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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Upper Extremity Disorders - Epidemiology and Measures of Disability

The aim of this thesis was to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of long-lasting upper extremity symptoms in a general population and to study some methodological aspects of outcome assessment and reporting, including validation of a Swedish version of an upper extremity region-specific outcome instrument that potentially could be useful for assessing upper extremity disorders. A gener

Gender and Buddhism in the Wake of the Tsunami

In December 2004, the Indian Ocean Tsunami hit the shores of 13 countries and more than 280,000 people lost their lives. In Thailand, about 10,000 people died or are missing and approximately 8,500 people were injured. The exact number of how many died will never be known. This chapter deals, from a gender perspective, with the significance of Buddhism in the post-Tsunami recovery process in small

Terminated LDPC convolutional codes with thresholds close to capacity

An ensemble of LDPC convolutional codes with parity-check matrices composed of permutation matrices is considered. The convergence of the iterative belief propagation based decoder for terminated convolutional codes in the ensemble is analyzed for binary-input output-symmetric memoryless channels using density evolution techniques. We observe that the structured irregularity in the Tanner graph of

Human Glandular Kallikrein 2

Human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) is a serine protease, which is predominantly expressed by the prostate gland and found in seminal plasma at mean levels of 6 mg/ml. It has 79% amino acid sequence identity with prostate-specific antigen (PSA or hK3). The aim of this work was to produce hK2 by recombinant expression technologies in order to study its biochemical and biological properties and its

Hydro-mechanical properties of a water unsaturated sodium bentonite. Laboratory study and theoretical interpretation

Highly compacted bentonite has been proposed as the buffer material in the Swedish concept for the disposal of nuclear waste. To increase the knowledge of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated swelling bentonite a series of laboratory experiments was carried out. The main purpose was to conceptually model the hydro-mechanical behaviour of the bentonite. The influence of testing techniques

Population ecology and management of waders breeding on coastal meadows

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hårt trängda vadare på strandängar Kustnära ängsmarker har utnyttjats av människan i hundratals, i vissa fall mer än i tusen år, som betesmarker för kreatur samt till slåtter för vinterfoder åt djuren. Dessa marker, till stor del skapade av människan, är attraktiva för många fågelarter. Här lägger dom sina bon och i anslutning till ängarna finns rikligt med mat till båMany wader (Charadrii) populations are declining throughout in Europe, but the underlying causes are often poorly known and diverse. To fully grasp the reasons behind declines in vulnerable wader populations, it is crucial to understand the demography. In my thesis, I have focused on the viability and management of waders occurring on coastal meadows in the Baltic Sea using redshank (Tringa totanu

Integrated optical read-out for polymeric cantilever-based sensors

Popular Abstract in Undetermined Denne afhandling præsenterer en ny udlæsnings metode udviklet til cantileverbaserede sensorer. Cantilevere er tynde vipper, der er fastgjorte i den ene ende, og som igennem de seneste ti °ar har vist sig at være en interessant ny type bio/kemisk sensor. Den specifikke genkendelse af et kemikalie viser sig ved at cantileveren bøjer som følge af det skabte overfladesThis thesis presents a novel read-out method developed for cantilever-based sensors. Cantilevers are thin beams clamped at one end and during the last 10 years they have emerged as an interesting new type of bio/chemical sensor. The specific recognition of a chemical manifests itself as a bending of the cantilever from the generated surface stress. Conventionally the read-out used for this type of