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Your search for "*" yielded 531636 hits

The role of PI3K/AKT-related PIP5K1α and the discovery of its selective inhibitor for treatment of advanced prostate cancer.

Nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds are an important class of molecules that are commonly used for the synthesis of candidate drugs. Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase-α (PIP5Kα) is a lipid kinase, similar to PI3K. However, the role of PIP5K1α in oncogenic processes and the development of inhibitors that selectively target PIP5K1α have not been reported. In the present study we repor

No evidence for memory interference across sessions in food hoarding marsh tits Poecile palustris under laboratory conditions.

Scatter hoarding birds are known for their accurate spatial memory. In a previous experiment, we tested the retrieval accuracy in marsh tits in a typical laboratory set-up for this species. We also tested the performance of humans in this experimental set-up. Somewhat unexpectedly, humans performed much better than marsh tits. In the first five attempts, humans relocated almost 90 % of the caches

Primary Sjögren's syndrome: The diagnostic and prognostic value of salivary gland ultrasonography using a simplified scoring system.

Objective: To determine the usefulness and prognostic value of a simplified salivary gland ultrasonography (SGUS) scoring system in primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). Methods: Patients with pSS (n=105) and controls (n=57) were evaluated using a simplified SGUS scoring system. Parenchymal homogeneity in salivary glands was graded from 0 to 3, grades 0 (normal) and 1 (mild inhomogeneity) being interp

Patterns of molecular evolution of an avian neo-sex chromosome.

Newer parts of sex chromosomes, neo-sex chromosomes, offer unique possibilities for studying gene degeneration and sequence evolution in response to loss of recombination and population size decrease. We have recently described a neo-sex chromosome system in Sylvioidea passerines that has resulted from a fusion between the first half (10 Mb) of chromosome 4a and the ancestral sex chromosomes. In t

Large Eddy Simulation of Air Entrainment and Mixing in Reacting and Non-Reacting Diesel Sprays

Large eddy simulation is performed to investigate air entrainment and mixing in diesel sprays with and without combustion. The Spray A case of the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) is considered in the study, in which liquid n-Dodecane is injected at 1500 bar through a nozzle of 90 mu m into a constant volume vessel with an ambient density of 22.8 kg/m(3) and an ambient temperature of 900 K. Primary

Structure from Motion Estimation with Positional Cues

We present a system for structure from motion estimation using additional positioning data such as GPS data. The system incorporates the additional data in the outlier detection, the initial estimates and the final bundle adjustment. The initial solution is based on a novel objective function which is solved using convex optimization. This objective function is also used for outlier detection and

Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neurons integrate in stroke-injured cortex and improve functional recovery.

Stem cell-based approaches to restore function after stroke through replacement of dead neurons require the generation of specific neuronal subtypes. Loss of neurons in the cerebral cortex is a major cause of stroke-induced neurological deficits in adult humans. Reprogramming of adult human somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells is a novel approach to produce patient-specific cells for au

Search for new light gauge bosons in Higgs boson decays to four-lepton final states in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

This paper presents a search for Higgs bosons decaying to four leptons, either electrons or muons, via one or two light exotic gauge bosons Z(d), H -> ZZ(d) -> 4l or H -> Z(d)Z(d) -> 4l. The search was performed using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 20 fb(-1) at the center-of-mass energy of root s = 8 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Col

Isomer and Beta-decay Spectroscopy of Tz=1 Isotopes Below the N=Z=50 Shell Gap

The RISING setup at the GSI-FRS facility was used to investigate the isomer and beta decays in N~Z~50 Cd, Ag and Pd isotopes. A preliminary analysis of the data has revealed new results on the Tz=1, 94Pd, 96Ag and 98Cd isotopes. In 94Pd a new high-spin isomer was observed, whilst in 96Ag 3 new isomeric states were identified, including core-excited states. In 98Cd a new high-energy isomeric γ-ray

T Cells in Tumors and Blood Predict Outcome in Follicular Lymphoma Treated with Rituximab

Purpose: T cells influence outcome in follicular lymphoma, but their contributions seem to be modified by therapy. Their impact in patients receiving rituximab without chemotherapy is unknown. Experimental Design: Using flow cytometry, we evaluated the T cells in tumors and/or blood in a total of 250 follicular lymphoma patients included in two Nordic Lymphoma Group randomized trials that compared

Evaluation of MLH1 I219V Polymorphism in Unrelated South American Individuals Suspected of Having Lynch Syndrome.

Some single-nucleotide polymorphisms are associated with higher risk of colorectal cancer development and are suggested to explain part of the genetic contribution to Lynch syndrome. Aim: To evaluate the mutL homolog 1 (MLH1) I219V polymorphism in 124 unrelated South American individuals suspected of having Lynch syndrome, based on frequency, association with pathogenic MLH1 and mutS homolog 2 (MS

Molecular Pathways in the Progression of Hormone-Independent and Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Once prostate cancer becomes castration resistant, cancer cells may rapidly gain the ability to invade and to metastasize to lymph nodes and distant organs. The progression through hormone-dependent to hormone-independent/castration-resistant and metastatic PCa is poorly understood. In this review paper, we provide an overview on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the process of tumo

Pregnancy outcomes in multiple sclerosis following subcutaneous interferon beta-1a Therapy.

Background: Women with multiple sclerosis (MS) are advised to discontinue interferon-beta therapy before trying to conceive. Unplanned pregnancies occur and risks related to exposure remain unclear. Methods: To determine pregnancy outcomes following interferon-beta therapy, we examined pregnancies from a global drug safety database containing individual case safety reports received in the post-mar

Validity, reliability, and responsiveness of the Self-reported Foot and Ankle Score (SEFAS) in forefoot, hindfoot, and ankle disorders.

Background and purpose - The self-reported foot and ankle score (SEFAS) is a questionnaire designed to evaluate disorders of the foot and ankle, but it is only validated for arthritis in the ankle. We validated SEFAS in patients with forefoot, midfoot, hindfoot, and ankle disorders. Patients and methods - 118 patients with forefoot disorders and 106 patients with hindfoot or ankle disorders comple

Injection and transport properties of fast electrons in ultraintense laser-solid interactions

Fast electron injection and transport in solid foils irradiated by sub-picosecond-duration laser pulses with peak intensity equal to 4 x 10(20)W/cm(2) is investigated experimentally and via 3D simulations. The simulations are performed using a hybrid-particle-in-cell (PIC) code for a range of fast electron beam injection conditions, with and without inclusion of self-generated resistive magnetic f