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Food waste in Beijing - life cycle assessment approach to estimating the environmental impact and resource utilization of various alternatives for food waste treatment in Beijing

Around the world, the treatment of food waste is a major administrative and environmental problem throughout the food supply chain. Beijing, as any other mega city, is facing vast issues of sustainable food waste treatment in addition to efforts for food waste reduction. Presently the majority of Beijing's food waste is treated together with the mixed residual waste in landfills (53%) and inci

Leaving Already? The Swedish Unemployment Insurance as a Pathway to Retirement

This paper studies whether Swedish workers use the unemployment insurance (UI) system as a pathway to retirement. We use longitudinal register data consisting of weekly UI benefit payments for the period 1999 to 2015. In Sweden, individuals are eligible for UI benefits for a maximum of 427 days. This creates an artificial benefit threshold at 427 days prior to the official retirement age. We use a


Arbetet utforskar möjligheterna att lyfta fram och synliggöra byggnader som kan ha ett publikt intresse och tillgängliggöra områden och delar av våra städer som idag bara är nåbart av en liten del av befolkningen. Genom att öppna upp mer av vår omvärld ökas förståelsen för hur vårt samhälle fungerar samt bidrar till en starkare samlevnad. Arbetet använder sig av vattenkraftverk som exempelbyggnad

Internal benchmark of IKEA's Sourcing Assignment processes and documents across business areas and categories - A multiple case study

Background: The IKEA Range & Supply organisation consists of business areas (BAs) and categories. BAs work with product development toward end-customers while the material-based categories work toward suppliers with purchasing and sourcing related tasks. There exists an internal cross-organisational interface between these units and IKEA recently created Sourcing Assignment as a tool to encour

Only for the rich? Low-carbon energy transition in the Vauban (Freiburg, Germany)

This thesis examines a local low-carbon energy transition in an urban context with regard to energy justice. It takes the Vauban district in Freiburg (Germany) as a case study which has been described as a successful case of energy transition and a model for sustainable urban development. From a theoretical point of view, energy justice encompasses a fair distribution of costs and benefits of an e

Att säga, skratta och snäsa: Om översättningen av anföringsverben i en rysk prosatext

Denna uppsats kretsar kring min översättning av ett utdrag ur Alisa Ganijevas roman "Zjenich i nevesta". Inledningsvis redovisas en källtextanalys som tar upp kontext, teman, ironi, bildspråk samt textens narrativa egenskaper. I den efterföljande översättningsstrategin diskuterar jag var jag lagt mig på skalan imitativ–funktionell ifråga om översättningens semantiska och pragmatiska aspe

Fluid-Structure Interaction; Numerical Modelling andExperimental Comparison

Målet med examensarbetet är att undersöka påverkan av fluid-struktur interaktionen för en svängande kropp nedsänkt i vatten. Vidare är det undersökt huruvida det går att modellera denna typ av fenomen med akustiska element i LS-DYNA med Mat\_Acoustic. Experiment med en svängande låda utfördes för att kunna jämföras med simuleringar av samma uppsättning. Experimenten innefattade fyra olika svängninThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effects of fluid-structure interaction on a submerged oscillating structure. It is to be determined whether it is possible to model such effects with acoustic fluid elements in LS-DYNA using Mat\_Acoustic. Experiments of an oscillating submerged box were performed and the results were used to compare simulations of the same setups. The setups compri

Cash is Queen - Impacts of conditional cash transfers on women’s empowerment

This thesis investigates the causal effects of the Peruvian conditional cash transfer (CCT) program, Juntos, on women’s empowerment defined along the psychological and familial dimensions. Usually, the main goal of CCTs is to reduce poverty. Women are key actors in the fulfillment of conditions and recipients of the transfer, and can thus also be affected by the program in terms of empowerment. Th

Women as victims of domestic violence in China

The purpose of this thesis is to get an overview of how the Chinese legislation defines and understands violence in close relationships, to show which legal and political measurements the Chinese government takes in order to help women who are victims of domestic violence. Analysis is made on the basis of a legal perspective and radical feminist perspective. The legal perspective is based on indiv

State’s Image as Future Capital : A study of China’s cooperation with Russia on developments in the Arctic

China’s influence on the global stage is constantly expanding. Recently, a considerable amount of attention has been paid by the Chinese officials to the developments in the Arctic region. Majority of scientific works which have focused on the underlying rationale behind Chinese presence in the Arctic used theoretical tools provided by either liberal institutionalism or realism. Consequently, the

Comparative Evolutionary Genomics of Toll-like Receptors in True Geese (Anserini)

True geese are members of the bird family Anatidae which contain many waterfowl spe-cies with high relevance as natural hosts of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV). The closely re-lated mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is the main host of AIV and has a robust immune sys-tem which is also the best understood among the Anatidae. Previous studies have shown that some species of geese are more susceptible to AIV

Transgender Individuals’ Thoughts and Experiences Regarding the Transition Process: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

This study utilizes Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to gain an in-depth understanding of transgender individuals’ transition experiences and thoughts regarding the diagnostic classification of Gender Dysphoria issued by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and Transsexualism issued by the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). The study focused up

The impact of BREXIT vote on stock returns - an event study on European bank industry

The study focuses on the impact of United Kingdom’s vote for leaving the European Union on the banks stocks in Europe. The tool used for measuring this impact is event study. Putting the center of attention on the banking industry, we investigate 63 major banks in Europe. Abnormal returns are defined by using the well-known market model. As expected, the results show that banks experience signific

Den eocena Furformationen i Danmark : exceptionella bevaringstillstånd har bidragit till att djurs mjukdelar fossiliserats

Furformationen i Danmark är en 54 miljoner år gammal Konservat-lagerstätte med ett rikt register av exceptionellt bevarade fossil. Den unika bevaringen bidrar med information som vanligtvis inte förekommer i det fossila arkivet, såsom mjukdelar. Från Furformationen är mjukdelar som hår, hud, fjädrar och ögon kända. De är bevarade i en marin diatomit, antingen som förkolnade avtryck eller som tredi

Presiding over a flood of waste : a case study on a local movement for domestic waste management at the household level, Bandung City, Indonesia

Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is a profound environmental issue in Indonesia. Approximately 69% of Indonesian municipal waste is transported to landfill sites. These sites infuse surrounding ecosystems with toxic compounds, degrade land quality and lead to health and sanitation issues. These factors when combined with poor domestic waste treatment and increased flood susceptibility during

The Portrayal of Religion in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

In this essay, the portrayal of religion as well as the role that religion plays in Igbo community in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart is examined, as well as the impact that the missionaries and their religion had on Igbo society. Chinua Achebe was well acquainted with Igbo society and portrays it honestly. He openly discusses and criticizes aspects of both Igbo society and the missionaries and

The State of the Art in PR Evaluation

As the boundaries between different communication disciplines blur, PR experts are forced to operate in increasingly competitive business environments. They are pressured to prove the usefulness of their activities in measurable terms. Evaluation techniques are key to this challenge as they have the potential to win over organisational decision makers and to help steer communication programmes ef

Efficient Risk Factor Allocation with Regime Based Models

It is widely accepted that nancial mark behaviour is characterized by periodicity. However, in academia and practice financial markets are often modeled as time consistent, resulting in static investment strategies that are assumed to be ecient. This has great implications on investors' allocation decisions and in valuation of risks and performances. In this thesis we consider different risk f

Do new ways of work mean new ways of work- nonwork interface? Using a demands-resources approach for understanding satisfaction with work and nonwork life among location independent and traditional workers.

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) become more advanced and more accessible which leads to new ways of work. A rather new phenomenon is that of location independent workers (LIWs), who are enabled by these technologies to work while traveling the world. New ways of working assumingly lead to changes in the work-nonwork interface. This study takes a demands and resources approach to