopolomreglering - Apoteket AB

SYFTE: Syftet är beskriva och analysera hur ett företag anpassar sin strategi, när det går från att vara ensam aktör till en konkurrensutsatt marknad. METOD: Med en abduktiv ansats har vi genomfört en kvalitativ studie av monopolomregleringen på den svenska apoteksmarknaden. Vi har valt Apoteket AB som fallstudie där primärdata har samlats in genom personliga intervjuer med tre olika butikschefer

Att älska ett varumärke - En netnografisk studie av kundlojalitet

Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna studie är delvis att problematisera kundlojalitet med hjälp av Fredrick Reichelds teori. Vårt primära syfte är att undersöka hur varumärkeslojalitet tar sig uttryck på Internet i olika varumärkesgemenskaper samt hur lojalitetsuttrycken skiljer sig åt mellan våra valda varumärken. Genom att studera varumärkeslojalitet till olika varumärken kan vi testa om Reichelds relat

Passivhus i lättbetong - En analys av konstruktionsdetaljer

Title: Passive house in Autoclaved aerated concrete – An analysis of construction details. Authors: Niclas Hackfelt, Bachelor of Science in construction engineering and architecture, Lund Institute of Technology. Supervisors: Mats Dahlblom, University Lecturer, Department of Building Services Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology. Tomas Gustavsson, Tomas Gustavsson konstruktioner AB in Lund. U

European State Aid Policy in Relation to Financial Institutions and the Financial Crisis

Stabiliteten på finansmarknaden har visat sig vara en viktig fråga för Kommissionen och en integrerad del av EU: s konkurrenspolitik. Den globala finanskrisen, med ursprung i USA, har påverkat de flesta av EU:s medlemsstater och framförallt skadat banker. Ett minskat förtroende för de finansiella marknaderna ledde till att utlåningen mellan banker totalt uteblev. Detta ledde i sin tur till en kredThe stability of the financial market has proven to be an important issue for the European Commission and an integral part of European competition policy. The global financial crisis, originating from the U.S., has affected most of the European Union’s Member States. A loss of confidence in the financial markets led to a freeze in interbank lending and an unprecedented credit crunch. As a response

Hotet från organiserad brottslighet - om begreppsanvändning inom doktrin och lagstiftning avseende otillåten påverkan

Den organiserade brottsligheten finns i Sverige, men det är oklart vilket hot den utgör mot det svenska samhället och rättsväsendet. Denna uppsats problematiserar hur den organiserade brottsligheten framställs inom lagstiftning och rättstillämpning. Regeringen initierade år 2007 en nationell mobilisering mot den grova organiserade brottsligheten, vilket har medfört omfattande omstruktureringar inoOrganized crime exists in Sweden, but it is unclear what kind of threat it poses to the Swedish society and judicial system. This essay discusses how organized crime is described and used in legislation and law enforcement. In 2007 the government initiated a national mobilization against serious organized crime, which has led to major restructuring within the national police organization and prose

Plan A - A Study of the Climate Change Adaptation Perspective in the Planning and Building Act (2010:900)

Klimatförändringen är ett fenomen som på ett aldrig tidigare skådat sätt kommer att sätta press på rättssystem världen runt. Det finns ett behov av att utforma rättsliga instrument och institutioner för att hantera förändringar i miljön men också av att utforma själva lagstiftningen att vara flexibel och anpassningsbar i förhållande till föränderliga förhållanden i naturens tillstånd. För att säkeClimate change is a phenomenon that in an unprecedented way will put pressure on the legal systems worldwide. Not only is there a need for designing the necessary legal instruments and institutions to handle changes in the environment but also for the law itself to be flexible and able to adapt under preconditions in nature which are uncertain. To ensure that the legislation is resilient enough to

Institutional path dependence: The price of Fairtrade?

Fairtrade has become a familiar trademark for most consumers in the developed world and represents an option for the buyer to purchase a product that has been certified to follow the ethical standards of ”fair” trade. This branding has received much critique over the last years concerning Fairtrade's ability to improve the lives of small producers in the developing world. This thesis derives f


When new technologies for the health care sector are developed, it is of outmost importance to increase the possibilities of survival and remain high quality of life for patients. During the conception and design of such technologies, the problem to solve and the possible solutions to achieve have to be well understood and the scope has to be defined. For the particular case of the project LISA, t

Keramikskräp eller skräpig keramik? - avfallshantering under järnåldern med utgångspunkt i Uppåkra och keramikmaterialet från Hus 21

With this paper the goal was to study the pottery of the Iron Age settlement of Uppåkra in southern Sweden, with the view that the ceramic material from this site is indeed a “mass material”. I examined what strategies an Iron Age society might have had for their waste, as waste is something that all societies create and have to manage, somehow. I was curious to know how the waste from this period

Climate change impacts on crop yields and adaptive measures for agricultural sector in the lowlands of Lesotho

Climate change has emerged as the most prominent of the global environment issues and there is a need to evaluate its impact on the agriculture. General Circulation Models (GCMs) which are considered as the most advance tools for estimating future climate change scenarios operate on coarse resolutions. It is for this reason the climate change model MAGICC coupled to SCENGEN developed by the IPCC w