Time-resolved spectroscopy of radiative and non-radiative decays in multiply charged ions
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This article gives a glimpse of the early development of Automatic Control in Sweden covering the period up to the mid 1960s. Much of the early developments took place in industry and the defence establishments. Process control, particularly in the pulp and paper industry, power systems, and military projects were strong drivers for the technology. The article ends with the emergence of control in
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Den fackliga organisationsgradens utveckling i Sverige mellan oktober 2006 och oktober 2007 redovisas. Under denna 12-månadersperiod föll andelen fackligt anslutna löntagare med drygt fyra procentenheter. Om man avrundar till heltal rör det sig om ett medlemsras på hela fem procentenheter, från 77 till 72 procent fackanslutna. Det är den största fackliga nedgången under loppet av ett enda år i Sve
This study has focused on: (i) differences in how males and females use the genes in the genome, (ii) how sex chromosomes evolve and (iii) how the evolutionary rate of genes are affected by the chromosome on which they are located on and the gene expression level they experience. A large-scale microarray was developed for the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata and techniques were developed so that t
In this paper an approach for employing risk and vulnerability analyses as the basis for emergency preparedness planning is discussed and exemplified using a case study. The study consisted of three connected parts: a broad scope hazard identification and analysis, an assessment of potential assistance needs should any of the hazards materialise and finally a mapping of actors and dependencies. Th