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The hypertension-prone man: A study on the pathogenesis of hypertension with regard to insulin sensitivity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Man har länge känt till att högt blodtryck {hypertoni}, bukfetma och sockersjuka {ålders diabetes} existerar samtidigt hos en och samma individ. Under de senaste decennierna har forskare försökt att hitta en gemensam mekanism till dessa tillstånd. Framför allt de senaste åren har man riktat uppmärksamheten mot det fett- och sockerreglerande hormonet insulin som tycks vaHypertensive individuals, even non-obese, have been shown to be resistant to the insulin-mediated glucose uptake in peripheral tissues {mainly skeletal muscle}. The aim of this study was to investigate hypothetical pathophysiological mechanisms for the development of hypertension with regard to insulin sensitivity in normotensive men with a family history of hypertension (RELs) as compared to men

Model Based Optimization of a Complete Diesel Engine/SCR System

Achieving upcoming emissions legislation (Euro VI) for heavy trucks is a serious challenge for the manufacturers. Apart from the increasingly strict limits on nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate emissions (PM), the limited amount of fossil fuels as well as alarming climate changes simultaneously drives the demand for low CO2 emissions. A likely solution to meet upcoming NOx limits is to use a co

Vårdmiljö eller lärandemiljö? : om personer med autism inom vuxenpsykiatrin

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling har den tillämpade psykiatrin som sitt forskningsfält och fokuserar på de problem som har samband med vård och behandling av vuxna patienter med autismspektrumstörning. Avhandlingens syfte är att medverka till att personal inom vuxenpsykiatrin får ökade kunskaper om de svårigheter med kontakt, kommunikation och tänkande som hänger samman med en autismdThe research field of the thesis is clinical adult psychiatry and it focuses on the treatment of patients with autism spectrum disorders. Before the publication of DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) in 1994 intellectually high-functioning patients with autism have not been included in diagnostic manuals and received appropriate treatment in adult psychiatry. In recent y

MTFC – en intervention för ungdomar med beteendeproblem

This thesis examines MTFC (Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care), a multi-modal treatment programme for youth with severe behaviour problems) in a Swedish context. In the United States, the programme has demonstrated encouraging treatment results using specialized foster homes as an alternative to restrictive residential care or group care. The foster parents provide a structured and therapeutic

Nonprofit Organizations Shaping the Market of Supplies

In the humanitarian aid context, the availability of essential commodities in the right quantities and at the right time and place is crucial for the survival of beneficiaries. In order to avoid the risks associated with a limited supplier base, non-profit organizations are increasingly becoming aware of the need to diversify their supply base and to include the for profit, or corporate sector. Si